SAVAGE ICE is here!

Posted in Latest News, Romance on June 25th, 2024 by Cynthia Eden

It’s book release day! SAVAGE ICE is officially available in print and ebook. How about a teaser?

Her hand fisted on his shirtfront. “You followed me.”

Was that a thread of fear in her voice? 

She was right to be afraid of him.  Most people were. He eased back and stared into her eyes. “I would never hurt you.”

She stared at him.

The blue lights swirled around them. Firefighters shouted orders. Neighbors kept right on gaping.

“I want to protect you.” Always had, always would. The years hadn’t changed that. She didn’t get it. She was his one good thing.  The person he’d saved. The person who looked at him and didn’t see a monster or criminal or—hell, evil. She saw more.

“You followed me,” she repeated.

Sweetheart, I’ve been following you for years. Not the time for that particular confession.  From the corner of his eye, he saw that uniformed cops were closing in on him.  “You’re in danger. I can protect you.”


It’s what I do. “Let’s get rid of the cops, and you’ll find out.”

She still had his shirtfront fisted in his hands. 

He waited, barely breathing and…

She nodded.

Fuck, yes.

Then she shot onto her toes. Her hand released his shirt but only so she could wrap her fingers around the nape of his neck and tug him toward her.  Then, against his ear, she whispered, “I don’t trust you, Beau LeBlanc.”

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SAVAGE ICE – Coming on 6/25!

Posted in Latest News, Romance on June 24th, 2024 by Cynthia Eden

Tomorrow is the day! SAVAGE ICE will be available on 6/25/24!

“I can tell you exactly why the cops are here.” She wet her lips. Nearly had him growling. But then she continued, “And when I do that, you can tell me why you’re pretending that you don’t know exactly who I am.”

He almost forgot to breathe. And he didn’t do that shit. He wasn’t some dumb punk. “You told me you were Avalon—”

She leaned over the bar and grabbed his shirtfront in her hand. Fisted it. “Listen, Mr. Big, Bad, and Dangerous.”   

He looked down at her hand. 

“I remember you.” Low. Husky. “It’s pretty hard to forget the man who saved my life, even if he has grown up to have insane muscles, a jaw that looks like granite couldn’t chip it, and eyes that have me feeling like you’ve stripped me naked a dozen times since we first started talking.”

Shit. He’d been trying not to look too hungry. But in his mind, hell, yes, he’d stripped her naked more than a dozen times already.

“I remember you,” she repeated, even softer. “Hard for a girl to forget her hero.”

His eyes slowly lifted until they locked on hers. “You are making a mistake.” She should understand that fact right now. “I’m no one’s hero.”

“You are mine.” She jerked him forward and planted her lips on his. 

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Posted in Latest News, Romance on June 22nd, 2024 by Cynthia Eden

She flashed her killer smile again as she extended her hand across the counter. “Hi, I’m Avalon.”

𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤. He’d never been able to forget her, while, apparently, he didn’t even rate in her mind. Call a guy a hero once, change his life forever, then forget him. Typical.

But then, it had been years. And she hadn’t seen him since he’d been a beaten and burned kid. While he…

Ah, yeah, he’d seen her plenty since that fateful night.


SAVAGE ICE will be here on 6/25!❤

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SAVAGE ICE – Prologue and Chapter One

Posted in Latest News, Romance on June 20th, 2024 by Cynthia Eden

We are just days away from the 6/25 release of SAVAGE ICE! I can’t wait for you to read Beau’s story…and, well, *why* wait? You can get an early look at my new romantic suspense right now. I’ve got the prologue and first chapter of SAVAGE ICE up on my website.

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Posted in Romance, Latest News on May 6th, 2024 by Cynthia Eden

Let’s start this week with a S*A*L*E! 😍

Right now, you can snag the ebook of HOW TO HEAL A HEARTBREAK for just .99 at major ebook retailers!! If you haven’t read this book before, this is a perfect time to meet former MMA hero Holden Blackwell.

He’s never run from a fight, and he’s not about to start now.

Holden Blackwell, former MMA fighter and current all-around problem solver for the rich and famous, never expects for his ex to appear in his office, asking for his help. Sure, Claudia Fairmont haunts his dreams—and his waking hours—but she hates him, with good reason. Once upon a time, she swore that he’d be the last man she ever needed.

Unfortunately, he’s the only one who can help her now.

The fighter with the tats and muscles for days broke her heart. Crushed it in his powerful fist. She’d vowed never to go back to him, but, now she has no choice. Danger is stalking her. And if there is one thing that Holden can handle? It’s danger. After all, he was the one person who always made her feel safe. She could very much use some safety in the madness of her life. But safety comes with a heavy price.

Temptation. Secrets. And a second chance?

To unmask the threat, Holden has to slip into Claudia’s life and stay intimately close. Luckily, he has the perfect plan already in mind. They’ll pretend to be reunited lovers. He’ll act as if he wants her desperately. That he can’t live without her any longer…A situation that is not far from reality. Because while he’s more than ready to eliminate any and every threat to her, Holden also has plans of his own. An agenda that is long, long overdue.

Step one: Get close to Claudia.
Step two: Prove that he can be the man she needs.
Step three: Eliminate every threat.
Step four: Heal the heart he broke.

This is the biggest and most important battle of his life. It doesn’t matter how many rounds he has to fight, he will go to the mat again and again for Claudia. There is no one who matters more to him, and he will prove himself to her. So ring the bell and let the match begin…

Danger. Romance. Steam. Fun. Another Wilde adventure is waiting for you as this hero goes rogue in order to reclaim the love that he lost. Fight dirty? Get bloody? Bring it. Holden is more than ready to show just how bad he can be for the good girl he lost. No cliffhangers. HEA guaranteed.

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