Gearing up for Halloween…

Posted in Romance on September 30th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

I couldn’t wait any longer..I had to get my decorations out, had to start gearing up for the big day…Halloween.

At the side, you’ll see photos of a few of my favorite decorations. When I was younger (yep, back in the day when I still lived with my parents–the kiddie and teen years), I prided myself on having the scariest house on the block. I wouldn’t decorate until Halloween–I’d start early in the afternoon and work until just before dusk. I’d use the standard tricks–lots of fake spiderweb, a scarecrow armed with a glowing machete (Okay, to be perfectly honest, sometimes I’d use two scarecrows–one was the real, stuffed variety and the second was a replica knight in shining armor that I’d cover with a sheet and fit with a “Jason” mask–trust me, it scared the kiddies!). To spice things up, I’d also borrow one of my brother’s remote control cars. I’d put a grusome mask over the car, hide the new tiny monster in the shadows and spiderweb on the porch, and wait until an unsuspecting trick-or-treater approached my house. Then, showtime! I’d send my car monster racing across the porch–just as the trick-or-treater stepped on the hidden scream mat (you know the type, it’s a welcome mat you step on that will scream at you). The trick-or-treaters would unvariably scream in return. Ah, the fun.

What about you? Does anyone have any Halloween memories to share?

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And the winner is…

Posted in Romance on September 30th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

All of the entries have now been logged and entered in my Magical Powers/Wizard contest. I held a random drawing, and the winner selected was…PamK! Congratulations! I’ll be contacting you shortly regarding your prize.

Thank you to everyone who entered. The entries were great and I had a fantastic time learning about the powers everyone would like to have.

Please stay tuned–I’ll be hosting another contest very soon!

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Available at Fictionwise

Posted in Romance on September 25th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

Just a quick note to let everyone know that The Wizard’s Spell is now available as an ebook at Currently, there is a 15% discount on the price (since it is a new listing). Also, the first chapter of the tale is up at Fictionwise (a nice, long excerpt!).

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Magical Powers/Wizard Contest

Posted in Romance on September 22nd, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

The deadline for my Magical Powers Contest is fast approaching! If you’d like to win an autographed copy of The Wizard’s Spell, then answer this question (in 50 words or less!): If you could have any magical power, what would it be and why? Send your response to with the subject of Wizard Contest. The winner of this contest will be selected on September 30, 2006. I’ve already received many great entries (some are posted on my contest page). Check out the entries and send me your response today! Good luck!

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Writing a Synopsis

Posted in Romance on September 15th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

Yesterday, I finished writing the synopsis for my new WIP. I’ve got to admit–writing a synopsis is one of my least favorite (writing-oriented) things to do. Condensing approximately 400 pages down into six pages just isn’t fun for me. I much prefer writing back cover copy–and that might sound a little crazy because when I do the back cover copy, I’m condensing 400 pages into, well, a few paragraphs. However, I think I like the back cover copy because I’m writing “teaser” information to draw in the reader. It’s the big picture info, the drama, the lure. But with a synopsis, I don’t get to tease the reader, I’ve got to spill all the hard facts of the story.

So, spill I did. And I’m sure glad that’s done!

Here are a few sites I’ve found to be helpful in regard to writing the dreaded synopsis:

Writing a Novel Synopsis

How I Eat–Er, Write a Synopsis

How to Avoid Top Ten Mistakes…

The Synopsis by Stella Cameron

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