It’s a Sale! A .99 Sale!! (And a Contest–Prizes, Ahoy!)
Posted in Romance, Latest News on May 20th, 2013 by Cynthia Eden
Update: Congratulations to all of the winners!!!
They are…
$50 Gift card – Viki S
$20 Gift card – Roxanne Winn
AVENGING ANGEL copies – Amanda Jones & Haley
DIE FOR ME copies – Kristine & Danielle Estes
Any Cynthia Eden book – Elaing8
Thank you!!! Thank you so much for all of the entries in my Spread the Word contest! I’m going back through right now and getting all the entries organized (trying to make sure that no one got caught in spam. I will be back ASAP to announce our winners!
Ready for a hot read–just in time for those long, hot days of summer ? DARK NIGHTS, DANGEROUS MEN— a collection of 6 best-selling stories–is on sale (this week!) for .99. The stories in this collection are our “firsts”–our first indie stories and/or our first stories in a new genre or series. (My contribution to the bundle is BOUND BY BLOOD–my first “Bound” novella.) Authors in this bundle include me, Alexandra Ivy, Katie Reus, Joan Swan, Elisabeth Naughton, and Laura Wright. The tales range from novella-length to full-length novels.
Since this is a special one-week sale, I thought I’d hold one of my “Spread the Word!” Contests. I would love to let more folks know about this .99 deal, and if you want to help spread the word about that sale, your help will be most appreciated. (And, of course, there are prizes involved.)
First, let’s talk prizes:
$50 Gift Card (or B& Gift Card)
$20 Gift Card (or B& Gift Card)
2 copies (Print or Digital) of AVENGING ANGEL
2 copes (Print or Digital) of DIE FOR ME
Any Cynthia Eden book of the winner’s choice
How To Enter…
Want to enter the giveaway for some of these prizes? Then just spread the word about the DARK NIGHTS, DANGEROUS MEN sale. You can tweet about the anthology, you can post a pic or note on Facebook, you can blog–any way you want to share will count! Each “share” counts as one entry, and yes, you can entER on multiple days and in multiple ways. The contest will stay open until midnight on 5/25/13. Then winners will be randomly selected from all the entries received. note: If you tweet to share, will you please use the hashtag of #DarkNights so that I can see your entry? For all other entries, please leave a note for me in the comments section.
Here’s a sample tweet for you, but feel free to use any message you’d like:
Hot deal alert! The DARK NIGHTS, DANGEROUS MEN anthology is on sale for .99!! #Kindle: #Nook:
Thank you!!! Have a fabulous week!!!