When the Monsters are the Good Guys… Back to Blog

Update: Thanks for all the wonderful comments!! I selected a random winner and the commenter who won is…Cybercliper! Congrats!!! And keeping checking out the daily posts for more chances to win great prizes!

Sometimes it takes a monster to catch a monster.  🙂  Okay, that was the general idea that inspired my upcoming paranormal bounty hunter series.  I wanted to create a world in which some of the characters were so dark, so powerful, that, well, it would take heroes (and heroines) equally dark and powerful to catch them.

So Night Watch was born.  Night Watch is a bounty hunting agency, a paranormal bounty hunting agency.  The hunters there can be demons, shifters, vamps–they can be the character that probably should fall under the “Monster” heading, but in my series, these are the good guys (and gals).

The first book in my Night Watch series is ETERNAL HUNTER, and it will be released on December 29, 2009.  But, hey, why wait until then to read the book?  I have an Advanced Reader’s Copy that I’d love to give to a commenter this weekend!  To enter this contest, just tell me what you think of monster heroes.

And if you want to read an excerpt from ETERNAL HUNTER, you can check one out here.

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59 responses to “When the Monsters are the Good Guys…”

  1. Jacqueline L. says:

    I love monster heroes…as long as they’re distinguishable from(I suppose I mean, not as bad as) the monster bad guys. 🙂

  2. SusiSunshine says:

    I prefer heroes who are not totally nice. The whole man gets more interesting if has a bad side. And bad is sexy as hell so I’m totally in for the monster heroes. But wait, if they are ugly or do disgusting things I could change my mind on that point. LOL
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Edie says:

    I love great heroes whether they’re monsters or not. I think a monster can bring a lot of terrific backstory to the book. They’ll never be boring.

  4. Kris M says:

    even monsters have their redeeming qualities. It is good to have a little bad or dangerous with the good.

  5. Love them! They might be monsters but there has to be some good in them right?

  6. Minna says:

    Oh, I just love monster heroes!

  7. blodeuedd says:

    Sounds cool, I mean Shrek is a monster and a total cutie lol. As long as they are nice all is good

  8. May says:

    I love monster heroes because of the darkness in their characters. I love to read about the internal struggle between the goodness and inherited darkness from their monster roots.

  9. Elena says:

    I love monster heroes. Who better to fight monsters than monsters, and the darkness that surrounds them is always interesting to me. It’s also always interesting to see the heroine that wins over their heart.

  10. Susan says:

    I enjoy reading about monster heroes. Most have that angst-quality about who/what they are and that makes their character all the more interesting. However, I wouldn’t want them to be a completely good – after all, they are monsters 🙂

  11. Natasha A. says:

    I love them! I love the not always nice guys 🙂 Heck, I married a bad boy 😀

  12. Morning Glow says:

    I love the idea of monster heroes. Most of the type of supernatural beings I like are considered monsters in movies, etc (ex: vampires, werewolves). And there are more than enough human monsters out there. It’s about time for more good “monsters” of other.. species, I guess it is.

    Morning Glow

  13. Corwynn Darkholme says:

    I love monsters as hero’s because they are so very misunderstood! Just because they are a supernatural being does not make you evil, come on look at all the evil simple human’s have done throughout the centuries! So just because one is a monster or surpernatural creature does not mean they are evil & thus can’t be heros! Besides I like seeing monsters as the good guys or gals & humans as the bad guys, except for the monsters sweetie can be a good human!!

    Corwynn Darkholme

  14. azteclady says:

    ooooooooooooohhhhh I want!!!


    Monster heroes: I love when they are well written. Conflicted between doing what they feel is right and whatever their natures pull them to do…

    I think it all started with the TV series Forever Knight

  15. Anna Shah Hoque says:

    Hi Cynthia,
    I love the premise of monster heroes simply they fit outside the norm…They are trying live by the same code of rules that “regular” heroes do but they have to fight misconceptions that may accompany their existence… It’s like watching Hell Boy, he may not fit into the expected box of what he want a hero to look like but his actions speak louder than words..I look forward to reading your book…It sounds like a real keeper!!!

    Happy Reading!!!

  16. Jenn says:

    I am one of those girls that always loves bad boys – hence the attraction to monster heroes. I always look forward to the hero that is unexpected or even unwelcome at first – we all have “stuff” to overcome so I think those types of heroes are more real than the ooey gooey Mr. Perfect types.

    Write on Monster Girl, I say!

    Fingers crossed for me! xo Jenn

  17. Jody F. says:

    A hero is a hero no matter what they look like. As long as they’re willing to sacrifice themselves for others then they’re a hero to me.

  18. Chelsea B. says:

    A great hero is a great hero, no matter what he is!

  19. Cybercliper says:

    I love monster heroes even if they have to blur the lines between good and bad. I like them even better if they are mean, snarly with lots of bad attitude, unpredictable and dangerous to EVERYONE around them. ((sigh)) my kind of guy…

  20. Valerie says:

    A hero who is a bit dark it quite the turn on for me!!! I think to pull that off though is probably not so easy. I adored Hellboy, who was a monster but a hero!!! So dark and tortured.

