Okay, it’s official… Back to Blog

I am going to be starting a romance book club. My partner-in-crime friend (that’d be Ashley) and I are teaming up to get our club going. We’re planning big–and, by big, I mean once we figure out a cool name for our club, we’ll create a MySpace page for it. So, if you ever feel like checking in and seeing what our book club selection for the month is, well, all you have to do is punch a few buttons on your computer.

When I told the hubby that we were forming a romance book club, he blinked and said, “Why–are you gonna force the members to read your books?” Ah, tempting, but no. (Besides, I don’t like the word “force.” Encourage, maybe, but not force.) The club will be set up so that each member can select a different book (one this month, one that–you can see where I’m going here). And, yes, we will be open to long-distance members (another benefit of the MySpace page). Long distance folks will be able to post comments on the MySpace blog to let us know what they think of the reads.

Ashley and I plan to vary things up–historicals, contemporaries, romantic suspense, and, of course, paranormals. But all the books must be romances and they MUST have happy endings. This is very much not Oprah’s bookclub. I don’t want to cry and I don’t want to feel like I’m an emotional wreck after reading a book–I just want to smile and think, “Damn, that was good.”

And, in other news, Hellboy 2 opens today (woo-hoo!). For your viewing pleasure, a Hellboy 2 trailer:

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8 responses to “Okay, it’s official…”

  1. Zoe Winters says:

    hehehe Cynthia, aweseome! I’m seeing Hellboy 1 tonight. hehehe. I gotta crawl out from under the rock I’ve been living under.

  2. […] Cynthia Eden has just announced she, along with a partner-in-crime friend, is going to be starting an online book club. Nope, this is not shades of Oprah. This is a romance book club. And there is a difference. […]

  3. Lori T says:

    This sounds like fun.

  4. Kara says:

    I just read about your new online book club through Duck Flash – this sounds great and I look forward to seeing what your selections are!!!

  5. Brandy says:

    Wow! Sounds like a fabulous idea!

  6. turbuhlence says:

    w00t!!!! Sounds too fun, where do I sign up? I’m always up for a little bit of romance. What a great idea. And I so love the idea of it “not being Oprahesque”….I like HEA’s..they so rock. We need more HEA’s in this world..hence my love of romance.

  7. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hey, Zoe! I hope you enjoyed Hellboy 1! 🙂

    Thanks, Lori! I’ve been dying to participate in a book club–I love talking books with other people.

    Hi, Kara! Thank you! Hopefully, I’ll be able to post more information very oon.

    How are you, Brandy? Did you have a good weekend? And thanks!!!

    Hi, turbuhlence! I think HEAs rok, too–and you’re right, we do need more. I swear when I watch the news some days, I just get depressed. I need my HEA to get through the day!

  8. Edie says:

    Hellboy 1 was on TV. My husband watched the whole thing. I watched part of it, and what I liked was cool. My husband enjoyed it.

    The book club sounds like fun. I don’t have time to do as much reading now as I’d like.