RT Convention Back to Blog

This week, thousands of romance writers and readers are converging on Daytona Beach for the annual Romantic Times convention.

Dang-I want to be there! I’ve heard this is the “fun” convention while the RWA event in July is the more serious, business oriented event.

Of course, the RT convention is still important business-wise. There are tons of workshops, editor and agent appointments, and a great book fair. (Um, no, I haven’t had the pleasure of attending one of these events, but I’ve heard great things from other folks!). In addition to the business events, there is also the cover model competition, a full moon party, and a vampire ball.

Sigh. I am so missing out.

But maybe I can go next year. I heard that the convention would be in Houston then. Now I just have to find out if that rumor is true…

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3 responses to “RT Convention”

  1. Michelle says:

    Sniff, I wish I could be there too. Liz, Edie and my CP, is, and I bet she’s having a ball. I’m going to try and make National next year. I want to leave the kids behind so am working on my husband already 🙂

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    I am so jealous of them all! I’m sure they are having a great time…

    Good luck with the hubby!

  3. Michelle says:

    Maybe your good luck worked 🙂 Looks like I am going – without children (not that it would have been practical to have them along).