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Update: The Kindle winner is: Amber Schaber. Congrats!
I bet you can guess what item I’m giving away just by the title, right? Because, yes, the next prize that I have up for grabs is a Kindle. This one right here.
When I was a kid, I loved to read fairy tales. As I got older, I transitioned away from fairy tales and started reading those wonderfully scary stories by Christopher Pike. I loved a good thrill and chill. Still do. And those early reads inspire me even now.
When I wrote my BOUND (vampire and werewolf) books, I used fairy tales as the inspiration for those stories. My contribution to HOWL FOR IT came from my unending love for the Little Red Riding Hood tale. Some stories just stay with you long after “The End” and, for me–well, it’s those stories that stay with me that I enjoy the most.
But what about you? When you were a kid, what stories stayed with you the most? Is there a story that you still enjoy today?
(You know the way this works by now, but…the giveaway will stay open until noon–Central time–on 8/29/12. A random winner will be selected. Good luck!)
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Okay, I’m sticking with American Werewolf…
Nancy Drew has stayed with me a lot. And I know this is like , for a little child, but the Bernstein Bear books always come to mind when I think of childhood reading.
I always loved the narnia books. I love it when good overcomes evil. Beauty and the beast. I always felt sorry for the beast. And it is a true that sometimes beauty is only skin deep.
Goldilocks and the three bears. I always see potential for a shifter story in this tale.
Also Pride and Prjuidice. I loved that novel. On the surface you see nothing but a coldness in Darcy. Then later you see the warm heart of a generous hero.
Can’t wait to read howl for it.
Fairytales are it for me 🙂 Love me a good HEA… and my favorite to this day is Sleeping Beauty!!!!
My mom have me her Nancy Drew books which i turned and have my daughter.
When I think of my childhood and the books I remember it would have to be the Golden Books. Loved reading those as a child and every time I see one of their books, takes me back 🙂
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I like the book, but the movie scared the crap out of me. Seriously, worse than The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock! The scene where the girl blows up into a huge blueberry and the scene where the little boy gets sucked up the chocolate tube. CRIPES!!
Loved Beverly Cleary books!! I could sit in my room and read and read. Loved everything of hers growing up 🙂
Beauty and the Beast. I love retellings of fairy tales but I am especially drawn to Beauty and the Beast stories, which is probably why I love fantasy books so much 🙂
I am a Happily Ever After girl so it’s always been fairy tales for me and always will be. Love books that give them different twists 🙂
I was raised on fairy tales. Seriously. My mother had an encyclopedia of fairy tales and would read a story to us every night. Of course I liked Cinderella and the others, but my pick is Puss in Boots. This was a cat who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it.
Beauty and the Beast! Always.
When I was a kid the story that stayed with me the most (I am not sure what age group “kid” includes, I may have been around 12) was Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. Every time it is foggy I think of The Mist, one of the stories in Skeleton Crew that was later made into a move (of course the book was better :O).
I was a ballet dancer when I was young and my favorite book ever was Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild about 3 young orphan girls who join a dance troupe to earn money to help out their guardian. This is just a wonderful book.
As a young child it was Dr. Seuss and a favorite Christmas book called The Sweet Smell of Christmas which is a scratch and sniff book.
As a pre-teen, definitely Nancy Drew and Judy Blume.
Teen- V.C. Andrews
Well, what comes to mind for men is the Animorphs books, not a specific one though, as I read any I could get my hands on.
Snow White
Cinderella was the first movie I ever saw in a movie theater. That story still sticks with me today!
Thanks for the awesome contests!!!
The stories that stuck with me the most were the first I read as a child in school! To be honest I do not remember the names… but I am eager to see if my sons will read the same stories
Honestly I used to read all of the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Books. Those were my favorites back then. I did love all of the fairy tales too though.
Narnia. Most absolutely and definitely Narnia. It was the first set of books to stretch my imagination and reveal to me the wonders of magic and fantasy!
Always loved HEA endings, so fairytales when I was younger. But found I enjoyed the paranormal twist to HEA now,
Cinderella because when your a kid you always felt that it WAS your life lol!!!
