Giveaway and a Scavenger Hunt Back to Blog
I should finish up the copy-edits on ETERNAL HUNTER tomorrow–sweet! And I”ll post an excerpt from the book then. And, since I’m almost finished, I’m feeling perky–so let’s do a giveaway. Tell me about a recent movie you’ve watched (I am so in the movie-watching frame of mind), and you could win an autographed copy of BELONG TO THE NIGHT. I’ll be back on Saturday to announce the winner.
And, in case you’d like to win more prizes…I’m participating in the TwoLips Reviews Scavenger Hunt (as part of their 3rd anniversary celebration). There are a ton of prizes up for grabs in this scavenger hunt, so make sure you check out this event!
Now…since I was talking movies, let me show you the movie I can’t wait to see!
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Totally know what you mean about movies, there have been so many to see this summer. The most recent for us was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with the kids. Great film, just wasn’t expecting the language. Was surprised considering they had to know the bulk of their audience would be kids.
The Perfect Getaway looks great! We have it on our list to see when it comes out. Definitely will be our “date night” without the kiddies 😀
My eight year old and I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I thought it was really well done, and I liked that it was darker and edgier than the previous movies because the book was written that way as well. My daughter liked it, but she was a little upset that several scenes from the book didn’t make it into the movie-and she thought there was too much kissing, LOL. She’s not much of a romance fan yet ;- )
Hey! I’m not into scary movies so i won’t be seeing the Perfect Getaway. i think the scariest movie i saw was the Knowing in theaters. i cried b4 it started. Lol. The last movie i saw in theaters was Transformers. Come on, HOTTIE! But the last movie i watched was either the last Harry Potter that came out on dvd (my pop made me watch it cuz i never saw it…not a big harry potter fan at all) or 27 Dresses. I got stuck singing Bennie (Bettie?) and the Jettttsss alll night long. haha
The latest movie I saw was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Its always a good movie when good triumphs over evil. Cool too when you found out that the bad guys could switch sides.
Looking forward to seeing G.I. Joe, August 7th 😀
I don’t go to the theater a lot but I do rent movies often. Recently I rented Gran Torino and Taken. I enjoyed both of these movies.
Haven’t been to the movies in years. Would love to go but can’t seem to find the time. Was going to go watch the new Harry Potter movie, but that didn’t happen. If it’s not on the boob tube, it doesn’t get watched around here. LOL Have a great day.
If you can believe it, I watched The Quiet Man for the very first time just a couple of weeks ago. Many lines and scenes still make me laugh, while there is an exchange between John Wayne’s character and the vicar that gets me in a pensive mood: when JW is complaining about Maureen O’Hara’s character insistence on getting “her treasure” from her brother, when JW has more than enough money as it is–the vicar explains to him that it’s not the money but what it represents to her, her worth in her own eyes.
This exchange makes JW reconsider his stance, because it is important to *her* even if it’s meaningless to him, and getting her what she needs is more important to him than keeping a low profile and avoiding a fight.
Oooopppsss I do go on, don’t I?
The movie I’m dying to see is 9 –is September here yet?
I’d love to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Something about that Robert Downy, Jr. Hmmmm. The Time Traveler’s Wife looks good, too. And no, I’m a wimp so I won’t be seeing any scary ones either 🙂
We are on an old movie kick at my house right now so the latest was I’ll be Seeing you with Ginger Rogers. I love looking at the clothes and such in those movies!
Saw The Proposal when it came out and really enjoyed it. Predictable, but the two leads were great together. Took my two young brothers to Transformers (I’m such a nice sister) and hated it. I felt like I was being tortured, hence me patting myself on the back for taking them. It was a meandering storyline that made no sense and tried to disguise that fact by having lots of fight sequences and noise.
I’m definitely excited for Sherlock Holmes and Julia and Julia. And will be seeing The Ugly Truth this weekend. Gotta get my Gerard Butler fix.
I saw “The Hangover.” It was very funny and crude. I like those types of comedies.
I just recently watched He’s not that into you and thought it was a funny romantic comedy. I also enjoyed the huge cast.
Last Movie I watched was Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was good but there were several major differences from the book. Just finished the book today.
I saw madea goes to jail. She just cracks me up. Want to see Transformers and HP while I’m on vacation next week.
I usually don’t go to the theatre but I do rent and the last movie I saw was Grand Torino. Great movie and would recommend seeing.
We don’t go out to the movies much either, and the last movie we rented was Chicago. My kids hadn’t seen this one yet and it’s one of my favorites.
I’m so behind with my movies lately. The last one I saw was Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks. I would recommend it, it was pretty good 🙂
Our family doesn’t go to the theater often, nor do we rent movies often. Thank goodness for the library! *G* We recently had Watchmen: The Black Freighter and The Mummy 3. *G* I would love to go see Julie & Julia and G.I Joe. *G*
The last movie I watched was Harry Potter. I think I will go to Hangover this week. This one seems to really funny. Oh and I’m waiting for Public Enemies.Mmh, Johnny Depp and Christian Bale – yummy yummy.
Hi Cynthia!!! I went out last Sat. and saw The Ugly Truth. It’s a great girls night out flick ( Gerry Butler YUMMM ). Went with the family to see Harry Potter and Star Trek. Both were good.
Hi Cynthia
I haven’t been to the movies since Twilight which I along with my daughter enjoyed tremendously. I did however rent the movie Knowing with Nicholas Cage and it was not what I expected at all; my husband enjoyed that one thoroughly.
Congratulations on finishing the book, I can’t wait to see it on the bookshelves
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Star Trek
Transformers 2
I saw the last Harry Potter, and thought it was slow and boring. The book was better. I also saw G-Force today. It was better than I’d fear it would be until the ending, when the plot got really goofy. (Yes, I know terrorists-fighting guinea pigs are already goofy, but I could’ve suspended disbelief …)
We did see The Proposal a few weeks ago, and that was great!
The last movie I believe that I watched was Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler. We watched it about 2 months ago as family fun night. The kids and my husband and I really enjoyed the movie. I just dont get around to watching movies and it has been over 3 years since I stepped into a movie theater and that was to see the third X men movies.
I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I loved it and I thought it was really well done. They made it more about the character’s relationships which made it funny even thought it’s a sad book, I cried soooooo hard. I actually really want to go see it again.
The last movie I saw was I just went to see the new Harry Potter. It was good but it wasnt quite as good as the earlier ones. It all seemed to be leading up to the final movie without really a storyline of its own like the others had. Its still very worth seeing for anyone who has read the series or seen the others. The are so well made, its almost exactly like I visualized it when reading.
My daughter and I went to go see Night at the Museum: The war of the Smithsonian. It was a funny, feel-good movie with lots of well known actors.
I don’t go out to the movies a lot, but the last movies I saw were Star Trek and Transformers – love the sci-fi stuff! My next trip to the movies will be to see G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra. Should be out next week!!
The last movie I saw on tv was From Hell when I was house/cat sitting last weekend..though I saw two Japanese “movies” that weekend too *winks*..I got to love the Direct Tv they had…