FREE – Angel of Darkness Back to Blog

I’ve just re-released my Fallen angel paranormal romance series, and the first book in the series, ANGEL OF DARKNESS, is currently FREE at ebook retailers!

When an angel falls, there is hell to pay…

ANGEL OF DARKNESS was first published with Kensington all the way back in 2011. (And it does not feel like that much time has already passed! Wow!) I received the rights back to my Fallen books, and I am very happy to be bringing the fallen angels back to readers once again! I gave the books new covers and made some editing changes (no major scene alterations).

I wanted to make the first book in this series free because I know it’s sometimes hard to remember if you’ve read a book before or not (especially when there is a new cover!). So I thought offering the first book free would help out on that confusion…because if you click it and then realize you *did* read Keenan’s story years ago…you’re not out anything! You just have a new, free copy of the book. 😉

Here’s the blurb for ANGEL OF DARKNESS, Book One in The Fallen series:

Angels of death do not feel. They do not need. They do not lust. They do not love. They carry out their jobs. They take souls.

Or at least…that is what they are supposed to do, until Keenan, a powerful angel of death, refuses to take his latest charge on a blood-soaked New Orleans night. He should have touched Nicole St. James, a sweet schoolteacher slated to die, but instead…he took the vampire attacking her. With one touch, Keenan changed fate, and he fell from heaven.

When an angel falls, all hell breaks loose.

Keenan’s wings burned away in the fall. Without his wings, he’s hit with every single human emotion—and need. And his entire focus is on the woman who cost him everything. He hunts Nicole, tracks her, but is stunned to see that the human he knew before is long gone. Nicole changed on that dark night, too. She’s got some new and dangerous accessories—fangs and claws and definite bite because she’s a vampire.

Heaven and hell are after them.

Nicole and Keenan are being hunted. Demons and angels are both closing in. If Nicole and Keenan are to survive, they’ll have to trust each other completely. A vampire and a Fallen aren’t supposed to bond, and they sure aren’t supposed to become mates, but some desires just can’t be contained. Keenan has been tied to Nicole from the moment he first saw her. Human, vampire—doesn’t matter to him. Nicole is his, and he will wreck the world to keep her safe.

He fell for her. She will belong only to him.

ANGEL OF DARKNESS was originally released by Kensington Publishing in December of 2011. The hero knows nothing of human needs, but he’s about to experience a whole new world after falling for his vampire. How far will an angel go in order to protect the woman he wants above all others? Get ready to find out. Hope you enjoy the fall…

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