ANGEL OF DARKNESS–ARC Giveaway Back to Blog

Update: Thank you so much for all the responses to the ARC Giveaway. I loved reading the comments!  I picked 3 random winners, and those folks are: Wren Andre, Tiffaney, and January.  Congrats!!!  And, if you’d like another chance to win an ARC–stay tuned. I’ve got lots more contests coming.  Enjoy your Thursday!

I’ve got 3 ANGEL OF DARKNESS Advanced Reader Copies that I would absolutely love to giveaway.

Want to win? We’ll make this easy. I’ve got 3 main types of angels featured in my upcoming Fallen series. Guardians (yep, those angels who watch over humans), Angels of Death (bet you can guess what they do), and Punishment Angels (I’m betting you can figure out what they do, too). Now…guardian angels are the good guys. The Death Angels and the Punishers? Um, not so much.
If you were a character in one of my Fallen books, which category of angels would you belong to? Guardians? Punishers? Death Angels? Are you a good, gentle soul? Or do you like to dish out some retribution?

Leave me your answer, and I will be back tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM (Eastern Time) to pick the 3 winners. Thanks!!

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111 responses to “ANGEL OF DARKNESS–ARC Giveaway”

  1. Casey H says:

    I’m the kind of person who holds a grudge forever and waits for karma to kick some ass for me. But if I had the power to “be” karma and get my revenge, then heck yes! I so would!

  2. Cecile says:

    I really can’t wait to read this book!!!!! Oh man!
    Hummmmm… let me think on this one… I think I would be a guardian… Protecting…. Hummmm…

  3. Cynthia Eden says:

    Adding for Diane S.:

    I hope I would be a Guardian Angel but I\’m sure there have been times when I\’ve been a Punisher.

  4. Wren Andre says:

    I’ve always loved the lore of the Archangel Gabriel. Even though he’s the Angel of Death, he has been there at some pretty intense moments of history, and has amazing amounts of responsibility and importance. So – I am going to choose an Angel of Death. thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Pam P says:

    I’m not one to hold a grudge and like helping others so I’d be a Guardian. Looking forward to this new series a lot!

  6. Aimee says:

    I’ve got a killer protective streak so I’d have to go with Guardian. Really looking forward to these books 🙂

  7. Barbara says:

    Well…I used to be a very kind soul and would have answered most certainly that I would be of course a Guardian Angel. And though I still like to think I am protective of some folks…life has dragged me through enough dirt to make me aware that I am not only capable of punishment, but at times I even take pleasure in doling it out! So, I gotta go with being a Punishment Angel. Sometimes, you gotta be bad, to be good…especially to those that deserve it!

  8. Dang it…missed the contest?
    I would be an angel of Retribution…’s too hard to be good all the time, lol.
    Hope I didn’t miss the deadline.

  9. Jahaira Trinidad-Deleve says:

    So who won?

  10. Michele says:

    Congrats to you lucky winners 🙂