Kindle Me. Back to Blog

Update: The Kindle winner is:  Amber Schaber. Congrats!


I bet you can guess what item I’m giving away just by the title, right?  Because, yes, the next prize that I have up for grabs is a Kindle.  This one right here.

When I was a kid, I loved to read fairy tales.  As I got older, I transitioned away from fairy tales and started reading those wonderfully scary stories by Christopher Pike.  I loved a good thrill and chill.  Still do.  And those early reads inspire me even now.

When I wrote my BOUND (vampire and werewolf) books, I used fairy tales as the inspiration for those stories.  My contribution to HOWL FOR IT came from my unending love for the Little Red Riding Hood tale.  Some stories just stay with you long after “The End” and, for me–well, it’s those stories that stay with me that I enjoy the most.

But what about you? When you were a kid, what stories stayed with you the most?  Is there a story that you still enjoy today?

(You know the way this works by now, but…the giveaway will stay open until noon–Central time–on 8/29/12. A random winner will be selected. Good luck!)

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182 responses to “Kindle Me.”

  1. Amber says:

    I also read alot of fairy tales. 🙂 I loved all the Grimm brothers tales. Those were always fun and creepy. I also loved Stephen King. Salem’s Lot still gives me chills. Thanks for the great giveaways!

  2. Diana N. says:

    There is a story I read when I was in middle school that I have NEVER been able to forget. And not in a good way. Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches trilogy: The Witching Hour, Lasher, and Taltos. The books have haunted me ever since. I got my love of paranormal fiction from them,however, they were so strange that my 12 year old mind just couldn’t handle it and decided to switch to a different form of the genre. Now I’m a paranormal romance/UF girl all the way. So it became one of those phoenix instances, where good comes out of bad! :0

  3. Delphina says:

    I loved anything my folks would read me. My favorite stories, however, were the ones they made up.
    delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

  4. Crystal Leo says:

    The first books that really ‘stayed’ with me where The Chronicles of Narnia. To this day I still think they are some of the best books I’ve ever read and I’m looking forward to introducing my girls to them. My oldest turns nine this November, and she’s getting the set for her birthday since she goes through books like they’re water!

  5. Kelly says:

    When I was younger I read all types of YA fiction. R.L. Stine (not goosebumps), Christopher Pike, and Richie Tankersley Kusick. I recently found an old stash of books and shook my head. I was an addict from way back. 🙂 Shout out to C.Pike Last Vampire series, R.L. Stine Beach Party and Fear Street series. :sighs:

  6. samantha atkin says:

    I loved James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.Well anything by Roald Dahl i would read and it’s nice when your kids read these books to as you can relive it through their eyes.

  7. Kelsey S. says:

    I was, and still am, a fairy tale girl. I even wrote a senior thesis in college on French fairy tales. My favorite will probably always “La Belle et La Bete” (Beauty and the Beast). I loved the Disney movie when it came out and then I loved the musical when it came out. Thanks for the great giveaways!

    kesummer69 at gmail dot com

  8. Viki S. says:

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf has always stuck with me. I think it’s because when my uncle came home from Nam he bought me a recording of the story set to Bach.

  9. Rena says:

    My favortie stories when I was a child were the
    Uncle Remus tales. I loved the Brer Fox and Brer Bear stories. I even read them to the children I used to babysit!

    Happy Release Day! I read Howl For It last week. My pre-order came early. Loved it! Gage is to die for!

  10. Brooke F. says:

    I don’t think I realized the stories I really loved as a kid until I had kids of my own and started picking things for them to read. Then I would find myself saying “OMG, I remember that book. I used to love it. You have to read that.” The funniest one was “Bunnicula” — about a cat, a bunny and a dog in a house and the cat thinks the bunny is a vampire. I had totally forgetten that until I chose it for my son to read… I used to love the book. Guess the writing was on the wall about my future genre choices very early for me LOL.

  11. Melissa says:

    I loved fairy tales, too. Cinderella was my favorite every time my mother made me do my chores 🙂 I also really enjoyed The Little Mermaid (the original, not Disney’s version) and Beauty and the Beast. I didn’t read Christopher Pike but from fairy tales I went to Edgar Allen Poe, who I still read and enjoy today!

  12. Erin T says:

    I loved Judy Blume books as a kid. My favorite was Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love that my kids are old enough to read them now. I even find myself looking through those book when my kids check them out of the library!

  13. Kristen Howe says:

    Count me in Cynthia. I would love to win a Kindle, since I can’t afford one right now. I remember Disney books, Little House and the Prairie, and the Little Golden Books. Mother Goose and Grimm fairytales too. The classics.

  14. Diana Brown says:

    I fell in love with a childrens novel called The golden pinecone published in 60’s about 2 kids who magically enter a Indian village to give back a golden pinecone earring (not sure who the author is). I have been looking for a copy for the last 10 years and have not been able to find it. Its probably not political correct but I loved it anyway


  15. margaret whelehan says:

    I have always liked cinderella and sleeping beauty when i was younger. I always wished for my prince. Now i just want the Alpha male.

