Spread the Word…MINE TO TAKE is only .99! Back to Blog

THANK YOU for helping me to spread the word! Thank you!!!! The winners were randomly selected, and those individuals are:

$50 gift card – Carly

$25 gift card – Valerie

5 early SHARPSHOOTER copies are going to: Texas Booklover, Jessica, Andrea F., Jackie W., and Gladys.

Congratulations! All winners will receive an email ASAP! 

*****Second update…Gladys, my email to you bounced back.  ;(  When you have a chance, please send me a note at cynthia@cynthiaeden.com to claim your prize. Thanks!


Lust. Love. Obsession.

How far would you go to possess the person you want the most?


There are just a few more days left in my .99 MINE TO TAKE sale.  Want to help me spread the word about this deal on my dark & sexy new romantic suspense?  There are prizes involved. 😉

What to do:

If you want to enter the giveaway, just share the news about MINE TO TAKE. You could put up a Facebook post about the book, you can share the cover, you can tweet about the book, you can blog about it, etc–whatever works for you!  (Please note: if you tweet about the book, use the #MineToTake hashtag so that I will see your entries. If you post on another venue–like Facebook or your blog–just leave me a note in the comments section to tell me about that post.)  Each time you post, that posting counts as one entry.  So multiple posts count as multiple entries. And, yes, you can post on multiple days.

The prizes:

Want to know about the prizes? Here we go…

$50 Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble gift card

$25 Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble gift card

5 early copies (as in, I’ll send them out next week and you don’t have to wait for the August release) of SHARPSHOOTER, my next Harlequin Intrigue


Contest-y Details:

The contest will run from now until midnight on Saturday (6/22).  Winners will all be contacted on Sunday, 6/23.

Thanks so much for helping me to spread my MINE TO TAKE sale news!



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96 responses to “Spread the Word…MINE TO TAKE is only .99!”

  1. Debbie McLean says:

    I absolutely love Mine to Take. My kindle file was open within seconds and read too fast! This book is every bit as good as the other’s I’ve read. Keep them coming!

  2. The Warrior says:

    you know I already shared on fb 😉

  3. Valerie says:

    Spreading the word.. 😉

  4. Jackie Woodland says:

    Have read loved it :). Shared on facebook…

  5. Melodie Blankenship says:

    Totally recommended to a friend but posting again! Loved this book!

  6. Denise Z says:

    Spread the word on twitter, facebook, and pinterest. Thank you for the great sale and treat of a giveaway opportunity.

  7. I read the ebook of Mine to Take that you sent me in one sitting. It was fab and I did a review. Loved it. Thank you.

  8. Shared also. Love love your books.

  9. Ana Lucía says:

    I tweeted and here is the link, just in case: https://twitter.com/luarroyave/status/347447442020642816

  10. Timitra says:

    I tweeted using @taccb

  11. carly says:

    shared on fb but it wont let me share the link….???

  12. Viki S. says:

    Tweeted. Pinned. Shared 🙂

  13. Kristine R says:

    I shared on my facebook
    as well as your facebook post.

    I always love to help you spread the word

  14. Shared on facebook 🙂 Thanks for being so awesome! I’ll let you know when the review hits the website!

  15. Jane says:

    Congrats on the new release, Cynthia. I tweeted. https://twitter.com/midnightjanie/status/347456090071519232

  16. Heather says:

    Facebook and Twitter.

  17. Hilleary Peterson says:

    Tweeted, FB shared, and Goodreads review, Amazon review

  18. Jennifer Essad says:

    I left a facebook message and a tweet
    Thank you for offering your fans an awesome contest!

  19. Gladys says:

    Yes I have this on my Kindle in my TBR pile but I will be sharing this news once again.

  20. carly says:

    recommended it to my best friend 🙂

  21. Diane says:

    Right on FB!!!

    Congratulations! I’ve got it on Kobo!

  22. Jessica Hale says:

    Shared on fb under Jessica Parsons
    shared on twitter @blaisezillah

    loved the book

  23. Ruth Gutscher says:

    I absolutely loved Mine to Take from cover to cover ! can’t wait for the next one !!!

  24. Karen Hawk says:

    It is shared on my facebook account:https://www.facebook.com/karen.hawk.77

  25. Stephanie F. says:

    Shared on Twitter, Facebook, Pin and Blog




  26. Retweeting counts, right?

    I also shared on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115925743640520349448/posts

  27. donna reynolds says:

    shared on Facebook and retweeted

  28. Michele says:

    Spreading the word, tweet tweet 🙂


    MINE TO TAKE was a great book Cynthia, couldn’t put it down 😀

  29. ElaineSay says:

    Shared on Facebook! Shared your post! 🙂

  30. ElaineSay says:

    Tweeted on twitter!
    I used hashtag!

  31. kp says:

    Shared on facebook!

  32. leann says:

    Shared on my fb page
    https://www.facebook.com/leann.meier Thank You for the chance at this giveaway.:-)