PR Talk Back to Blog

This Saturday, I’ll be talking about Internet PR at my Gulf Coast Chapter RWA meeting.  I’m in the process of preparing my handouts now, and as I’m organizing the info, I’m kinda overwhelmed by just how many PR opportunities are available for writers on the Internet.  (Cause, yeah, if you look, you can find a ton of places to promote books.)

I’ve found MySpace to be, far and away, one of my best time investments.  Thanks to MySpace, I’ve been in contact with readers, booksellers, reviewers, other authors–it’s an absolutely fabulous place to network.

I’ve been considering getting a Facebook account, but I haven’t fully decided on that one yet–gotta see how much time I have available in the coming months.

I think blogs are also a great way to communicate and generate book buzz.  Doing guest blogs–all that requires is a post!  Simple.  And you get to “talk” with new people.  Easy.

I’m also all about Yahoo groups (and Google, too).  There are so many Yahoo book groups out there–filled with readers and writers.  One of my favorite new groups is The Haunt–a paranormal group that is always lively.  🙂

Oh, yeah, the Internet is full of opportunities.  And, ahem, that means I’d better get busy preparing my presentation!  Got lots more to write!

If you have a favorite Internet promo method you’d like to share, feel free!

* * *

And, in other news, the latest Secrets Volumes are available!!!  Secrets, Volumes 23 & 24 are available now!  Can’t wait to read ’em!  And congrats to the authors in those anthologies!

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4 responses to “PR Talk”

  1. Zoe Winters says:

    Hey Cynthia, yeah I’m already in that mode. I just bought a domain name and I’m trying to figure out where I want to host and how I’m going to integrate my blog and optimize my blog and blah blah blah. But it’s never never never too early to start this kind of thing.

  2. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Zoe! You are so right, lady! I was just having this conversation with a friend–I told her she needed to get a site up and running, because, like you said–it’s never too early!

  3. Brandy says:

    I’m not a writer. But, from a readers prosepective I can tell you that a web-site and blog are good things. It allows the reader to get a feel for your writing and books.

  4. Edie says:

    Cynthia, the writers on the WritersPromo loop all say that the online presence makes a difference. Good luck on your presentation. You’ll be great!