ETERNAL HUNTER – Excerpt Time!

Posted in Romance on January 10th, 2014 by Cynthia Eden



“Wanna answer my question?” His voice was deep, rumbling.

Goosebumps rose on her bare arms. And it was too damn warm for her to have a chill from the weather.

“And just what question was that?” She titled her head to the right.

“Who are you?” A pause. “What are you?”

She let her eyebrows furrow. She’d fooled Other before, she could do it again. “I’m really not sure I understand. I told you, I’m Assistant District Attorney—”

“You don’t smell human.”

Her breath left on a gasp. No, he hadn’t just said—

He stepped toward her, a fast move that brought their bodies too close. Jude leaned in, lowering his head over the curve of her throat. And inhaled.

“Stop!” She shoved him, hard, and watched with no small satisfaction as he stumbled back. Oh, yeah, big guy, I’m much, much stronger than I appear. He wasn’t the first one to learn that little lesson.

She almost bared her teeth at him. Almost.

After all, she wasn’t an animal. No matter what the whispers back home said.

“I don’t know just what you think you were doing,” she snapped, glaring at him as she narrowed her eyes. “But you’d better watch what you do and what you say around me.” Was the guy crazy? You don’t smell human. He couldn’t say things like that.

The words were too dangerous.

She reached into her purse. Dug out her card. “Call my office. My assistant will take care of any paperwork you’ve got.”

He stared at her a moment longer. Then, slowly, his tanned fingers rose. Long fingers, callused. Strong. He took the card, and his fingertips brushed over her hand.

Erin didn’t flinch and she was extremely proud of that fact.

“Good work, Donovan.” After giving him that grudging token of appreciation, she nodded and began to march back toward her car.

She’d taken all of five steps when she heard his whistle. Long, loud, and very appreciative.

Erin stilled.

I really don’t need this shit.

“I’ve got your scent.” Hard words. Scary words. Because she knew what they meant.

If Jude Donovan truly was a shifter, and every instinct she had screamed that he was, then having her scent, well, it meant he had her. He’d be able to follow her, to find her, almost anywhere.

A shifter. What were the odds she’d stumble onto him?

One of the little perks in the Other world—the world full of supernaturals and nightmares, the world that, rather unfortunately, was her life—was that like recognized like. Demons, because, yeah, those conniving bastards were real, could “see” others of their breed. They could look right past the magic glamour and peer into the darkness inside.

Witches felt the power pull from their brethren.

And shifters, well, they could smell each other—a distinct scent. One that carried the wisp of power and the scent of the beast.

Jude Donovan smelled of power. Of wild, strong man. Of savagery. No denying that scent.

As for the beast…she didn’t need the marks on Bobby’s face to know Donovan had claws.

Erin began to walk again. One determined step after another.

And even when she climbed into her car, she could feel his eyes on her. Watching and seeing too much.

Oh, damn.

Now, she’d have to be extra careful to stay on her guard and not let the hunter discover the secrets she kept so carefully hidden.


ETERNAL HUNTER is available now in mass market (and that means the ebook version is now priced lower, too!).  So if you’re in the mood for some paranormal bounty hunting fun…here you go! 😉

Have a great weekend!!

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ETERNAL HUNTER – Mass Market Re-release

Posted in Latest News, Romance on January 7th, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

My Night Watch series is back!!! The “Night Watch” trilogy was my three novels about my paranormal bounty hunters…ETERNAL HUNTER, I’LL BE SLAYING YOU, and ETERNAL FLAME.  These books were originally released as trade paperbacks, but now they are being re-released as mass market books.  So if you didn’t read them before, now is your chance for some paranormal hotness!

The mass market version of ETERNAL HUNTER released today. The mass market versions of I’LL BE SLAYING YOU and ETERNAL FLAME will be released later in the year by my publisher, Kensington books.

Here’s the blurb for ETERNAL HUNTER:

Assistant DA Erin Jerome has a secret. Make that two. One: She’s not entirely human–she’s Other, desperately trying to keep her supernatural strength under wraps. Two: she’s got a killer stalking her–an Other rogue set on “gifting” her bloody corpses, not to mention nights lying awake in terror. Small wonder she’s been having bad luck with men.

But the bounty hunter on her new case isn’t worried about any of that. Jude Donovan is a shapeshifter himself, and the new DA’s midnight hair and addictive scent tell him all he thinks he needs to know:  She’s gorgeous, she’s definitely not human, and she’s bringing out the animal in him in a really good way. He might have to track a psychotic Other stalker through half of Louisiana. But he might also get the chance to watch Erin’s wild side come out and play…


Have a terrific Tuesday! It’s bitterly cold for a lot folks today–so stay warm!

