ABDUCTION – A Bit of Inspiration

Posted in Romance on February 15th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

In less than a week, the print version of my new Harlequin Intrigue, ABDUCTION, will be on store shelves. So I thought I might chat a little today about the inspiration for that story.

Have you ever heard of the FBI’s CARD Team? CARD stands for Child Abduction Rapid Deployment. CARD Teams stand at the ready to assist in child abduction cases. When I learned about this group of FBI agents, I knew immediately that I had to write a book that featured them. These agents handle some of the most harrowing, painful cases out there–and those cases must take a heavy toll on them.

The heroine of ABDUCTION, Jillian West, was abducted as a child, and it’s because of her own experience that she joined the FBI. Once I had Jill and her motivation down…the rest of the story seemed to write itself.


Want to check out an excerpt from ABDUCTION?

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A Valentine’s Day Gift For Readers

Posted in Romance, Latest News on February 13th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

In the mood for romance this Valentine’s Day? Well…why not enjoy 12 FREE romance books?  I’ve gotten together with some amazing authors, and we are offering a special Valentine’s Gift to readers!

For a limited time, you can download 12 free books.  Sexy and sweet. Dark and dangerous…we’ve got a romance book for everyone!



A special thanks to all of the authors participating in this fun event:

Skye Jordan –  www.facebook.com/SkyeJordanAuthor
Katie Reus –  www.facebook.com/katiereusauthor
Laura Kaye – www.facebook.com/LauraKayeWrites/
Cynthia Eden – www.facebook.com/cynthiaedenfanpage
Carrie Ann Ryan – www.facebook.com/CarrieAnnRyanAuthor
Erin Nicholas – www.facebook.com/ErinNicholasBooks
Kaylea Cross – www.facebook.com/KayleaCrossAuthor/
Carly Phillips – www.facebook.com/groups/SerendipitysFinest/
Erika Wilde – www.facebook.com/groups/erikawildesfanclub/
Shelly Alexander – www.facebook.com/ShellyAlexanderAuthor/
Elisabeth Naughton – www.facebook.com/elisabethnaughtonauthor/
Chelle Bliss – www.facebook.com/authorchellebliss1

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

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New Year…New Read!

Posted in Romance, Latest News on January 2nd, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

Happy 2017!!! I hope this is a wonderful year for everyone!!!

2017 has started off with a new release for me…Harlequin has released THE GATHERING DUSK, a 59 page prequel novella that introduces the characters in my “Killer Instinct” series.


What is the Killer Instinct series? It’s a brand spanking new dark and sexy romantic suspense series that I have written for HQN. The tales are gritty, full of twists and turns, but still sexy and hot–because that just makes stories fun, right?

THE GATHERING DUSK gives you an early glimpse at the characters who will fill the pages of the first “Killer Instinct” book, AFTER THE DARK (available in March).

Actually, I had the pleasure of doing something really fun with this series…in addition to the three 90,000 word books that I wrote for HQN, I also created Harlequin Intrigue tie-in books that relate to the secondary characters you will see in the HQN books.  I’d been getting requests from readers for more Intrigues, so this seemed like a perfect way to launch a new series.


This is a full list of the books that I have coming from Harlequin this year:

THE GATHERING DUSK – 59 page prequel novella for the Killer Instinct series – Available now!

ABDUCTION – Harlequin Intrigue  – February 2017

AFTER THE DARK – Book 1, Killer Instinct Series – March 2017

HUNTED – Harlequin Intrigue (again, this one is an Intrigue title, but you will see some familiar characters from the single-title books) – July 2017

BEFORE THE DAWN – Killer Instinct, book 2, published by HQN – July 2017

INTO THE NIGHT – Killer Instinct, book 3, published by HQN



I’m working to get pages for each of these books up on my website. So stay tuned–more information is coming your way!

Happy 2017!! May your year be filled with lots of great books to read!

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Newsletter Winner

Posted in Romance on December 23rd, 2016 by Cynthia Eden

Congrats to Nancy Luebke! Nancy, you are the winner of December’s newsletter giveaway–you’ve won a $50 gift card. I sent you an email with prize claim info, but in case you didn’t get it, please send a note to info@cynthiaeden.com.


I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Be safe, have fun, and make great memories!



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Posted in Romance, Latest News on December 14th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden

Know what goes well with the holidays? A free book. And I’ve got one for you…

A VAMPIRE’S CHRISTMAS CAROL is currently free at Amazon, iBooks, and B&N.



Ben Prescott hates Christmas—he’s a vampire, and to him, there’s certainly nothing jolly about the holiday season.  While the humans are running around being merry, he’s hunting in the shadows.  Ben plans to spend the holidays his way…by stalking deadly prey.

But fate has other plans for Ben.

Three visitors are coming Ben’s way…A demon who will force  Ben to face his past, a ghost who will show Ben the present he could have, and a shifter  who will reveal the darkness that waits in Ben’s future. Unless Ben can change his ways, he may just turn into a real monster, one who can’t be saved by anyone or anything.

‘Tis the season…to be undead.

Ben’s redemption rests in the hands of the one woman he loved and lost—Simone Laurent.  If Ben is going to have a chance at being more than just the beast in the darkness, he has to prove himself to the lovely Simone.  A very hard task, considering that, once upon a Christmas Eve, Simone died in Ben’s arms…

Warning: This story features one very tortured vampire, a sexy ghost from his past, and hot scenes designed to melt the winter snow. Plenty of action, adult situations, and steamy times are ahead. Happy holidays!


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