Time for a Secret. Back to Blog

Update:Β  The winner of the Victoria Secret gift card is…Regina R! Congrats!

In the past, I’ve offered giveaways that tied in with my “angel” theme (since I’ve got my Fallen books).Β  Readers seemed to particularly enjoy one of those giveaways…the Victoria’s Secret Angel gift card. πŸ˜‰Β  So, while HOWL FOR IT doesn’t feature an angel (just a sexy werewolf), I still wanted to offer up that gift card prize.Β  Come on, what kind of party would this be without a little sexy fun?Β  So this hour’s giveaway is a $25 Victoria Secret’s Angel gift card.

And, since we’re talking angels, I’ll go ahead and share the cover and blurb for my next angel release, ANGEL IN CHAINS.


As a fallen Angel of Death, Azrael is cursed to walk the earth alone in search of redemption. One night, as he wanders the streets of New Orleans, he discovers a woman surrounded by panther shifters.Β  No longer able to contain the anger simmering within, Az summons his dark powers and attacks, determined to protect this innocent human from certain death.

Only Jade Pierce is no delicate flower.Β  She’s spent years learning to survive and fight the evil forces sent by her ex-lover who refuses to let her go. But after seeing Az in action, she figures she could use a little supernatural help. And so she plans a course of seduction guaranteed to arouse his interest and his angelic passions…


Want to win the Victoria’s Secret gift card?Β  Tell me…if you were an angel, what would tempt you to fall from grace?Β  (Giveaway open until noon onΒ  8/28/12–Central time. Random winner selected from the comments.)

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129 responses to “Time for a Secret.”

  1. samantha atkin says:

    What would tempt me to fall from grace..that’s easy alexander skarsgard…

  2. Valerie Long says:

    Hmmm tough one, I guess being able to have free will or a true soul mate to love for the rest of my life would tempt me to fall.

  3. Norma says:

    The only thing that would make me “fall from grace” is my wonderful husband, Dan. I love him very much!

  4. Kelsey S. says:

    I love these giveaways. I think a bad boy is what would tempt me to fall from grace.

    kesummer69 at gmail dot com

  5. Regina Ross says:

    Definitely a bad boy πŸ™‚

  6. Chelsea B. says:

    Definitely love. Or chocolate. But mostly love πŸ˜‰

  7. Chris Bails says:

    So many temptations. Very hard to fall from grace, but either Alexander Skaarsgard or Joe Manganiello could do it. Those two are just gorgeous.

  8. Rhonda S. says:

    Humm A bad boy or Chocolate the bad boy would have to be an alfa male though

  9. Michele says:

    Chocolate would be my downfall…can’t help myself πŸ™‚

  10. Tala says:

    Hard one to pick. I’d have to go with true love.

  11. Brooke F. says:

    A soul mate. I’m a sucker for love (and here’s to hoping that soul mate was a strong alpha male bad boy.. who gives chocolate as an “I’m sorry” gift) πŸ˜‰

  12. Josette Schaber says:

    Cherry Coke LOL – I’ve given up for my diet and miss it tremendously πŸ˜‰ Chai Tea Latte’s because they have more calories than a Cherry Coke, but I can still have them LOL

  13. Melissa B says:

    Oooh….that is HARD, Cynthia. It’d have to be TRUE love ~ and it would have to be to a baddie bad ass. ‘Cuz if you’re gonna FALL, you have to FALL, right?

  14. Amy W says:

    Temptation for me would have to be candy. I have such a horrible sweet tooth, you give me Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and I’m falling all the way πŸ˜€

  15. Caila says:

    I would fall for my beautiful, amazing partner every time. She makes a heaven on earth wherever she is.

  16. maria pena says:

    Dancer Dmitry Chaplin. I already told my hubby if i had chance he is the one, my hubby just laughed..lol

  17. Vicki H says:

    True love maybe. Have yet to have it so wouldn’t want to lose it if I did!

  18. Cindy B. says:

    Starbuck’s Mocha Frappe would probably tempt me.

  19. Dina says:

    wow I’ve never been that tempted, lol. But true love with a soulmate who be it for me

  20. patti silva says:

    My husband and soul mate and for the sake of my children.

