30 Days of Demons, Day 3: Quiz Time Back to Blog

Update:  The winner of MIDNIGHT’S MASTER is commenter #13, danni! Congratulations, danni! And thank you all for taking my quiz!  Apparently, there are a lot of Dean lovers, um, I mean demon hunting lovers out there.  🙂

Ah, yes, it is the eternal question (for me, anyway)…Which guy is sexier?

The demon hunter?


Or the demon?


To find out which guy rules for you, well, you’re going to have to take my handy-dandy quiz.

Quizzes by Quibblo.com

Take the quiz, post your result in the comments section, and I’ll pick one commenter to win an autographed copy of MIDNIGHT’S MASTER.   (And, yes, you will see some of my Supernatural fandom in this quiz. I can’t help it!  I think I’ll just have to write a demon hunter book soon. Oh, a demon hunter novella would be fun!)

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103 responses to “30 Days of Demons, Day 3: Quiz Time”

  1. RachieG says:

    My results reveal…..DEMON HUNTER 🙂 I do like a hero with a dark side!!

  2. Jean P says:

    My results – Demon Hunter!

  3. Karin says:

    I guess from the results page that most of us prefer the Demon Hunter to the Deamons. Interesting!

  4. Amy says:

    Demon Hunter–my hero!!:)

  5. Michele says:

    Looks like Demon Hunter rules my world 😀

  6. Llehn says:

    Demon hunter, demon hunter, demon hunter!!!!

  7. CrystalGB says:

    Demon hunter.:)

  8. bridget3420 says:

    91% demon hunter

  9. Pamk says:

    Demon Hunter or Demon? Demon When it comes to men, your motto is "The badder, the better." You're not afraid of the things that go bump in the night…you like your paranormal badass. Your demon hero is smoking hot, he's slipping over that thin line between good and evil, and you wouldn't have him any other way. Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by

  10. Pamk says:

    mine was demon. Don’t enter me in the contest. I am already reading Midnight’s master starting today yay. Just finished Immortal protector and it freaking rocked. Loved it absolutely loved it.

  11. I’m unashamed to admit I’m a Demon Girl. Spare my the prissy hunter-hero and give me the BAD boy!

  12. Tara W says:

    Demon Hunter

  13. danni says:

    My results was Demon. Gotta love them!

  14. Beth aka The Warrior says:

    mine was Demon. I took the test just for kicks. No need to enter me in this contest… Midnight’s Master Rocked!:>

  15. Chris says:

    Demon Hunter – but it looks like I could be swayed to the dark side. 🙂

  16. Chris Roberts says:

    LOL. Demon Hunter all the way.

  17. Jody F. says:

    My fate lies with a demon hunter (at least according to this quiz). And thank you so much for the loveliness that is Dean Winchester. That picture just makes my day.

  18. azteclady says:

    *giggling* Demons are sexier! *chuckle*

  19. blodeuedd says:

    I got myself a demon 🙂
    mmmm yummy

  20. Larena Wirum says:

    I got Demon Hunter. 🙂

  21. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Demon Hunter

  22. Cynthia Eden says:

    It’s sure looking like I need to get busy on a demon hunter story!!

    And Jody–he is awesome, isn’t he?

  23. Cheryl McInnis says:

    My result was Demon Hunter, but if the Demon was sexy like Niol, I’d be willing to try a threesome- ;-)!

  24. Donna says:

    No surprise to anyone…demon hunter. LOL My Supernatural love is mighty. It was even mightier when Daddy Winchester was around. Oh man. What a fox.

  25. Brandy W says:

    Mine popped up with Demon Hunter. I’d take a demon though too. Really not picky.

  26. Barb Patrick says:

    I bet you’ll never guess what I got will you Cynthia? Add another Demon Hunter to the list. But I’m sure that my Demon Hunter has to at least have a little Demon in him, don’t you think? Great quizz!

  27. molli says:

    I got Demon Hunter too, but Demons make a nice change of pace once in a while.

  28. Jennifer Dorough says:

    Demon Hunter! Love it!

  29. I got Demon Hunter… but I’d say it was probably more a 50/50 split. I like hunters with a little devil in them, but I like demons with a little angel in them as well. ::sighs:: I’m not that picky. 😉

  30. Demon Hunter! Dean, honey, come to mama!!! I loved the “Eye of the Tiger” question 😉

  31. Paula says:

    The quiz says Demon Hunter.

  32. Heather P says:

    My result was Demon.

  33. Eva S says:

    Demon Hunter

  34. Teresa W. says:

    Mine came up Demon Hunter.

  35. Willa says:

    Fab Quiz Cynthia! 😀

    I was a kick butt Demon Hunter! YaY! *Off to hunt down Colin*!

  36. Minna says:


  37. Elaine G says:

    My results-Demon Hunter

  38. Rena M. says:

    Demon Hunter or Demon? Demon Hunter Deep down, you secretly root for the good guy (well, the good guy with a bit of bad in him). You like your heroes strong, street-smart, and able to kick paranormal butt. Your hero doesn't need supernatural powers, he's hot–just the way he is. Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by

  39. Liz Kreger says:

    Definitely demon. Oh baby, oh baby.

  40. I was a Demon Hunter, good with just enough bad boy 🙂

  41. Melissa says:

    Demon Hunter for me!!!!!
    And in this case, in your pics, he actually would have been my pic~they’re both hot, but he’s SMOKIN’ hot!!!!

  42. Rena M. says:

    Demon Hunter for me!

  43. ann marie says:

    I’m a cute demon hunter. 🙂

  44. sara hurt says:

    Im a Demon Hunter.

  45. Greta says:

    I was looking for some type of quiz like this back when I had my Demon’s Week. Anyway – Demon all the way for me. Especially if they are like Niol.

  46. Rebecca Jean says:

    Demon all the way baby! This was fun, thnx!

  47. Angela M says:

    Demon Hunter: Rock-N-Roll!

  48. sarah :) says:

    Demon Hunter or Demon? Demon When it comes to men, your motto is "The badder, the better." You're not afraid of the things that go bump in the night…you like your paranormal badass. Your demon hero is smoking hot, he's slipping over that thin line between good and evil, and you wouldn't have him any other way. Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by

    oh i am all for the demon!!!!!

  49. sarah :) says:

    DEMON! definitely prefer the fiery hot paranormal 🙂

  50. Susan says:

    Demon Hunter for me! 🙂