Box O Books…

Posted in Romance on August 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Winners:  The winners of the book boxes are:  DeborahHine and LINDA B. Congrats!!

Update:  I will be giving away two big boxes of books–so two winners for this giveaway!  Good luck!

This hour’s prize is a bit of a mystery. You see, I am going to pick one commenter and send her/him a box of books.  Romances, of course. Across all sub-genres.  A surprise box of books that can include vampires, serial killers…dukes.  🙂 You never know just what/who you’ll find in this box.

Surprises can be fun, right?  I hope so!

To enter this giveaway, tell me…what is your favorite romance genre? (That way, I can try to put specific books of that genre in your box.)   Good luck!!! (And again–you know the giveaway deal…the contest will stay open until noon tomorrow, and a random winner will be selected.)

So help me, please–help me give this big box of books a home!

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Time for a Secret.

Posted in Romance on August 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  The winner of the Victoria Secret gift card is…Regina R! Congrats!

In the past, I’ve offered giveaways that tied in with my “angel” theme (since I’ve got my Fallen books).  Readers seemed to particularly enjoy one of those giveaways…the Victoria’s Secret Angel gift card. 😉  So, while HOWL FOR IT doesn’t feature an angel (just a sexy werewolf), I still wanted to offer up that gift card prize.  Come on, what kind of party would this be without a little sexy fun?  So this hour’s giveaway is a $25 Victoria Secret’s Angel gift card.

And, since we’re talking angels, I’ll go ahead and share the cover and blurb for my next angel release, ANGEL IN CHAINS.


As a fallen Angel of Death, Azrael is cursed to walk the earth alone in search of redemption. One night, as he wanders the streets of New Orleans, he discovers a woman surrounded by panther shifters.  No longer able to contain the anger simmering within, Az summons his dark powers and attacks, determined to protect this innocent human from certain death.

Only Jade Pierce is no delicate flower.  She’s spent years learning to survive and fight the evil forces sent by her ex-lover who refuses to let her go. But after seeing Az in action, she figures she could use a little supernatural help. And so she plans a course of seduction guaranteed to arouse his interest and his angelic passions…


Want to win the Victoria’s Secret gift card?  Tell me…if you were an angel, what would tempt you to fall from grace?  (Giveaway open until noon on  8/28/12–Central time. Random winner selected from the comments.)

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Coming up…(And your chance to win an ARC)

Posted in Romance on August 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The ARC winner is..Aretha Z! Congrats!


I’ve had several questions recently about books that I have planned or am writing. So, I thought I’d just take a few moments during our party and share some details.

First up, my Fallen series…there are two more books in the Fallen series slated to be released. ANGEL IN CHAINS will be out on November 27, and AVENGING ANGEL will be out in July of 2013. (The hero and heroine of AVENGING ANGEL will be introduced in ANGEL IN CHAINS.  I will say…AVENGING ANGEL is the only book I wrote to feature a full-blooded angel as the heroine.)

More paranormal news…I am writing a three-book phoenix shifter series for Kensington Brava. Every time my phoenix shifter dies, he rises from the flames. Only he comes back…darker each time. Darker and far more dangerous. I’ve already turned in two of these books, and I’m writing the third one (with a due date to my publisher of mid-October).

Read the rest of this entry–>

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Kindle Me.

Posted in Romance on August 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The Kindle winner is:  Amber Schaber. Congrats!


I bet you can guess what item I’m giving away just by the title, right?  Because, yes, the next prize that I have up for grabs is a Kindle.  This one right here.

When I was a kid, I loved to read fairy tales.  As I got older, I transitioned away from fairy tales and started reading those wonderfully scary stories by Christopher Pike.  I loved a good thrill and chill.  Still do.  And those early reads inspire me even now.

When I wrote my BOUND (vampire and werewolf) books, I used fairy tales as the inspiration for those stories.  My contribution to HOWL FOR IT came from my unending love for the Little Red Riding Hood tale.  Some stories just stay with you long after “The End” and, for me–well, it’s those stories that stay with me that I enjoy the most.

But what about you? When you were a kid, what stories stayed with you the most?  Is there a story that you still enjoy today?

(You know the way this works by now, but…the giveaway will stay open until noon–Central time–on 8/29/12. A random winner will be selected. Good luck!)

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Best. Monster. Ever.

Posted in Romance on August 28th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of the Barnes and Noble gift card is…Dana Gold!

My life-long love of monsters inspires my writing. Seriously, if I hadn’t watched so many horror movies as  a child, I doubt I’d be writing about vampires and werewolves today.  What can I say? Monsters motivate me. Only…instead of being the bad guys, I often love to make my monsters into heroes.  Who says the beast can’t save beauty? I think he can.

So that got me to thinking…just who/what is the best monster ever? A beast that was supposed to be bad, but you still found yourself rooting for him anyway?

Spike comes to mind for me (of course!), but there are other supernatural guys out there who have to make the list, too.   My husband says that Frankenstein’s Monster is far and away the best, but I don’t know about that.  Never quite loved the whole electrode bit.

What do you think? If you had to make a list, who/what would top it for the title of Best Monster Ever?

I’ll pick one commenter to win a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble.  (And please remember–all contests will stay open until noon, Central time, on 8/29/12.)

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