It’s a Valentine’s Vampire Sale

Posted in Latest News on February 12th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

During this lovely Valentine’s week, I’LL BE SLAYING YOU (my vampire romance novel published by Kensington Brava) is on a special sale–it’s $2.99 for the Kindle and the Nook! I’LL BE SLAYING YOU  is also listed for $2.99 at the Apple store.  Come on…vampires and Valentine’s Day! That’s a fun mix. 😉




Cynthia Eden returns to the realm of the Other, where the supernatural bounty hunters of Night Watch work hard and play harder…

Sandra “Dee” Daniels is a vampire’s worst nightmare. Sure, she couldn’t get up to five-six in the highest heels money can buy—not that she ever wears heels. But the monsters in her past and the stake in her boot are enough to keep most bloodsuckers interested in staying undead out of Baton Rouge.

But there are changes afoot on her turf. Rumors of a Born Master in town—a vampire so powerful he can make the streets run with blood. And a new face in Dee’s dive bars and alleyways—Simon Chase, a strong, sexy shadow with a haunted past of his own. Simon knows a lot about the dark side of Dee’s work. He knows even more about how to make her body spark with desire. But the hot lust shimmering between them is only the beginning. Because Simon also knows a secret that will change Dee’s life—if she can live long enough to uncover it.

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Guest author Jillian Chantal offers a Giveaway!

Posted in Romance on February 7th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of SEBASTIAN’S SALVATION is…Darlene! Congrats!

I love it when friends come to visit. Today, my friend Jillian Chantal wanted to come over (Hi, Jillian!) because she’s sharing the news of her release–her latest story, SEBASTIAN’S SALVATION, is out now (and she’s giving away a copy of this book to one commenter). Welcome, Jillian!

Thanks, Cynthia, for letting me do a quick drive by and chat a moment about my new release. It’s called Sebastian’s Salvation and is a romantic suspense. The hero in this story is a wounded war veteran. I’ve wanted to write a story with a hero like Sebastian for quite a while and I’m super happy with the way he turned out. He was an interesting character to write. My editor said I handled his issues with sensitivity and realistically and that meant a lot to me. I hope the folks who read his story feel the same way.


I made the trailer with some photos I took on a recent trip to London. I love that city and love to base stories there. It’s an awesome place.


I’m giving away an e-copy of Sebastian’s Salvation to one commenter who tells me either their favorite city to visit or about a favorite military person they know.


Thanks again for letting me pop in, Cynthia. It’s always a pleasure to hang out with you and your friends/readers.


Visit me on the web here:


Book trailer:

Buy link:


Three lives intertwine—a former Green Beret, now a painter of nude portraits tormented by the death of his comrade, an earl’s daughter, and a crazed stalker. Will the acts of the stalker force the soldier back into the life of violence which he sought to avoid?

Sebastian Hughes, wounded on a mission in Afghanistan, discovers a talent for painting nude portraits while in a rehabilitation center learning to walk again after losing part of his leg. He becomes the toast of London society and women clamor to be painted by him.

Lady Joanna Gresham, nursing a broken heart and used to getting what she wants, sets her sights on having her portrait painted by Sebastian. Once she meets him, she wants him for herself. She pursues him, intent on winning him. What she didn’t count on was a stalker who wants to harm everyone Sebastian holds dear.




Joanna Gresham passed Margaret in the hallway of Bast’s building. Margaret carried a saddle under her arm.

Margaret stopped her and hitched the saddle to a more comfortable position. “You one of the many?”

“Many what?”

“Clients of Bast’s?”

Joanna shook her head. “No. But I’m thinking about it. I was at his show last night and am very impressed.”

“With the man or the artist?” The woman smiled coyly

“The artist of course.” Joanna stood tall and looked down her nose at the impertinent woman. The nerve to ask me such a thing. As if I’d be interested in a hoodlum.

“Don’t have to get huffy, Lady Joanna. All the women in town are swooning over the man. Some are even commissioning portraits just to tempt him with their bodies. No harm meant.”

Joanna ran her hands through her hair. “Sorry. Just moody, I guess.”

“No problem. Enjoy your session.”

“I don’t have a session. I’m just going to talk.”

“Good luck then. I think you’ll like Bast. I gotta go. Late for a practice run.”

“Good luck with practice. Ta, Margaret.” Joanna waved good-bye and approached the door to Bast’s atelier. Why am I so nervous? He’s just a man I want to hire. Why should I feel so skittish?

Joanna knocked lightly on the door.

The door burst open, and the man asked, “What did you for—”

He stopped short. “Uh. Sorry, I thought you were Margaret, come back for something she forgot. She always leaves something behind.”