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THE BETTER TO BITE – Free for a limited time!!

Posted in Romance on December 11th, 2013 by Cynthia Eden

My young adult book, THE BETTER TO BITE, is free at Amazon (for the Kindle) and at Kobo!


Don’t go into the woods.

Sixteen-year-old Anna Lambert knows that the woods near her new home aren’t safe. She’s seen the wolves that stalk through that dark forest, but Anna doesn’t scare easily.
Anna is cursed–or gifted, depending on how you look at it–with the ability to find anyone or anything that is lost. So when folks start disappearing in the small town of Haven, Anna’s father, the sheriff, has to use her special skills as they begin to hunt for a killer.

But the killer isn’t exactly human. As Anna is pulled deeper into the secrets of Haven–a town that is truly cursed–she finds herself falling for two, equally mysterious boys. With the danger closing in, one of those boys may just turn out to be her savior. And the other? He could be a very big, very bad…beast.

Beware of beasts…and boys…with bite.

Author’s Note: THE BETTER TO BITE is a young adult paranormal romance containing 64,000 words. The story contains werewolves, murders, and a teen on the hunt for one seriously bloodthirsty killer.



The free listing is for a limited time (and then the book will return to its regular price of $2.99). So grab your copy now! 😉

Hope you’re having a great holiday season!

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Special Sale!!! THE WOLF WITHIN is only .99!

Posted in Latest News, Romance on December 3rd, 2013 by Cynthia Eden

For the next two weeks, I’m running a special sale on my werewolf/vampire romance, THE WOLF WITHIN. (We can all use a sale during the holidays, right?) The ebook is on sale for just .99 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and All Romance Ebooks (and I’m working to get it listed at a price of .99 at both iBooks and Kobo, too).  After the sale ends, the book will return to a regular price of $2.99.

Want to know more about THE WOLF WITHIN?

Special .99 Sale!

FBI Special Agent Duncan McGuire spends his days–and his nights–tracking real-life monsters. Most humans aren’t aware of the vampires and werewolves that walk among them. They don’t realize the danger that they face, but Duncan knows about the horror that waits in the darkness. He hunts the monsters, and he protects the innocent. Duncan just never expects to become a monster. But after a brutal werewolf attack, Duncan begins to change…and soon he will be one of the very beasts that he has hunted.

Dr. Holly Young is supposed to help Duncan during his transition. It’s her job to keep him sane so that Duncan can continue working with the FBI’s Para Unit. But as Duncan’s beast grows stronger, the passion that she and Duncan have held carefully in check pushes to the surface. The desire that is raging between them could be a very dangerous thing…because Holly isn’t exactly human, not any longer.

As the monsters circle in, determined to take out all of the agents working at the Para Unit, Holly and Duncan will have to use their own supernatural strengths in order to survive. But as they give up more of their humanity and embrace the beasts within them both, they realize that the passion between them isn’t safe, it isn’t controllable, and their dark need may just be an obsession that could destroy them both.

Author’s Note: THE WOLF WITHIN is an adult paranormal romance. It contains werewolves, vampires, adult language, sexy times, and lots of danger. Please consider yourself warned. THE WOLF WITHIN contains approximately 60,000 words.


And here’s an excerpt from the tale…the moment when the hero stops being a man and becomes something more…


“You were bitten by the suspect.” Real regret tinged Pate’s voice. “You know what that means…”

Bitten. No. The fuck, no. “Kill me,” Duncan snapped. Because there was no way he’d become a monster. The werewolves only existed to torture and kill. To slaughter. Their beasts dominated. They attacked anyone and everything.

Just like they’d attacked his family.

I won’t be like that. When he’d agreed to become part of the secret division, he’d known there would be deadly risks involved in his cases. He’d known the risks, and he’d long ago decided what he would and wouldn’t become.

“No!” Elias yelled as he surged forward. “Pate, dammit, don’t! You promised—”

Screw any promises that Pate had made to Elias. Now, Duncan remembered the feel of teeth tearing into his flesh. His neck. His shoulder. With all of those bites and the blood loss, he should be dead.

But he wasn’t. Because his body was already transforming.

If a werewolf’s bite didn’t kill you…if you had the DNA that would enable you to become a beast, then just one bite from a shifted werewolf would infect you. Transform you.

