Happy News! Starred Review in Publishers Weekly! Back to Blog
My editor let me know that ETERNAL HUNTER received a starred review in the November 2 issue of Publishers Weekly. Yay! 🙂 (Thank you wonderful people at Publishers Weekly!)
Here’s the review (and you can read lots of other great reviews at the Publishers Weekly site):
Eternal Hunter Cynthia Eden. Brava, $14 paper (368p) ISBN 978-0-7582-3428-5
“Danger and excitement leap off every page of this fast-paced paranormal romance set in the world of 2009’s Immortal Danger. A shape-shifter who can’t shift and a psychic who dreams about death live in the body of Erin Jerome, who’s trying to maintain a normal life as a Louisiana assistant DA while avoiding the secret world of shifters, demons, vampires, witches and djinn. When a shape-shifting psychotic starts stalking Erin, sending her gifts of dead bodies in the crazed hope of luring her to his side, bounty-hunting shifter Jude Donovan vows to keep her safe. Erin wonders whether, like her shifter mother, she carries the seeds of madness and fears that when Jude learns the truth about her he’ll turn from her in disgust. Well-crafted characters and nail-biting suspense and passion elevate this tale above the glutted paranormal market. (Jan.)”
Talk about some excellent news to find waiting in the old In-Box today.
Hope you’re having a wonderful day–and that you’re recovering well from the Halloween excitement!
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Congratulations, good for you. What a great way to start the week.
That is great news Cynthia, so happy for you 😀 Doesn’t surprise me though, you are a very talented writer and deserve all the kudos you get!!!!
I agree with Linda, what a great way to start your week 😀
That is excellent news. Congratulations, Cynthia! I still need to read that one and the other I bought from you after your speech at the Heart of Louisiana Reader’s Luncheon. I’m so back logged. Time to move those to the top of the pile! … after NaNoWriMo though.
Congratulations! Well done! Nothing like good news for a Monday.
Woo-Hoo, Congrats!! 😀 That’s how to start off the week!
O.K – who won the Pumpkin Contest??? 😀
Congratulations! What a great Monday for you. And well deserved, I’m sure!
woot, woot!
Fantastic. Congrats, Cyn. Nice way to start off a Monday.
Great review, congrats, Cynthia!
Congrats Cynthia,that’s great news.
Congrats Cynthia!!!
Thanks, everyone!!! I was so planning to celebrate tonight, but then my son got sick. 🙁 Celebrating can wait a bit!
And Willa…the winner was (of course!) pumpkin B–the one made by my husband. I have to listen to him gloat for a whole year now!
Your hubby made Pumpkin B??? WoW! That guy is talented with a knife! Congrats to him . . . . and so sorry you will be subjected to a years gloating! 😀
And best wishes for your son feeling better soon.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read this one! Okay, I admit, I can’t wait to read anything you write, but really, I can’t wait to read this one! *G*
YEA! Congrats
YAY!! How exciting!! Big huge giant congrats!