Loves Romances & More Back to Blog

Wow–I feel like I am moving in super slow time this morning.  I’ll blame that on the turkey.  🙂  I haven’t gone out and braved the Black Friday shopping yet, but I will soon!  

Now, if you’d like to get a nice little prize/present without leaving the comfort of your home, head over the the Love Romances and More blog–I’ve been interviewed there and one commenter will win her/his choice:  either an autographed copy of my new release MIDNIGHT SINS or any autographed book from my backlist. 

Enjoy your Black Friday!

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5 responses to “Loves Romances & More”

  1. Lea says:

    Thank you Cynthia, hope your Thanksgiving was great and enjoy your day! Heading over to noted blog!!!


  2. Brandy says:

    I feel your slowness. *G* Only I’m blaming my cold and too many things to do. *sigh* However, I’ll be sure to head over!

  3. Estella says:

    I’m going over!

  4. Karin says:

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Cynthia!

  5. Edie says:

    Cindy, we had leftover turkey and I’m taking a nap as soon as I read your other blog.