I don’t want to be—

“If you go rogue, I’ll put a silver bullet in your head myself,” Pate promised, green eyes glittering. Rogue. That was the term for werewolves who couldn’t maintain their control. They lost all touch with humanity. Beasts. Monsters. Pate’s gaze stayed locked on Duncan as the guy continued, “But you’re one of us, and no one is putting you down yet. We’re damn well going to give you a chance at survival first.”

Pate didn’t understand. He didn’t get it. He was a suit who saw the wolves from a distance. Duncan had seen the newly transformed up close and personal. The beast took over. It was all basic instinct. All need and bloodlust.

Pate looked up and nodded toward the agents around Duncan. “Take him to Holly. She can take care of his wounds and start to get a read on him—”

He snarled. Duncan’s body twisted and a fire seemed to burn beneath his skin. “Not…her…”

The boss didn’t know how Duncan felt for the pretty, little doctor. Holly was already his temptation with her sweet smelling skin and her fuck-me eyes. He’d tried to stay away because he’d known she was too fragile to handle someone like him.

If she hadn’t been able to handle the man he’d been, there was no way she’d be safe around his soon-to-be-emerging werewolf side.

“He’s starting to change!” Elias’s shout. “Drug him and get the guy in that ambulance!”

A needle was shoved into his arm.

Duncan kept fighting and trying to get them to understand, “Not…Hol…”

They were loading him into the ambulance. They weren’t listening to him. Holly was the last person he should be around. He wanted her as a man. He knew that a werewolf’s desires were just magnified.

And what the wolf wanted, he took.

Without thought. Without remorse.

No limits. No control. No conscience.

Just the beast.

He opened his mouth and only a growl escaped. Not Holly. Keep me away from her. I’ll hurt her.

He could feel the fire spreading beneath his skin. Hands were on him, holding Duncan down because the drug wasn’t working on him.

“Uh, is he supposed to be this strong?” One of the agents—Shane, he knew Shane, they played cards every Wednesday—asked nervously. “Cause this hoss is—”

The strap across his chest broke free, and Duncan lunged up.

Not Holly!

Another needle was jabbed into his neck. One straight into his heart.

“That’ll stop a tiger,” Pate panted out the words.

A tiger…

Or a werewolf.

Duncan fell back against the gurney.

Holly, I’m sorry…

His eyes closed.



And don’t forget that I’m continuing my “12 Days of Giveaways!” event–today’s prizes will be posted on my Facebook page at 1 PM Central time. Be sure to stop by!

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December means…giveaways!!!

Posted in Romance on December 2nd, 2013 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  I *think* we have our 100, so I am closing comments down–I’ll be sending to all who commented before I closed. 😉 And if I’m short on those 100 entries, I’ll be doing another giveaway ASAP! Thank you so much for the fabulous response! And don’t forget–My 12 Days of Giveaways will continue tomorrow, too!!



It’s the holiday season…the time of giving, and I sure do have some giveaways planned! For the next 12 days, I’ll be doing lots of fun giveaways (some posted here on my blog and some posted on my Facebook page). For the first giveaway, well, since it’s time to get in the holiday mood, I thought a holiday read was in order…


I am going to giveaway 100 copies of A VAMPIRE’S CHRISTMAS CAROL to the first 100 people who comment. All I need you to do is tell me your preferred digital format (Mobi/Kindle, Nook/epub, etc.). As soon as I get all 100 folks, I’ll close the comments down.

Here’s the blurb to get you in that holiday mood:

This holiday season has bite.

Ben Prescott hates Christmas–he’s a vampire, and to him, there’s certainly nothing jolly about the holiday season. While the humans are running around being merry, he’s hunting in the shadows. Ben plans to spend the holidays his way…by stalking deadly prey.

But fate has other plans for Ben.

Three visitors are coming Ben’s way…A demon who will force Ben to face his past, a ghost who will show Ben the present he could have, and a shifter who will reveal the darkness that waits in Ben’s future. Unless Ben can change his ways, he may just turn into a real monster, one who can’t be saved by anyone or anything.

‘Tis the season…to be undead.

Ben’s redemption rests in the hands of the one woman he loved and lost–Simone Laurent. If Ben is going to have a chance at being more than just the beast in the darkness, he has to prove himself to the lovely Simone. A very hard task, considering that, once upon a Christmas Eve, Simone died in Ben’s arms…

Warning: This story features one very tortured vampire, a sexy ghost from his past, and hot scenes designed to melt the winter snow. Plenty of action, adult situations, and steamy times are ahead. Happy holidays!


Have a great day!!

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