The Next Big Thing

Posted in Romance on December 5th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Last week, the lovely Vanessa Kelly (author of HIS MISTLETOE BRIDE) tagged me in THE NEXT BIG THING. In THE NEXT BIG THING, tagged authors chat about their current projects. So…here we go. šŸ˜‰


What is your working title of your book? Ā GLITTER AND GUNFIRE

Where did the idea come from for the book?Ā  This book is part of my “Shadow Agents” series for Harlequin Intrigue–I love writing about the dark, dangerous heroes who spend so much of their lives hidden in the shadows.

What genre does your book fall under? Romantic suspense

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?Ā  Tough call!!! Hmmm…I’d pick Jensen Ackles (from Supernatural)Ā  as the hero and Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) as my heroine.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?Ā  When Cassidy Sherridan is targeted for death, the one man who can save her life is also the one man she can’t live without…

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? This book will be published by Harlequin Intrigue.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? It usually takes about a month for me to write a draft.

Who or what inspired you to write this book? I’ve always been interested in the “protector” hero idea–and that type of hero is getting center-stage in this novel. But, of course, that doesn’t mean that my heroine is weak (far from it!). She’s a very tricky woman, with plenty of secrets.

What else about your book might pique the readerā€™s interest? Secrets, death, a hero willing to risk his life for the heroine…lies, betrayal, and a love that can’t be stopped–all are within the pages of this book. šŸ˜‰


Now, according to the rules of THE NEXT BIG THING, I am supposed to tag five more authors to participate.Ā  Only, I’ve been snowed under by the madness of the holidays and writing deadlines, so I didn’t get to contact 5 other writers! Doh! So, if you’re a writer and you’re reading this post, please consider yourself tagged.Ā  Next Wednesday, you get to answer the same questions on your blog. If you want me to email the questions to you, I’ll be glad to do so! Just shoot me a note at

Have a great day!


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Posted in Romance on November 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Thank you all for coming to my DECK THE HALLS party!Ā  All of the giveaways are now closed.Ā  I will go back through all the comments (and make sure none were caught in moderation or accidentally marked as spam by the system).Ā  I’ll start announcing winners (and sending direct emails to those winners) tonight.

But, just because the party is over, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still win other things.

Here are a few other events that are going on now:

Over at the Brava Blog, I’m giving away a $10 gift card.

At Book Lovin’ Mamas, you can enter to win a digital copy of ANGEL IN CHAINS and $15 gift card.

And at the Under The Covers Book Blog, three Fallen books are being given away.

Thank you, again, for helping me to celebrate. And please stay tuned for the list of winners!!!

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Caridad Pineiro, A few of her favorite things…and Shutterfly (gift card!)

Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of the SHUTTERFLY gift card is…elaing8 ! Caridad also offered up the prize of her novella, NOCTURNAL WHISPERS–the winner of that novella is Raonaid.Ā  Congrats!!

I can’t believe it–our last party post!!! Where did the day (and night) go?! Please remember, though, that all giveaways will stay open until noon (Central time) tomorrow. So if you haven’t entered all of the giveaways yet, there’s still time!!

And, since this is the last post, well, the perfect party person is wrapping things up for us–my friend (and amazingly talented author) Caridad Pineiro. Caridad, thank you so much for coming by! It’s always a pleasure when you visit!

Ā ***

There are so many special things about the upcoming Christmas holidays and I want to thank Cynthia for having me here to share them with you!Ā  So in no particular order, here goes:

The one movie I always try to watch is HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS.Ā  I love the ending where the Grinch realizes what is the true gift of the holiday season.

My favorite dessert, other than my sister’s wonderful flan, is fruit cake.Ā  I’m the only one in my family that likes it, so I always have to buy myself a little loaf to enjoy.

The song that always makes me cry is ā€œI’ll be home for Christmas.ā€Ā  I guess I cry because I know there are many people, like our military and their families, that can’t be home and I’m very thankful for them and the sacrifices they make for us.

I love walking in the woods with my hubby and daughter to pick out a tree and chop it down.

My favorite food is roast pork on Christmas Eve.Ā  This is a family tradition since we’re of Cuban descent, but I also make my hubby’s favorite ā€“ stuffed squid ā€“ since he’s of Italian descent.

I love spending time with my family and friends on Christmas Eve!Ā  It’s great to get together, share what’s happening in our lives, and enjoy the wonderful spirit of the holidays.

I do like getting gifts on Christmas Eve and when Santa comes on Christmas Day, but I also love givingĀ  to others.Ā  I try to do that in a variety of ways and this year this hits especially close to home in light of all the damage that Hurricane Sandy has done to my beloved Jersey Shore.

