Special Delivery Back to Blog

When the doorbell rang at 11:30 a.m. today (ahem, by the time most folks read this, it will have been “yesterday”), my husband and I both raced to the door (and, um, had a small scuffle as we each fought to be the first to open the door). Nick was hoping the FedEx truck he could see from the window was there to delivery his much anticipated camping tent. I was hoping to get my grubby hands on the ARCs that the Magnificent M told me would be coming soon.

Guess who the delivery was for? 🙂

Yep, that’s me in the picture, my previously mentioned grubby hands holding an ARC of WHEN HE WAS BAD (featuring Shelly Laurenston’s Miss Congeniality and my Wicked Ways). Oh, and, hey–that’s my new haircut, too! I know–you don’t care about the hair so much, but aren’t the ARCs cool? Jeez but I love getting those.

By the way, wanna read an excerpt of Wicked Ways? I’m in the process of updating my site–I’ve added excerpts for Wicked Ways and Blood Hunt, and on Friday, I should add more new info.

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4 responses to “Special Delivery”

  1. Zoe Winters says:

    Seeing this happening to you in the process of it happening really inspires me. I really think you’re going to go somewhere with this. I just have a feeling. 🙂

  2. Michelle says:

    Terrific hair cut, Cynthia. Oh, and the ARCs are awesome too 🙂 .

  3. Edie says:

    Cindy, I loved the When He Was Bad excerpt. I really want to read it.

    And your new haircut looks great!

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Zoe!! You are so nice. And I’m nervous as heck about these books.

    Aw, Michelle, thanks. 🙂 I love getting ARCs (haircuts–not so much.

    Edie, I am so glad you liked the excerpt–that was one of the funnest stories for me–I didn’t feel stressed writing–just had a fun ride.