Humor Me Back to Blog

You know, every now and then, I really get in the mood for some fun. I don’t want serious drama. I don’t want some wrenching emotional roller coaster that will leave me feeling wiped out.

I just want a good time…or rather, I want a good, humorous book to read.

The problem is…sometimes it’s dang hard to find the perfect funny book. I mean, Oprah is out there with her bookclub…but those aren’t funny stories. Those would be the afore-mentioned tear-jerkers that I am trying to avoid.

So, in the interest of helping others out there who might be like me (searching for humor in a sometimes humor-less world!), I thought I might list a few of my favorite funny writers. These authors always make me grin, and sometimes they even make me laugh out loud. So, here they are:

MaryJanice Davidson
Jill Barnett (I’m referring to her old historicals, Bewitching and Dreaming–hey, they’re paranormals, and they’re incredibly funny!)
Erin McCarthy

Those ladies are my top three. Anybody want to add more?

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One response to “Humor Me”

  1. pilates fat says:

    Aw, this was a really quality post. In theory I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real effort to make a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and never seem to get something done.