Posted in Latest News, Romance on November 15th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden
Okay, romantic suspense fans–November is your month! I’ve been releasing a lot of paranormal romances lately, but this month–THIS MONTH!–I have a brand new LOST romantic suspense novel. TAKEN will be out on 11/29/16 (right after you’ve done some mad, bad holiday shopping and you need to curl up with a book and relax).
Since the release is just two weeks away, I thought it was time for me to introduce you to Bailey Jones, the heroine of TAKEN.

Posted in Romance on November 5th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden
Congrats to Aleksandra A!
Aleksandra, you are the winner of the $50 gift card. I’ve sent you an email with prize claim instructions, but just in case you did not receive it, please email me at info @ Thank you!
Posted in Latest News, Romance on October 26th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden
I have big book news to share with you! I’ve got a brand new paranormal romance that is AVAILABLE NOW! I had a bit of extra time in my writing schedule, and I really, really wanted to release a new paranormal romance for my readers before Halloween…so…UNDEAD OR ALIVE was written.

Don’t fear Death. Desire him.
Cassius “Cass” Garvan is the last Reaper. One of the baddest of the bad…Cass can literally kill with a touch. He’s the bounty hunter who always brings in his prey, undead or alive. This time, he has a new target…the all-too-tempting Amber Fortune. Hunting her down was the easy part. Giving her up? Cass isn’t so sure that he can let her go.
Amber has been on the run for decades, and she isn’t about to surrender herself to the Reaper. Sure, maybe she does have a weakness for bad boys. Maybe she does like guys who have dark sides—and a man can’t get darker than Death. And when Cass kisses her, she doesn’t fear his touch. She wants him. Wanting a Reaper can be a very dangerous thing.
When Amber finds herself trapped with the Reaper for forty-eight hours, she knows that she is in for the most dangerous time of her very long life. If she hopes to escape the torment coming her way, then Amber has to convince Cass to let her escape. Does Death have a heart? Amber is about to find out. She’ll use every trick in her playbook to get Cass on her side. But even as she works to seduce him, Amber has to be very careful and not let Cass break through her control. Because everyone knows…
Once you fall for Death, there is no turning back.
You can read an excerpt from UNDEAD OR ALIVE here.
So, in case you are curious about the order for the “Bad Things” series, it goes like this:
BROKEN ANGEL – Book 4 (because of the UNDEAD OR ALIVE surprise release, the book # was changed on this one).
All of the books in this series are complete, stand-alone reads.
Happy Halloween!!!!
Posted in Latest News, Romance on September 30th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden
Happy Friday, everyone!! I hope you are gearing up for a great weekend!
I wanted to post some news about a few titles that I have. First up, I’ve got a re-release for you. CHRISTMAS WITH A SPY is available now.

CHRISTMAS WITH A SPY is a sexy holiday anthology with a touch of suspense. It was originally published as THE SPY WHO CAME FOR CHRISTMAS in the ALL HE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS collection back in 2015, but it is now available as a stand-alone title. Here’s the blurb:
Heat up your holiday with some sexy suspense…Everyone in town thinks that Jemma White is as sweet as the delicious treats she makes at her chocolate shop—but they’re wrong. Jemma is ready to let her wild side out, and she’s just found the perfect man to make all of her fantasies come true. Grayson Cole is a too-sexy-to-be-true stranger who has escaped to Holly for the holidays. He is her perfect temptation, and Jemma can’t wait to steam up the cold winter nights with him. But when danger from Grayson’s past follows him to town, she realizes that the man she is falling for has been keeping some very dark secrets…secrets that may just get them both killed.
Also, readers have been asking me to put out my BLOOD AND MOONLIGHT series as a boxed set, so I am happy to report you can now purchase the books as a bundle. I’m trying to get more boxed sets organized for readers, too.

And…October is nearly here! I love Halloween–love it with a mad intensity, so I will once again be celebrating all month with my “Month of Monsters” event. I’ll be posting lots of giveaways and monster news over on my FB page. So if you get a chance, come by and join the fun!

Posted in Romance on September 19th, 2016 by Cynthia Eden
Congratulations to Karen Fischer!! Karen, you are the winner of the $50 gift card! I sent you an email with prize claim info, but just in case you didn’t receive it, please contact me at info @
Thank you!