To help others, Iā€™m going to donate my share of the proceeds from sales of my newest release, THE PRINCEā€™S GAMBLE, from now until March 1, 2013 to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund.Ā  THE PRINCEā€™S GAMBLE is available for download at Amazon via this link: or buy it at B&N with this link:



Thank you, Cynthia for having me with you today.Ā  I want to wish you and everyone else a very happy holiday season and share this picture of me and my little sister with you!Ā  The tree reminds me of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, another holiday favorite of mine.



Caridad, I love that picture!! And thank you for sharing your favorite holiday things with us…And now it’s time for readers to share. What are “a few of your favorite things” about the holidays?Ā  Since Caridad shared a photo, she inspired this post’s prize–a $25 gift certificate to With the gift certificate, you can print holiday greeting cards–or even print up the photos that capture your new holiday memories.Ā 

Thank you all so much for coming to my party. I hope you enjoyed the posts! Happy Holidays!Ā Ā Ā  –Cynthia


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Janet Breakfield, A Sweet Treat, and a Godiva Prize

Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The Godiva Chocolate is going to…Joyce! Congrats!!


Ready for another great holiday recipe?Ā  This time, author Janet Breakfield is here to offer up a dish for readers–and one lucky commenter will win

So…are you in the mood for something sweet? (Heck, when am I not in the mood for that?) On to Janet’s post!!



Here’s a little something sweet for your holiday season!

A southern tradition around this time of year is “White Pecan Fudge”



2 cups sugar

1/2 cup sour cream

1/3 cup light corn syrup

1/4 tsp. salt

2 tsp. vanilla or rum extract

1/4 cup candied cherries

1 cup coarsely chopped pecans


Combine sugar, sour cream, corn syrup, butter and salt in saucepan; bring to boil over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil, without stirring, to 236 degrees on candy thermometer, or until a little mixture dropped in cold water forms a ball. Remove from heat and let stand about 15 minutes; don not stir. Add flavoring and beat until mixture starts to lose its gloss, 8 or 9 minutes. Quickly stir in cherries and pecans; then pour into greased 8 x 8 inch utility dish. Cool; cut into squares. Makes about 1 1/2 pounds of candy.





Oh, Janet, I will!!! And since you offered a sweet recipe, I will go with a sweet theme–for this giveaway, one commenter will win a box of Godiva chocolate (that counts as sweet, right?) To enter the giveaway, tell Janet your favorite decadent treat…or you can leave her a question, too. All comments work!

And now, for a peek at Janet’s latest work…

Bayou Guardian was released on Halloween Day 2012 and is the third book in the Bayou Series following Bayou Legend and then Sacred Bayou. It and all my books are available at,,

Or visit my webiste at


About the story:

Wildlife photographer Olyvia Rayne has just learned of her Fatherā€™s death and must return to Pier Part, Louisiana to take care of his affairs. She hasnā€™t seen her father in over eleven years, having left the bayou with her Mother to live in Baton Rouge when she was fifteen. Now at twenty six, she hasnā€™t seen her high school friend Gunner Robichaux since she left. And heā€™s certainly changed. Heā€™s now a tall, hot, mouth watering morsel. And heā€™s interested in her. Really interested to the point of obsession. But Oly is afraid to trust anyone. Especially a man sheā€™s so attracted to. But Gunner has loved her all his life and will do anything to make her his.


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Holiday Wishes

Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: Thank you for sharing your holiday wishes with me. I read through all of the comments–okay, I’ll confess I did that twice–because you made me cry.Ā  There are just so many incredibly good people out in the world, and I was reminded of that fact as I read the comments. I know some of you are going through some very serious issues right now, and my prayers and good thoughts are going out to you.Ā  Whether you made a big wish or a small one, I want that wish to come true.Ā Ā  I hope the holidays are good to you all–and that you all get exactly what you wished for.

I used the random generator to pick my winner (that’s how I’m picking all of the prizes unless the guest author has already picked), and the winner of the $50 gift card is Valerie M. Congratulations, Valerie!

This post is short and sweet–and it’s simply for wishes. What do you wish for this holiday season? Big or small, just share it. We should all take the time to make a wish, so please, make yours.

For the prize on this post? One random commenter will be selected to receive a $50 gift cardā€”to help make her/his wish come true.

And I do hope that *all* of your holiday wishes come true. I hope the coming season brings magic to you!

I suspect they wish not to be eaten...what are you wishing for?


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