“Is that why you were already at the door?”

He smiled. “Yeah. I give her about three minutes after she leaves to come dashing back. I thought I timed it right.” His smile got larger.

Why does his smile have to be so spectacular? He’s gorgeous even with that scar across his face. “Sorry, it’s just me. I’m not sure if you remember—”

“Of course, I do. You’re the lady in the alley, the one that needed no help with her aching feet. Come on in.” He opened the door wider to allow her access to the loft.

Once they were inside, he showed her over to a client chair. He took a seat behind the desk, leaned across the top, and asked, “What can I do for you?”

She put one hand on the desktop and scraped her nail across the surface. “I was at your show last night—”

“Yeah, I know. I saw you, remember?”

“I recall.” She frowned. Was the man determined to make her feel stupid?

“Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Go on.” Bast nodded his encouragement.

“I was thinking I might want a portrait of myself. Your work is impressive. Very tasteful. I know it seems like I’m just jumping on a trend, but I really am in awe of your abilities.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate it. I’m a little full right now. The show last night garnered me a lot of commissions, and I’m afraid I don’t have time to add one more person to my schedule. I’ll be glad to put you on the waiting list.” He pulled a pad out of his top drawer.

She stood, and the chair teetered and fell back against the wall. “I know what you’re doing. You jerk.”

He leaned back in his chair and looked at her. His face showed no emotion. “What’s your problem, Lady?”

Lady? You say it that way because you know who I am? You think you can be a sarcastic bastard to me?”

“Ma’am, you came in here, didn’t introduce yourself to me, and now you’re offended? I can’t figure that out. All I said was I have to put you on my waiting list. How you think that’s something offensive, I don’t know.” He sat forward in the chair.

She glared. “I’m Lady Joanna Gresham. I don’t do waiting lists.”

He stood up and walked around the desk to her. He got in her face and said, “I don’t do snobby Ladies. So, I suggest you get out of my studio.”

Joanna pushed his chest. “I just bet you don’t do ladies.” She looked around and took in the whole room and nodded toward the fainting couch under the window. “I bet you do the ladies right over there.”

Enraged, he grabbed her arms and shoved her against the wall. He pressed against her. “If I wanted to do a lady, I’d do her right here against this wall.” He lifted her off her feet as if she was no larger than a toy doll and pulled her over to the other client chair. He sat in it and pulled her on top of himself. “Or here in this chair.”

She jerked off his lap and stumbled backward. “How dare you touch me, you arrogant—”

“What? Black bastard? Is that what you want to call me, your white holiness? Lady Joanna Gresham that doesn’t do waiting lists? Huh? Huh? That what you want to say?” He stood up.

She continued to back up. “You’re crazy. You know that? You’re insane.”

He stalked toward her. “And you’re all alone here with me. A crazy, scar-faced, big black man who isn’t intimidated by a title. Now, what are you gonna do?”

“I’m leaving.” She flounced toward the door.

Just as she got to the door and opened it, he slammed his hand on it and shut it. His body leaned against hers. He pressed against her and whispered, “I bet you always leave. When the going gets tough and you don’t get your way, you leave. Right?”

He let go of the door and stepped back. “Thank you for coming by, ma’am. I’ll be sure to not add you to the waiting list.”

She jerked the door open and left.


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Posted in Romance on February 3rd, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

It’s conference time! There are lots of fun writing conferences scheduled for the coming months, and I’m excited to be presenting some workshops at a few upcoming events.

First up…the Silken Sands’ Writing Conference (March 16-18th in beautiful Pensacola Beach).  At the Silken Sands Writer’s Conference, I’ll be presenting two workshops:

The Novella:  100 Pages Can Pack a Punch

Description: You can pack a lot of plot into 100 pages. Come learn tips and techniques for writing novellas. Shorter stories require different pacing, character crafting, and plot development. In addition to the novella writing process, find the best places to submit your novella and discuss novella marketing techniques. Writing “short” might just be great for you.


Crafting Killers: Making Villains to Thrill and Chill

Description: Learn to create multi-dimensional villains who can propel your story forward even as they stir fear in the hearts of your readers. Villains should be as powerful as your protagonists, and by learning crafting techniques, you can create bad guys (and girls) who are a perfect match for the heroes of your tale.


Then, in April of 2012, I will be presenting a workshop at the RT Booklovers Convention:

Holding Out For A Hero

Description: What’s a good love story without an unforgettable hero? Four bestselling authors discuss ways to craft a strong and memorable hero. It’s not just about the sex appeal — find out what characteristics make a hero great as you learn why readers truly fall in love with heroes. Discussion will also include the creation of antiheroes (Why do readers enjoy those bad boys?) and the comparison/contrast of heroes across subgenres.

