Magical Powers/Wizard Contest

Posted in Romance on September 22nd, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

The deadline for my Magical Powers Contest is fast approaching! If you’d like to win an autographed copy of The Wizard’s Spell, then answer this question (in 50 words or less!): If you could have any magical power, what would it be and why? Send your response to with the subject of Wizard Contest. The winner of this contest will be selected on September 30, 2006. I’ve already received many great entries (some are posted on my contest page). Check out the entries and send me your response today! Good luck!

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Writing a Synopsis

Posted in Romance on September 15th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

Yesterday, I finished writing the synopsis for my new WIP. I’ve got to admit–writing a synopsis is one of my least favorite (writing-oriented) things to do. Condensing approximately 400 pages down into six pages just isn’t fun for me. I much prefer writing back cover copy–and that might sound a little crazy because when I do the back cover copy, I’m condensing 400 pages into, well, a few paragraphs. However, I think I like the back cover copy because I’m writing “teaser” information to draw in the reader. It’s the big picture info, the drama, the lure. But with a synopsis, I don’t get to tease the reader, I’ve got to spill all the hard facts of the story.

So, spill I did. And I’m sure glad that’s done!

Here are a few sites I’ve found to be helpful in regard to writing the dreaded synopsis:

Writing a Novel Synopsis

How I Eat–Er, Write a Synopsis

How to Avoid Top Ten Mistakes…

The Synopsis by Stella Cameron

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September 11

Posted in Romance on September 11th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

My thoughts and prayers go to all of those people who lost their loved ones in the attacks on September 11.

I’ve been watching the memorial services on TV today, and the events just seem so surreal to me. So much death. And so much courage in the face of evil.

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Option Clause

Posted in Romance on September 10th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

Saskia Walker has a great post up about option clauses in writing contracts. If you’re a writer, you should definitely check it out!

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The Covenant

Posted in Romance on September 9th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden

So I saw The Covenant today–yeah, I know it’s a film about high school students–but they were witches–I had to see it! Unfortunately, it was a bit disappointing.

Every time one of the guys (and yes, only guys got to do magic in this flick) used his power, his eyes flashed to black. Um, kind of obvious, isn’t it? If you’re trying to keep your magical super-powers secret, having a black eye flashing situation isn’t exactly on the low down. I mean, people can tell when your entire eye goes black! Of course, people all also notice little things like flying Hummers.

I knew I was in trouble with this film when I started creating alternate movie plots in my head. Never a good sign. But I toughed it out until the end. Keep hoping for an awesome surprise…but I just didn’t get it.

The actors did a good job, but the script could have been so much better. And I really, really would have liked the movie more if the female characters did more than just dance for the guys…

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