  16. Khelsey says:

    Goldilocks and the three bears has always been my favorite and Little red riding hood.

  17. Christy Duke says:

    I was always a sucker for animal stories. Especially dogs, wolves and large cats. I started reading when I was 3 so by the time I was an early teenager my reading hunger was voracious. Long before I should have I had read all of the “classics” and was sucking down mysteries, sci-fi, westerns, etc. I was 17 before I discovered romances and was 30 when I found paranormals. Since then I’ve devoured them all!

    Can’t wait to read Howl for It. It just downloaded so, yay!!

  18. Amy R says:

    The stories I read as a kid were fun, light hearted ones. I loved the The Baby-sitters Club series and Sweet Valley High series. I was all about the girl social scene. I also liked the Ramona Quimby books when I was a little younger because she was always getting into something. I remember when I was a teenager I got a hold of one of my mom’s romance books. I was hooked on romance ever since then. I wish I could remember the name of it but I read that thing over and over. I love HEA’s! Now as an adult I like a little suspense or paranormal creatures in my love stories to take it up a notch. 🙂

  19. Lisa B says:

    I remember i had a big book of classic fairy tales. Read it to death so i mostly would’ve been sticking to the classics like Snow White and Cinderella.

    Lisa B

  20. Rita Wray says:

    When I was in 4th grade in Australia my parents gave me a book for Christmas, The Secret of Grange Farm. My love of reading started then and it has continued. I can’t imagine a life without books.

  21. Savannah Miller says:

    I loved Alice and Wonderland as a kid! I use to go outside and look for rabbits hopeing they would take me to Wonderland LOL. Yes I was a weird creepy child 😉

    I love Christopher Pike’s work! I would have a hard time choosing between his Remember Me series and his The Last Vampire as my favorite.

  22. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Mom and grandma said the only way to get me to sit on my potty chair was to give me books or the comics. Then I moved up to making my own books to entertain. Junior high I got into Black Stallion books and Tom Swift. Then I moved into fantasy and romance.

  23. LLL says:

    The Velveteen Rabbit.

  24. Linda says:

    I loved the Narnia books, they were awesome, so when the films came out, i just had to see them (and buy a collectors book with all volumes in one =) )
    I´m a Kindleoholic by now, since i bought mine 18 months ago, i haven´t stopped reading.
    Can´t wait to get a chance to read this Howl for it!!
    Happy Release!


  25. Regina Ross says:

    Sweet Valley High was one of my favorites now its my daughters favorite.


  26. Krazzyme says:

    Cinderella! I love that fairy tale!

  27. Tiffaney Harris says:

    Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale that has stuck with me as an adult. When I little I liked that the wolf met his doom. As an adult, I’m a little more forgiving to the wolf 🙂

  28. Brandi says:

    I’ve always loved Beauty and the Beast. To me, the fact that Belle fell in love even though he was a beast was the ideal love. The one story that I remember the most is an Native American fairy tale, Snowbird and the Water-Tiger. It reminds me that jealously and revenge are never good and that in the end, kindness wins.

  29. Michelle T says:

    “A Wrinkle in Time” totally turned my brain upside down as a kid. I still pick that one up and read it again once a decade or so. I also remember reading the Little House series with my mom.

  30. Hilleary Peterson says:

    I was big into the Sweet Valley books, some of those stories I still remember. There are couple others that have stayed with me, The Outsiders, and Daphne’s Book

  31. winnie says:

    I also loved fairy tales when I was young, especially Cinderella. So this story has definitely stayed with me the most. Another that has stayed with me was Pride and Prejudice 🙂

  32. Mia Horn says:

    I liked Alice in Wonderland, Cindarella, Snow White and I loved The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. I had a little book and the duckling looked so cute.

    Today, I’m more into the adult versions of fairy tales 😉

  33. My father used to tell me the story of The Jungle Book in his own words. I loved it so much. I still remember it fondly. I always thought it was a story he made up. I had no idea it was actually a book until years later. 🙂

    As for books I enjoyed reading as a kid, I adored Nancy Drew. At my library they were shelved in this really cool book shelf corner that looked mysterious to me with it being off in a tiny nook of a corner. I always thought of them as secret books that noone else knew about and it added to my love of them. They were the first mystery books I ever read.

    As I got older I enjoyed Babysitter’s Club and Sweet Valley High as well. I loved RL Stine’s Fear Street books. They were really short and I would read one a night. My library always had tons of them and it was alot of fun reading them. Some were so scary!!

    Thanks for a great contest Cynthia!