Panelist: Cynthia Eden, Lisa Renee Jones, Elisabeth Naughton, and Caridad Piñeiro


Once I’ve presented my workshops, I’ll be sure to upload all of my notes and handouts to the For Writers section of my site.  I’m working on some other materials that I hope to have added to the For Writers section soon, too. In the mean time, if there is any writing-related topic that you have questions about, please ask! Maybe I can work the answer into a post topic. 🙂

Enjoy your weekend!

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Posted in Romance on February 1st, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Hi, everyone!  I’ve been pretty quiet lately, but I promise I have a good excuse–I’ve been writing!  (Though I promise to post more this month–I’m hoping to start some writing craft posts soon.)

So I have some news to share. First up, I thought I’d talk about what I’m currently writing–it’s a book with the tentative title of BURN FOR ME.  This is the first book in a new contract that I’ve signed with Kensington Brava (I’m doing three more full-length novels for Kensington–yay! I love writing my paranormals with my most awesome editor!).   The world in BURN FOR ME is a bit different from that of my other Kensington books. The paranormals are very much “out” in this book.  The humans all know of their existence, and this is not necessarily a good thing for those supernaturals…

The hero of BURN FOR ME is a phenix. Every time that he dies, he burns, and then he rises once more. Only…with each death, the hero comes back a bit darker.  Far more dangerous.   Each death puts him closer to madness.

Yes, I’m having fun with his story. I’m actually *almost* to the end of the draft, and that means that I pretty much just want to sit and write and my family has to wave their hands in front of my face in order to get my attention. I’ll be turning in this story on March 1. I don’t have a release date for it yet, but I’m thinking it will be in 2013.

For my next bit of update-y news…

I wanted to talk about my Bound novellas. Actually I wanted to send out a giant THANK YOU to readers regarding my Bound novellas. I am pretty overwhelmed by the success that these novellas have seen. Thank you! Thank you for reading the stories. For tweeting about them. For reviewing them. For spreading the word about them to readers. You’re amazing. Can I say again…thank you?  I am so glad that readers are enjoying my werewolf/vampire novellas.

When I started the Bound series, I wanted to create stories that featured my two favorite paranormal characters–a werewolf and a vampire. So my heroines were the vampires who became “Bound” to the werewolf heroes. I have enjoyed writing these books so very much–and, yes, I do plan to release a 4th Bound novella.  The idea is all formed in my head and ready to go, and I’d like to release this book in March (maybe early April).  I’ll have more details on that soon.

And…third piece of news…I often get emails from readers asking me if I will be writing any more romantic suspenses. The answer is…yes! Heck, yes!  I’m actually working on a new romantic suspense novel right now.  Again, more details will be coming soon.  But I just wanted to let you know–it’s coming! I love romantic suspense, and I’m excited to write this story.

Now, it’s back to writing time for me.  I hope that you have a great day!

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Debut giveaway!

Posted in Romance on January 30th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: Thank you all for the comments on this giveaway!! 🙂  The winner was randomly selected, and that person is…SMARTMOUTHTEXAN. Congrats!

Tomorrow, my friend Manda Collins will release her very first book–a wonderful tale of love and adventure that is being published by St. Martin’s Press. Just look at this awesome cover:


Here’s the blurb for HOW TO DANCE WITH A DUKE:

What’s a wallflower to do when she’s suddenly in need of a husband? Use all the pluck and moxie she can muster to get what she wants…


Miss Cecily Hurston would much rather explore the antiquities of Egypt than the uncharted territory of marriage. But the rules of her father’s exclusive academic society forbid her entrance unless she weds one of its members. To clear her ailing father’s name of a scandalous rumor, Cecily needs to gain admission into the Egyptian Club—and is willing to marry any old dullard to do it.


Lucas Dalton, Duke of Winterson, is anything but dull. He’s a dashing and decorated war hero determined to help Cecily—even if that means looking the other way when she claims the dance card of Amelia Snow, this season’s most sought-after beauty. But Lucas has a reason for wanting Cecily to join the Egyptian Club: His brother went missing during one of Lord Hurston’s expeditions to Egypt. An alliance with the explorer’s bluestocking daughter could bring Lucas closer to the truth about what happened…or it could lead him to a more dangerous love than either he or Cecily could have imagined….


Want to win this book?  Then just tell me what you’d love to get for Valentine’s Day this year.  I’ll leave the comments open until Midnight tonight, and I will pick one random commenter to win.  Thanks! And have a great Monday!

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