Cyber Monday Deals

Posted in Romance on November 30th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Ah, sweet. Today is Cyber Monday. The day you can get awesome deals without having to fight your way through the stores. Nice. I thought I’d share a few cyber deals with you (and if you’ve got some to share, please, post away!).

First, let’s start with books. (What? Come on, I LOVE books–you had to see this coming!)

Books-A-Million: BAM will be offering great deals (many items 50% off) throughout the day. You need to check in to see what bargains you’ll find!

Barnes and Noble: 50% off New York Times Best-sellers and 50-60% off DVDs. Also, you can get 15% off one item.

Borders: All items…buy 1, get 1 60% off. Also, they are offering 50% off priority shipping and free standard shipping on purchases of $10 or more.

Other great deals:

Toys R Us: Save up to 60% on select items.

Bath and Body Works: 25% off your entire online order.

Build A Bear: Select animals for only $5.

Happy shopping! Don’t forget–if you want to add some deals, please do.

In unrelated news, my newsletter will be going out tomorrow. If you don’t already receive my newsletter, you should sign up–you can get early book news and participate in newsletter-only contests.

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Book News…

Posted in Romance on November 29th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Want to win a copy of HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT (mass market version) or ETERNAL HUNTER? Then head over to Donna Grant’s blog. Leave a comment on my guest post, and you could win!

And in other news…MIDNIGHT’S MASTER is on sale at Amazon! You can buy it now for $5.60. That’s 60% off!!

Stay tuned…I’ll have lots of giveaways posted this week. I’m ready to kick off this season of good will and merriment!

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

Posted in Romance on November 25th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Have a wonderful & safe Thanksgiving! Eat lots and lots of turkey! Enjoy the time with your family! 🙂

And thank you all for the fabulous pie suggestions that were posted yesterday. Those suggestions (1) made me very hungry and (2) gave me lots of good ideas–thanks!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. My wonderful readers, my great editors, my fabulous agent. My family, my friends, my health, my home…so many great things!

I’ll definitely be counting my blessings tomorrow. I’ll have plenty of time to count–the husband will be making the turkey–score!

I am so looking forward to my favorite dish…my mom’s dressing. Oh, I do love it! What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Please, share, and make me even hungrier! Come on, Thanksgiving!

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Sony Midnight Bundle

Posted in Romance on November 24th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Continuing with my Midnight deals…

Sony is now offering all three of my Midnight books (HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT, MIDNIGHT SINS, and MIDNIGHT’S MASTER) in a bundle deal for $18.91. Here’s the link for the Sony Bundle.

Hope everyone is gearing up for a great Thanksgiving. I haven’t even purchased my turkey yet–ack! I’m making my grocery list today, and trying to figure out what sort of pies I’ll make. Any suggestions?

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Interview & Book Giveaway at Manic Readers

Posted in Romance on November 23rd, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Happy Monday! 🙂 Today, I’ve got an interview posted over at the Manic Readers’ blog–and one commenter will win a copy of ETERNAL HUNTER. So head over to the Manic Readers’ blog for a chance to win!

In other news…I’m working on a new paranormal novel. The hero is a wolf shifter and my heroine is a charmer. For those of you who have read my books, you know that charmers are folks who have the ability to communicate telepathically with certain animals. This will be the first time a charmer has held the primary role in one of my books. When I created charmers, I wanted them to be the thinkers–the planners–the plotters. That’s why they’re often leaders (like Captain McNeal from the Midnight books). But, charmers can also be extremely sneaky and manipulative. When you throw all those character traits together, you can have a dangerous brew. Ah, fun!!!

Enjoy your Monday! And has anyone else been Christmas shopping?

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