Posted in Latest News, Romance on April 4th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden


Okay, we are in the home stretch…there is less than a MONTH until the release of Leo’s story, TEMPTED BY FATE. TEMPTED BY FATE is book 6 in my paranormal “Bad Things” series…and in this book, our Bad Things will come full circle.

To celebrate this upcoming release, THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE is currently listed as FREE at Amazon, Nook, iBooks, and Google Play. If you haven’t read this series yet, this is the time! The free deal will not last long. Just my way of celebrating a series that I have LOVED writing.



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Posted in Latest News, Romance on April 1st, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

This is not an April Fool’s Day joke…BITE THE DUST is FREE on Amazon right now!
Extra note: I have actually put all 3 of my “Blood and Moonlight” paranormal romance novels up on Kindle Unlimited for a short time. I included them because I’ve received so many requests from readers to add more books to Unlimited; however, I don’t like putting my new books up immediately because then that it doesn’t seem to fair to all my readers who like to shop with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, etc. When I have a new release, I like for the title to be widely available so that no one has to wait longer to read the book.
So I thought I could try compromising. I put up the 3 books in the Blood and Moonlight series–as I said, for a short time–on Kindle Unlimited because they have already been widely available for a year now. Additionally, they *will* be returning to all retail outlets in the future.
And right now, BITE THE DUST is available for free to everyone on Amazon (not just Kindle Unlimited subscribers–anyone can download it for free on Amazon until April 5th).
Have a great Saturday!

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It’s here! AFTER THE DARK is available now!

Posted in Latest News, Romance on March 28th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

It’s here! My newest romantic suspense, AFTER THE DARK, is available now!

Tuesday March 28_now available_SBPR-CE-AtD-NowLiveV2


“Jesus, Sam.” He dropped her hand. “Did I hurt you?”

Just seeing him hurt right then. She’d walked away from D.C. for a reason.  She sure hadn’t intended to be seeing Blake again anytime soon. Just looking into his eyes made her feel as if someone had ripped open her heart.

The way he’d stared at her…back in D.C. When he’d found her, half-naked, covered in blood… Samantha cleared her throat. “Why are you here?” she asked him again.

“Because I need you.”

Those words were rough. All rumbly. Her eyes raked over him. She didn’t think he meant that he needed her in a personal way. No, he had to mean—

“He’s back.”  A muscle flexed along Blake’s square jaw.  “He’s doing it again.”

For an instant, her heart stopped.  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move.  And then… “No!” A fierce denial. With that cry, her heart began to race in her chest. Her breath came in quick pants. Even though sweat covered her from the run, Samantha was suddenly freezing. “You’re wrong.”

“I wish that I was. Cameron Latham is hunting again. Playing his sick games. Doing his experiments.

Her chill grew worse.

“And I need you to help me stop him.”

She shook her head. “You came to the wrong woman. I’m not FBI any longer.” Like he’d need that reminder.

“You’re the right woman. You exactly the woman I need.”

Her body was so tense her muscles ached.

“No one knows Cameron Latham like you do.”

Her cheeks burned. Yes, she knew him intimately.

“You can stop him, Samantha. You can build a new profile on him. You were in his head before and I know you can get right back there again.”

She looked away from Blake and grabbed for the handle of her car door. She yanked it open—

“Unless you don’t want to stop him.”

Her shoulders stiffened.

“Bass still thinks you let Cameron walk. He doesn’t believe that you wanted to put your lover behind bars.”

“Ex-lover.”  How many times had she said that? She glanced up at him, knowing that a glare would be on her face. “As I’ve said before, Cameron and I hadn’t been involved that way in a long time.” She climbed into the car. Her hands fisted around the steering wheel.

“Why not?”

His question was so low that she barely heard it.

And since she was already walking on the tight-rope of a whole give-him-hell attitude, she offered her former partner a grim smile. Why not? “Because of you, of course.  I met you and didn’t want to be with anyone else.”

His shock was plain to see.

Before he could ask any other questions—questions she didn’t want to answer—Samantha yanked the car door closed. She started the vehicle and headed out of the lot, leaving Blake behind.

She didn’t start shaking until she was nearly home, but then the trembles came, rocking her whole body.  He’s doing it again. She hoped that Blake was wrong. He had to be wrong.

Because if Cameron was hunting again, it would only be a matter of time before he came after her.