  21. Keisha Talley says:

    A great sense of humor

  22. Annika says:

    Oh, probably a number of things. Love for sure, most likely lust too. Salty licorice. Books with dirty smexing. The list could go on. I would be a terrible angel obviously πŸ™‚

  23. Elizabeth H. says:

    David Gandy *sigh*

  24. Amy R says:

    Cynthia – you are too good to your readers, you know that?Tempted to fall from grace? Love of course. And I would do just about anything if my husband and kids were on the line!

  25. Jackie U says:

    The patent answer would be love, but honestly, a good cup of coffee would probably do it! πŸ˜‰

  26. Elena says:

    Hmmm… true happiness and love. And maybe gummie bears…. πŸ™‚

  27. JeanMP says:

    True love definitely.

  28. Marianne says:

    A bad boy definately!

  29. Savannah Miller says:

    hmmmm well my kids I would do anything for them

    And OMG I can’t wait for Azrael’s book!! I loved him even when he was a jerk in Angel of Darkness πŸ™‚ He may even replace Niol as my favorite Cynthia Eden hero! and yes me and my little sister have long debates about your hero’s and which is our favorite and who could kick who’s butt!!!

  30. Milly says:

    I think my son and true love would definitely make me fall from grace.

  31. Carey Sturgeon says:

    Joseph Gordon Levitt! Come on! πŸ™‚ He is beautiful.

  32. Ebony says:

    Love is a beautiful thing.

  33. Amber says:

    Love. That’s really the only reason I think anyone would fall from grace. πŸ™‚

  34. Heather M says:

    I would be tempted to fall if I could have the chance to save a family member or loved one.

  35. Michelle Bledsoe says:

    UMMM??? Christian Kane and chocolate…Christian Kane IN chocolate…..MMMMMMM

  36. Ebony says:

    If I was an angel the thing that would tempt me would be dean winchester from supernatural. Those eyes

  37. Hilleary Peterson says:

    Big alpha male, love

  38. cait045 says:

    To be with the ones I love I would fall.

  39. Glittergirl says:

    Fall from grace?…hummmm, finding and being captured by my forever loving, true life-mate.

    P.S. My wonderful daughter is an Assistant Manager of a Victoria’s Secret here in my hometown. I can vouch for the wonderful stuff at VS. Thanks to her I have color coordinated sexy undies for the first time…thanks sweetie πŸ™‚

  40. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Cheesecake? LOL.. Or a hot alpha speaking gaelic and in a kilt…

  41. Rita Wray says:

    A guy who looks like the one on the cover of the book would tempt me for sure.LOL

  42. Jeannie Platt says:

    Lets see if I were to fall from grace it would have to be for something big… So I am going to say rebelling to save my boys and hubby… For I have my soulmate in him and i would move heaven and earth to keep him and my boys safe grace be damned. And you can bet the one harming them couldn’t find a place to hide.

  43. Texas Book Lover says:

    One of your bad boys with some dark chocolate!

    Sorry I have chocolate on the brain. I just finished reading the Lucky Harbor series and there is so much freaking chocolate talk in those books it is hard to resist.

  44. Tiffaney says:

    Hmmm, if I were to fall from grace it would probably be to save someone I loved. Thank you for all of these giveaways!

  45. CrystalGB says:

    A sexy, bad boy would tempt me to fall from grace. πŸ™‚

  46. I love this cover!!!

    If I was an angel, a bad ass vampire trying to seduce me would definitely make me fall from grace. I am weak when it comes to sexy men. If Eric from True Blood tried to make me go bad, all my angel training would fly out the window and I’d be in his bed in a heartbeat. LOL

  47. Emily Tardy says:

    A sexy alpha male bad boy shifter!

  48. Alisia says:

    true love with a sexy bad(but good too) boy thats perfect for me would make me fall ahaha!

  49. Suzy V says:

    I nice glass of port wine, with some dark chocolate, while taking a bubble bath while having my feet rubbed.

  50. Larena Hubble says:

    One look from my husband would have done it.