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I have long been curious about this…if you had to choose between a sexy, charming vampire or a wild, untamed werewolf shifter…which guy would you chose? The vamp? Or the beast?
Let’s take a little poll and find out.
(Yes, since my Gage from HOWL FOR IT is a werewolf, I think we know which side he’d like for you to pick. But vampires need love, too, right?)
When I watch TRUE BLOOD, I’m often torn…Eric or Alcide? I’ll confess that, this season, I was more Team Eric.
But what about you? Let’s settle this epic debate and find out: werewolves or vampires?
One commenter/voter will be randomly selected to win a $20 gift card. (Contest will remain open until noon tomorrow.)
My vote goes to…the werewolves.
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Vampires has always been my favorite but the wolves are coming closer to be my favorite…
Werewolves all the way! 😀
Vampires always
Werewolves all totally sexy. Especially the alphas
I’m going with vampires!
I like both vampires and werewolves. Although Eric is sexy, I’ll take Alcide any day. Yummy!!!
Most definately werewolves. I like a man who is helpful and gentle, but rough and dirty (like Alcide) and can turn into a big bad wolf to protect me. Vampires have the appeal of only seeing them at night and then they won’t bother me in the daylight so I can get some peace, but they are too sneaky and unpredictable (like Eric).
Vampires… I love Eric especially!
I love the tall, dark, and sexy werewolves
Werewolves are by far the sexiest. Go Werewolves.
Werewolves all the way. They have the whole alpha package going for them. Hot! Thanks.
I am a recent were convert. I had been all about the vamps since the ’80s but recently find the whole shifty thing a lot of fun. As to the type of were, well, now, that is a whole other can of worms. 😉
Werewolves! Two words: Joe Manganiello. Vampires? I’m forever scarred by the sparklepire in Twilight…
I’m all about the beast, so the wild, untamed werewolf shifter is the one for me:)
I love vampires, don’t get me wrong. But when I dream of a sexy paranormal hero, he is usually a werewolf or other shifter. There’s something so…primal about werewolves that makes a girl think of going wild BIGTIME!
Let me put it another way: I’d marry a vampire–for security–and have a werewolf on the side–for fun! 🙂
If you’d of asked me a year ago I would have said vampires without even thinking about it. Now I am torn between vampires and werewolves.
Oh that’s not fair! I love both. But since the last book about either I read was Sylvia Day’s A Hunger So Wild and Elijah is a damned sexy hero, I’ll go with werewolves today.
Werewolves, dark, dangerous and untamed – yum!
Oh, man…I can’t pick! I love them both! Just depends on the particular guy I guess.
Werewolf shifter! Unless I’m allergic to them, too (I’m allergic to dogs)….
I pick the werewolf.
I like them both but the werewolf is like the ultimate bad boy so I have to go wolf.
I have to say werewolf.
While I loves me some sexy shifter action, whether he be wolf, lion, tiger, or bear (oh my!) or any other powerful beast, I have to say that a bad boy sexy vampire somehow always gets to me even more. There’s something about them that just draws me in, the tortured immortal souls that they are…oh yeah.
I would have to choose a Wolf…I would want to be able to have kids with him.
definitely wolf!! 😛
Tough choice, but I’d have to say werewolf. They’re so earthy…and hawt!!! 🙂
werewolf all the way!!!
Werewolf, whoo, hot
Vampires! They definitely got to me first *cough* Angel/Spike *cough* and I tend to love them more 🙂
I break 4 Sexy Swifters..!
As much as I love shifters, a sexy Vampire guy will always be my first choice!
Wow, hard choice but if neither hurts me, it would have to be the Werewolf Shifter and I’ll never tell why – LOL
A Sexy Vamp will be my choice!!!
Even more if he’s Erich Northman!
I don’t know depends on the series and books! Usually vamps but I heart some werewolves too!
Can’t I have both? 🙂
There’s a certain romanticism to vampires, so I suppose being a hopeless romantic, I’d choose the vampire over the werewolf 🙂
It really depends on the mood and who is doing the writing. Really decisive, yes? 🙂
For the most part, about evenly split between the two, although werewolves are ahead at the moment.
I love vampires but WEREWOLVES rule!
Werewolves all the way!
Love those werewolves
Werewolves or any shifters really! I’d rather have a warm blooded Love.
I love a bit of both really, but if I had to pick it would be vampires, especially if he was Eric Northmen 🙂 I love him 🙂 Or Damon from Vampire Diaries or Angel from Buffy 🙂
Werewolves since they are generally warmer and I am always cold in bed.
I do love a sexy, uninhibited werewolf but since you mentioned Eric – I’m gonna have to go with vampire.
Depends on the story or movie or book or whatever. lol I have to know the character some first.
Probably vampire. …. but maybe werewolf????
Lisa B
For sure werewolf.