Turning Points Back to Blog

I’m really enjoying my current WIP right now–I like to think of this one as more of a “stalker” story than a killer one, um, though there is killing involved.  Something I’ve noticed…mid-way through (okay, roughly mid-way through) my books, I usually have some sort of turning point.

For my tiger-shifter story, the turning point is coming very quickly.  My characters will go from the defensive–to the most definitely offensive as they start their own hunt.  Years ago I saw a Jean Claude Van Damme (Am I spelling that right?  Probably not) movie that had a great catch-phrase.  Something like, “The hunted becomes the hunter.”  That’s what I’m thinking as I write this story and aim for my turning point.  (And, by the way, Jean Claude’s early movies really weren’t as bad as most people think–oh, hell, maybe they were. I do enjoy bad movies sometimes!)

So, that’s where I am in terms of my writing. Gearing up for the big turning point.

Have you noticed mid-book turning points in the novels you’ve read?  Linda Howard is great at these!

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4 responses to “Turning Points”

  1. Brandy says:

    Gear up! *G* I always like the turning point, the moment where you go “ahhhh” with the character/s.

    My first date with the Hubs was to a Jeane Claude Van Damme movie, yes they are all pretty bad, but that’s what made them fun. *G*

    Good luck with your book!

  2. Ashley says:

    I’ve got to agree. I think even the early JCVD movies were pretty bad, but the scenery made up for it.

  3. Edie says:

    I watch different movies, Cindy. Jeane Claude Van Damme isn’t on my watch list. I’m so looking forward to Mama Mia. 🙂

    Blake Snyder says there is always a big shift in the middle of a movie. A successful movie, that is. I should pay more attention to the timing in my books. I’m so not a plotter.

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    LOL, Brandy, you are so right! Often I think the very “badness” of movies can make ’em so good!

    Hey, Ashley! You came to my site!! GASP! And you know I do enjoy good scenery…that’s why I like Vin so much.

    Hi, Edie! I’ve heard a lot of talk about Mama Mia–please let me know what you think after you see the movie.