Adventures in Blogging…the saga continues Back to Blog

Hi, everyone!  I know a lot of you are hitting the roads (or skies) today as you head home for Thanksgiving. I hope you stay safe and that you get to eat as much turkey as you’d like.  🙂

I’m continuing my adventures in blogging today.  First up, I’m over at Riding With the Top Down.  I’m talking about why I’m thankful for romance books. Leave a comment and you could win an autographed copy of MIDNIGHT SINS. (What?  You haven’t bought your copy yet? Well, okay–here’s your chance to get it for free–or to get one for a friend. Cause you know what…books make such awesome Christmas presents.)

I’m also blogging at The Bradford Bunch and Brava Authors.  Today turned into one of those “perfect storm” blogging dates for me.  My scheduled Bradford and Brava days collided and I got to share the blog love.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

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3 responses to “Adventures in Blogging…the saga continues”

  1. Brandy says:

    I’ll “see” you around today! *G* I hope you have a Fantastic Thanksgiving!

  2. Estella says:

    Have Midnight Sins on my Wish List.

  3. Karin says:

    You are definitely one busy lady today! 🙂