  34. Jolene A says:

    I loved reading and I devoured so many books growing up. The ones that stuck with me the most are the ones that I also recently purchased so I have them sitting on my bookshelf and anxiously awaiting my kids to pick them up. Where the Red Fern Grows, Summer Of The Monkey’s, Archie(lol loved those comics) The Indian in the Cupboard, some of the earlier Goosebumps books, Scary Stories, The Boxcar Children, White Fang, Watchers by Dean Koontz, The Thorn Birds, Bridges of Madison County and my absolute fav, which I have yet to put on my shelf but am keeping an eye out for are the Dollanger series by V.C. Andrews 🙂 I read those books in Highschool and absolutely loved them!

  35. Kathy Webb says:

    I loved all of the fairy tales… I really loved Cinderella and even Sleeping Beauty….Loved the princesses and the very happy endings! I don’t have anyone to retell them too yet but one day I will 🙂

  36. I love fairy tales. The two that had the most impact on me were Beauty and the Beast and The Goose Girl.

  37. Josette Schaber says:

    I was a voracious reader then as I am now, so sadly I don’t remember specific books per say. I typically have scenes pop into my head. I pretty much read anything I could get my hands on. However, when I was really little I had some books that I still have somewhere in my house one was a book about a tiny girl that couldn’t do anything on her own, until one day she grew. Another, was a Snow White and Seven Dwarfs story that my mom bought that had my personal information in it (name, siblings, pets, address, birth date). It made my dad to see my name in print 😉 Then in 6th grade I read the “Hobbit.” In high school a friend introduced me to Anne Rice. And all through my childhood I visited the library and was on one of those monthly book clubs where they would send me a set of books every month. Another one was the Dragon Riders of Pern series! Still have those too 😉

  38. kim culbertson says:

    hmm, i’d have to say narnia, i always wished i could find an alternate universe to step into.

  39. Deidra L says:

    Fantasy, particularly with talking animals, was always a favorite of mine. I loved The Wind in the Willows. Mole was my favorite character. I also really liked A Wrinkle in Time but hated the movie they made out of it.

  40. JeanMP says:

    I loved all the fairy tales, was especially fond of Little Red Riding Hood, as I got older started reading all the Sherlock Holmes stories.

  41. Laura K says:

    My favorite will always be “Beauty and the Beast”. We had a serial of it for my Junior year in high school and it stuck with me. I loved when Disney made it into a movie and when it was ‘hot’, played it for my fourth grade students as part of a movie incentive. The boys thought it banal but I told them to buck up and learn something because this was the ultimate bad boy click flick. They could ‘comfort’ the girl they were seeing as she cried during the movie!

  42. Karen K. says:

    When I was really little, Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka was a favorite book. As I grew up, Madeline L’enlge books were great, and by 11 I was into The Hobbit et al.

  43. patti silva says:

    Most memorable fairytale would be The Boy Who Cried Wolf and Goldilocks and The Three Bears. Rascal by Sterling North was a favorite book along with Dr. Zeus.

  44. Valerie Long says:

    I became a Stephen King fan in high school (hated most of the books they made us read, just couldn’t get into them I guess) and I still enjoy reading his older stuff. I think my first one of his was Christine.

  45. Dawn sullivan says:

    When I was a kid I loved.reading stephen king books and watching his movies. But the storie/movie thats stayed with me till this day would be The Little Mermaid. I adored that tale as a young girl and I still llove it now. Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! Your books are one of a kind, love them a ton!

  46. I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t read much when I was a kid, but the stories that I’ll always remember and love were, of course, fairytale. And not the Disney versions where everything is sunshine and rainbows. Real fairytales like those written by the Brothers Grimm. That may be why I love the show Grimm so much! 😉

  47. JoAnna B says:

    Now that depends on what age you consider being a kid. I now consider myself I college as being a kid. So when I was younger I remember reading the Sweet Valley Hish series. Then I moves to V.C. Andrew’s series. I followed them for many years. In college though I read the Talisman by Stephen King and would l love to read it again. In college I took an English course where we had to read mysteries written by women. I enjoyed many of those books and ended up following Ann Perry for awhile. I read the The Witching Hour by Ann Rice soon after I graduated college and read a few more of her books before I stopped reading for a few years. Now I read all kinds of romance all due to my teenager repeatedly telling me I needed to read twilight. 🙂

  48. ChrisS says:

    I loved reading fairy tales as a kid. To this day I still love a great story with a HEA ending.

  49. Mina De Caro says:

    My all time fav is Beauty and Beast.Love Belle with her dreamy personality and abilitu to see beyond appearances. Like her I adore books…that’s why I need an ereader so bad!

  50. Milly says:

    When I was a kid I loved scary movies and scary stories. I started out with cute Sweet Valley High and Baby Sitters club and got bored immediately. Moved on to anything suspenseful or creepy I was in it. I loved reading Stephen King (yes, even as a little girl) and Mary Higgins Clark. My parents thought I had issues. Some of my favorite Stephen King books are Rose Red, Salems Lot and Pet Semetary. As I got older into my teens I loved reading Anne Rice and other writers. I’m still big fan of scary, but now I prefer them to be movies. I love reading and writing PNR so that’s my new love.