Katie Reus Is Talking Sexy Shifters (And Giving Away ALPHA INSTINCT)

Posted in Romance on June 26th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of ALPHA INSTINCT is…Spav!

Congrats to Cynthia on her new release! I can’t get enough of her paranormals! And thank you Cynthia for inviting me to the party. You know I like to have a good time 😉

In a little over a month, Lover’s Instinct, a novella in my Moon Shifter series will be releasing and I’m very excited so today I thought I’d share why I love my hot shifter menz.

1. They are uber protective of those they care about! It’s that animal instinct and they will fight to protect their mate or their pack. Who doesn’t love a loyal friend or lover?

2. When they take bondmates, it’s for life. There’s no going back and neither party takes the decision to bond lightly. Since I’m a romantic at heart, that’s awesome. I love the idea of happy ever after.

3. Some of them have telepathic abilities and are able to talk to each other in wolf form (some can even communicate that way in human form).

4. They have a playful side. Even though my guys are strong, powerful and have no problem holding their own, they love to have fun, especially with their women.

5. They’re freaking SEXY. The majority of the male shifters in my series are alpha to the bone, heal at supernatural speeds and are in incredible shape. Not to mention their stamina translates to all areas of their lives…nuf said!

Read the rest of this entry–>

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Sammael isn’t a guardian.

Posted in Romance on June 26th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of the $20 Barnes & Noble gift card is…May!

Guardian angels are the good angels. They are the ones who watch over us. They protect us.

Well, the hero of my new book, ANGEL BETRAYED, definitely doesn’t belong in the “guardian” category.  Sammael (Sam) is an angel of death. With one touch, he kills. He’s used to doing what he wants, when he wants.  He’s strong, he’s fierce, and he is definitely my favorite kind of hero.


"Eden offers compelling characters, sizzling sex, and breakneck action..."--Publishers Weekly

I don’t know why I like the bad boy heroes so much, but I have to confess…they are an absolute blast to write.  The bad boys like Sam walk on the edge. They make their own rules. And they don’t take crap from anyone.

Oh, bad boys…you are so much fun.

But the best part of writing a bad boy hero? Redemption.  And Sam, despite his powers and his wicked skills…he is a hero in need of redemption.  Sam was cast out of heaven, his wings burned away, and he was sentenced to live out his days on earth.  Now, other angels fear Sam.  No one gets close to him. And Sam thinks that is the way he wants his days and nights to be…until he meets my heroine.

The path to redemption isn’t easy.  But to prove that  man with a good heart lives within a bad boy’s body, that journey is necessary.

I hope that you enjoy Sam’s journey. It sure is a bit of a bumpy ride!

Now…want to win a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card?  Then tell me…who is your all-time favorite hero? Your hero can be from a book, from a movie, from real-life.  Just tell me your fave and you will be entered in the giveaway! The winner will be randomly selected.

Thanks for checking out my post!

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Posted in Romance on June 26th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of the $50 Amazon.com gift certificate is…infinitieh! Congrats!
All of the prizes have been awarded, and emails have been sent to the winners.
Thank you VERY much for helping me to celebrate!

Welcome to the ANGEL BETRAYED release party! The story about my dark fallen angel is out in the wild! To celebrate this release,  I’m having a big party here at the blog. 😉 Each hour,  a new author will be dropping by–with either a guest post or a book spotlight. And, each hour, there will be a new giveaway listed for readers! So be sure to comment for your chance to win. All of the giveaways will be left open until noon on 6/27  so that people in all time zones will have a chance to win the prizes.

Also, in addition to the hourly giveaways that are posted, I am going to pick one commenter to receive a $50 Amazon.com gift certificate.  I will pool all of the comments received and randomly select the $50 Amazon.com gift card winner.

Thanks for visiting my party! And good luck to you!

(All new posts are below.)

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Party Time!!!

Posted in Latest News on June 22nd, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Don’t forget–Tuesday, June 26, 2012–that is party day!  ANGEL BETRAYED will be released into the reading wild that day, and, to celebrate, I’ll be having an all-day release party. The fun will begin here at 8 a.m. Central time, right here at my blog. Every hour, I’ll have a new guest and new giveaway. (All giveaways will remain open until noon on 6/27 so people in all time zones can participate.)  Here are a few of the fantastic authors lined up for the fun:

Marie Force

Joan Swan

Pamela Clare

Donna Grant

Elisabeth Naughton

Julie James

Norah Wilson

Jennifer Haymore

Joyce Lamb

Caridad Pineiro

And lots more awesome folks are being added right now!  It’s party time! So be sure to come by and comment on Tuesday so you will be eligible for the prizes.


PLUS…I’ll also be having my Twitter Party on Tuesday, as well.

Pre-register for the Twitter Party (even if you can’t attend at the listed time), so that you will be eligible for cool giveaways like a Kindle Touch and a Howl for It ARC. You can see a full list of all the giveaways here.

So please spread the word about the party fun! And I hope to “see” you on Tuesday!

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More Harlequin Intrigue Stories

Posted in Latest News on June 21st, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Hi, everyone!  I’ve got my contracts in hand, so I can announce…I’ll be writing more Harlequin Intrigue titles!

Originally, I’d signed on to do two books in my Shadow Agent series for Intrigue (and I’m super pumped about those military based RS titles), but now I will be doing four books in that series. The books are all plotted out and planned (books 1 and 2 are done, and I’ll soon start work on books 3 and 4).  I do know that the first book, ALPHA ONE, will be out in early 2013, and so will book two, GUARDIAN RANGER. I think that the 3rd and 4th books will be out in late 2013, but I can’t confirm those dates yet.  But what I can say…I’m excited to be writing more Intrigues! And I sure hope readers enjoy the stories!

And, speaking of excitement…don’t forget that my ANGEL BETRAYED release party is on 6/26/12.  Make plans to come by and enter all of the giveaway fun that will be happening.  Bad boy hero Sammael (Sam) will be out in the reading wild come Tuesday!

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