I fell in love with the Susan Cooper series, The Dark is Rising. I have read and re-read it so many times, I had to replace the books at least 4 times over the years. As an adult I still love to read them. I see something different every time.
When I first began reading on my own, I loved The Big Snow by Berta and Elmer Hader. I checked it out at the library over and over again. All these years later, I still remember where it was shelved! That was my first favorite story.
I’m a huge Cinderella fan. I was a sucker for Pretty Woman when it came out and it’s still one of my favorite movies. I also loved Sleeping Beauty. Who doesn’t want to be woken by their handsome prince 🙂
Iloved Nancy Drew. But I also loved the stories my Mama used to make up. I had a leprechaun doll named Paddy, Mama used to make up all kinds of adventures about
Mixed-Up Paddy – they were the best. I sure wished Mama had written them down, she passed in 1988.
Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on all the releases!
Early Steven King books/stories. Loved his earlier work. Second was Dean Koontz———another great.
Snow White and Cinderella were my favorites as a child.
The Little Mermaid has always been my favorite! I have read a few romance novels that the human world and mermaid world meet. I just love it. I also love Virginia Kantra’s Children of the Sea (Selkie Series)!
I would have to say the Amelia Bedlia Series. I always looked forward to reading those
I totally loved all the Nancy Drew series!! I wanted to have a girl so she would read them too, but I have a boy! Here we come Hardy Boys!!
I always loved fairy tales, I guess that predestined me to love romance stories 🙂 My favourite were Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. When I was older and able to read by myself my favourite books were the Anne series by L.M Montgomery and An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott. I still enjoy re-reading these when I need some comfort read 🙂
I have always been a reader and read above my level for a long time. I really never got into kid books because they bored me. 🙁 I wish know that I had at least read them. Silly as it is though, the books I remember most from my childhood were the Danny the Dinosaur books and Fireman Joe. See, my obsession with firemen started a LONG time ago. 🙂
Beauty & The Beast ~ and Snow White & Rose Red. Remember that one? You don’t hear it very much any more, but it always stuck in my mind. And I think I always loved Belle so much because she was such a book lover like me!!
The only thing I can think of is a book called On The Night Of The Seventh Moon
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and the Madeline series. Both brought out my love of reading. I could read any of them, any time any place, and be swept away!
Cinderella was my favorite as a kid and as a teenager any teen love story!!
Nancy Drew. Still have my set:)
I still own all of my Christopher Pike and RL Stine books. : ) They’re packed away at my boyfriend’s parent’s house, but I refuse to give them up. I can still read Remember Me and get chills!!
I have several that have stayed with me. The Little House books, The Ramona books, A Little Princess and the Anne of Green Gables books. I used to tell my sisters the Three Billy Goats and Goldilocks & the three bears for bedtime stories.
Robin Hood and Peter Pan. I love all versions.
hardy boys.. the Littles.. i still have just about every book ive ever had.. boxcar children.. and archie comics.. lol
My favourites were Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid. I loved the Disneys of course, but loved many other versions too. My favourite movie version of cinderella was Slipper and the Rose
I loved Nancy Drew as a kid but then drifted off from reading.
I am really glad I got back into reading because both my daughters love to read now. Hopefully this will stick with them since they see me reading all the time!
I was obsessed with Vampires from a very young age so for me it would be anything that had to do with Vampires or anything related. I also loved Steven King from a young age and old scary movies. I have always been in love with the dark
I’m the youngest of 3 and I remember growing up and getting ahold of this absoloutely battered copy of Hans Christian Andersen fairytales and I adored that book. All the stories had an edge to them that really appealed to me.
One that’s always stuck with me The Snow Queen, I loved it when the girl cried and her tears melted his heart and got rid of the glass shards. I always remember The Red Shoes, but not with as much fondness as it did scare me a little !:-)
I would have to go with some fairy tales too. I loved them. i think i like cinderella the most though.
I have always loved vampire and shapeshifter books as I grew up just add some hot steamy romance into the mix.
When I was a kid I loved reading the mystery series Trixie Belden and I still remember them.