And…extra news! Harlequin has included the novella, THE GATHERING DUSK—a prequel to AFTER THE DARK in the back of this book. THE GATHERING DUSK was written as a bonus for readers so that they could see what happened to the characters before the events of AFTER THE DARK. I’m very glad that Harlequin has included this prequel novella for readers—some of my international readers were not able to get THE GATHERING DUSK before, so now you can get it with AFTER THE DARK (but just note…Harlequin put it behind AFTER THE DARK in the book). 

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AFTER THE DARK – Party Time!

Posted in Latest News, Romance on March 27th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

Release week is here!!! AFTER THE DARK officially releases tomorrow from Harlequin–and I will be having all kinds of giveaways and surprises for readers!


Monday March 27_1 day countdown_SBPR-CE-AtD-CD-1day

Let me go ahead and tell you a bit about the fun…

Tomorrow night (3/28), I will be having an awesome release party at the Social Butterfly Party Room on FB ( Some absolutely FANTASTIC authors will be joining me for the fun…here they are:

Rebecca Zanetti
Manda Collins, Historical Romance Author
Lori Foster
Delores Fossen
Vanessa Kelly
Janie King Crouch
Lena Diaz
Alexandra Ivy
Shelly Alexander
Scarlett Cole

I LOVE all of these authors–I think their work is incredible and that they are just all-around amazing people.

The party will run from 7:00 until 9:45 PM (Eastern time). I hope you can join us!

And stay tuned–like I said, there are going to be lots of events and prizes this week!

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Posted in Romance on March 25th, 2017 by Cynthia Eden

Saturday March 25_3 day countdown_SBPR-CE-AtD-CD-3days

“Jesus, Sam.” He dropped her hand. “Did I hurt you?”

Just seeing him hurt right then. She’d walked away from D.C. for a reason.  She sure hadn’t intended to be seeing Blake again anytime soon. Just looking into his eyes made her feel as if someone had ripped open her heart.

The way he’d stared at her…back in D.C. When he’d found her, half-naked, covered in blood… Samantha cleared her throat. “Why are you here?” she asked him again.

“Because I need you.”

Those words were rough. All rumbly. Her eyes raked over him. She didn’t think he meant that he needed her in a personal way. No, he had to mean—

“He’s back.”  A muscle flexed along Blake’s square jaw.  “He’s doing it again.”

For an instant, her heart stopped.  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move.  And then… “No!” A fierce denial. With that cry, her heart began to race in her chest. Her breath came in quick pants. Even though sweat covered her from the run, Samantha was suddenly freezing. “You’re wrong.”

“I wish that I was. Cameron Latham is hunting again. Playing his sick games. Doing his experiments.

Her chill grew worse.

“And I need you to help me stop him.”

She shook her head. “You came to the wrong woman. I’m not FBI any longer.” Like he’d need that reminder.

“You’re the right woman. You exactly the woman I need.”

Her body was so tense her muscles ached.

“No one knows Cameron Latham like you do.”

Her cheeks burned. Yes, she knew him intimately.

“You can stop him, Samantha. You can build a new profile on him. You were in his head before and I know you can get right back there again.”

She looked away from Blake and grabbed for the handle of her car door. She yanked it open—

“Unless you don’t want to stop him.”

Her shoulders stiffened.

“Bass still thinks you let Cameron walk. He doesn’t believe that you wanted to put your lover behind bars.”

“Ex-lover.”  How many times had she said that? She glanced up at him, knowing that a glare would be on her face. “As I’ve said before, Cameron and I hadn’t been involved that way in a long time.” She climbed into the car. Her hands fisted around the steering wheel.

“Why not?”

His question was so low that she barely heard it.

And since she was already walking on the tight-rope of a whole give-him-hell attitude, she offered her former partner a grim smile. Why not? “Because of you, of course.  I met you and didn’t want to be with anyone else.”

His shock was plain to see.

Before he could ask any other questions—questions she didn’t want to answer—Samantha yanked the car door closed. She started the vehicle and headed out of the lot, leaving Blake behind.

She didn’t start shaking until she was nearly home, but then the trembles came, rocking her whole body.  He’s doing it again. She hoped that Blake was wrong. He had to be wrong.

Because if Cameron was hunting again, it would only be a matter of time before he came after her.



ONLY 3 MORE DAYS! AFTER THE DARK will be available on 3/28/17! 

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