So, as I’m counting down the final hours before HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT‘s release (woo-hoo!), I thought I’d take a few moments and go back over the publishing timeline that has gotten me to this particular point:
April 07: I discover that Kensington is interested in my story!!! Yay! Serious excitement ensues when I’m offered a 3-book contract. At this time, the story is still called Touching the Darkness.
About two weeks later in April of 07: I attend my first RT Convention. I get to meet Kate Duffy and the Magnificient M (Megan Records) in person. Have a fabulous time.
May 07: Title options are flying around–the final verdict: HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT
June 12, 2007: A gorgeous surprise is waiting in my email box–the cover image for HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. I celebrate because, honestly, I think you should celebrate every positive moment you have–and seeing that cover with my name (okay, my pseudonym–no one can pronounced my Greek last name right) was a pretty amazing moment.
June 20, 2007: Another fabulous surprise in my email. Seriously–at this point, I can’t wait to check my email each day. What did I have this time? My first cover quote:
“Highly sensual and definitely dangerous.” –Shannon McKenna
I am a HUGE Shannon McKenna fan–I’ve got all her books on my shelf. Books I reread every few months because they are just that good. And guess what? More celebrating ensued. Are you sensing a theme yet?
July 17, 2007: I get my first glimpse at the back cover copy for HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. Oh, wow–it’s becoming real now.
July 23, 2007: Another quote. This time, from Jacquelyn Frank:
“A cross between CSI and Medium, only hotter and with a hero that truly has bite!”
Oh, yeah, I was over the moon.
October 2007: Copy-edit time.
December 2007/January 2008: Page proofs. I get to see the galley and make any last-minute changes.
January 16, 2008: ARCs are here!!!
February 04, 2008: My first review of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT. Simply Romance Reviews gave the book an A+ rating.
After this…well, I sent out promo material (I’d been doing PR during this whole fun process), ran contests, and received additional reviews. And I counted down the days.
April 28, 2008: My author copies arrive. Nick opens them first. Fair enough.
Now…just a few hours to go.