    I’m in Germany.

  21. Paula says:

    Oh, Night Watch sounds promising and I really like the idea of the heroes/heroines you have for the series. I prefer multidimensional characters over perfect “white knights”, maybe that’s why “monster” heroes are my thing, too.

  22. Mel K. says:

    Hi Cynthia,
    Your post brings to mind my favorite monster hunter. DEXTER! (Showtime)
    Do you watch the show?
    I love paranormals and enjoy reading about monsters. Heros or not.

  23. Taylor Z says:

    Hey!! Monster heroes: i like them. lol. Everyone has a little monster in them, so bringing out the monster and showing that they can be heroes…well i think its cool and interesting.

  24. Janet H says:

    I love a tortured hero and monster heroes are usually tortured heroes X 10. Love that internal character conflict.

  25. Christiana says:

    Monsters for heroes are my favorite books to read. All of the books I reread regularly have some type of monster as a lead character.

  26. Melissa says:

    I LOVE them, whether they’re dark, edgy, or silly and sexy. I love shifters, vamps, demons, and even the occasional ghost heros!! (Stardust of Yesterday has the best ghost EVAH!)

  27. Barb Patrick says:

    Hi Cynthia! I love a hero that has some Bad Boy/Monster in him. I think that it makes the story even more exciting! The idea of the tall dark and mysterious ( or fangy ) turning into a hero, makes me all shivery. Have a good one!

  28. Danny says:

    I love dark and tortured heroes or bad boys. Dark and mysterious is just the thing for me.

  29. RKCharron says:

    Hi Cynthia 🙂
    Monster heroes are great!
    The first I can think of is FRANKENSTEIN.
    (Although that was the name of the mad scientist & not the “monster”).
    All the best,

  30. Diane Sadler says:

    As far as I can tell, monsters same as humans come in either good or bad, some are and some are not what you would expect. They don’t have to be dark or light so long as they are the heroes and save the world or at least the girl! Good stories, interesting plots and a great ending to our couple that’s all we need.

  31. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Monsters like drows (sorry they are my weakness) are not evil as people perceives. There are some good ones out there who exactly don’t like what their kind does. It makes a good change of pace

  32. Terri W. says:

    Hi Cynthia!

    I love monster heroes who have dark and bad side especially when they are tortured and brooding!

  33. Eva S says:

    I’ve always liked the bad guys, and monster heroes sound really great!

  34. Barbara Elness says:

    I enjoy monster heroes, they’re always fun, but they have to have some redeeming qualities to distinguish them from the bad monsters.

  35. Darkreader says:

    I LOVE monster heros. Good monster hero against bad monsters…..yum!!! I love all your books and can’t wait for this book! What’s next???? Please let me in on what your working on!

  36. Michele says:

    Monster heros are the best! Love a story that has a hero with a dark side 😀

    Very excited about your new series Cynthia!! Speaking of monster heroes, you had a couple that I totally loved in your Midnight series 😀

  37. Jane says:

    Monster heroes have become sexier. I wouldn’t have considered a monster hero material if I was asked a few years ago.

  38. Cathy M says:

    I’ve been hooked on monster heroes since watching Beauty and the Beast tv series.

  39. Angela says:

    I have recently been introduced to paranormal books and am totally in love with monster heroes. Loved Niol from your Midnight Series. Now there was a monster hero who had has a very dark side but yet enough good to balance him 🙂

  40. AmyW says:

    Hi Cynthia!

    A friend of mine introduced me to your books and I love them!!!

    Totally love the monster heroes! Who doesn’t love a hero with a dark side 😀

  41. Sue Brandes says:

    I love monster heros. It makes the books more fun & interesting.

  42. Judy Cox says:

    Oh yes, I have a thing for monster heroes, in fact all kinds of heroes:)

  43. Pamk says:

    ooh the ultimate bad boy. yummy love that idea and can’t wait to read it.

  44. Jacki says:

    I love the idea of “Monster” heroes. Dark, brooding hunks are one of my favorite things!

  45. Laura K says:

    I loved the Demon you had in Midnight’s Master. He was so so yummy!

    Wouldn’t give a child (don’t have one) for the ARC, but I can send loads of other good things and positive thoughts!

  46. Brandy says:

    Monster heroes are so fascinating because we know that they could have gone bad, but instead choose to do good. At least that’s why I like Monster heroes. Kinda like a nice play on that old Robert Burns poem of the fork in the road.

  47. Tina says:

    I think that monster heroes are a kewl twist on a hero. they can be strong, and needy at the same time which makes you want to help them and be with them. like they need you to save them kinda thing…I love twists and new ideas

  48. I think all the best heroes have a little bit of a dark side, personally. I mean, what about Batman? Edward Cullen? Heathcliffe? I love a guy that doesn’t seem like he’s just a happy-go-lucky floater through life.

  49. Terri says:

    Like monster heroes, so long as they’re not “evil” with no redeeming qualities. Does that make sense?

  50. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I love monsters and demons as the “heroes”. Everyone has different ideas about what a monster is anyway, and what might be a monster to one person could be normal to another.