Posted in Romance on March 5th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
Okay…I haven’t even started my NIAW (Novella in a Week) and I’m already behind. Dang. Talk about not being cool.
I anticipate that I’ll actually be starting my NIAW on Wednesday (I SHOULD be done with my current WIP by then). I’m still trying to rope my friends into doing it with me (Felecia, Ashley…don’t make me hunt you down! I’ll do it!). I’ve found that if I can get others to do a project like this with me, I’m more likely to stay focused…on account of I feel like I’m competing with them, and I’ve got to stay strong in my game!
So…I’m not a big fat liar. I’m just behind. Sigh.
Posted in Romance on March 5th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
Rachelle Chase is running an interesting contest–writers are being asked to send in the first 1,000 words (or less) of their unpublished novels/novellas. The first place winner will recieve a manuscript critique or a proposal/submission critique by Leigh Michaels (multi-published author), PLUS lots of other fabulous prizes! 🙂
So, if you’ve got a novel or novella that you’re working on, head over to Rachelle’s website and check out her contest. A critique could be waiting for you!!!
Posted in Romance on March 4th, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
Egad. I saw a really, really bad movie a few hours ago. And no, I’m not talking “good” bad. I just mean sucky.
Please, if you were thinking about going to see Ultraviolent…save your money. You’ll be better off just waiting until it hits video in few weeks.
I was intrigued by the movie because I knew the heorine was a pseudo-vampire. But, not even my love of vamps could save this flick. Let me tell you why:
1. Back story dump. There is a HUGE back story dump at the beginning of this movie. After the heorine spent five minutes telling what was happening in her world, I thought, “Come again?”
2. The vampires aren’t fully explained. Yes, they became vampires after they got a virus, I got that. But…I needed more info. What would kill them? (It looked like almost anything could.) Did they age? Why were some stronger than others?
3. Effects were just too unbelieveable. The director was obviously green screen happy.
Normally, I like Milla Jovovich. She plays cool, kick-ass characters. And, well, her character in Ultraviolent definitely kicked ass…over and over again. One fight scene followed another and another and another.
If anyone out there is a fan of Milla’s, I’d recommend that you watch Resident Evil instead of her current release. Resident Evil has the high kick-ass factor, without the I’m-Too-Bored-Please-End-Now feeling.
Posted in Romance on March 2nd, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
I often read about writers participating in BIAW–Book In A Week events. The very idea intrigues me…writing a whole book…in a single week. Now, I’m assuming that it is just writing–no editing. And you just write as fast and as furiously as you can.
Oh, yeah…I’m interested by the idea, but I’ve never been brave enough to actually join in for a BIAW. Why? Simple–I don’t think I can do it!!!
I like to think I’m a fast writer. When I’m motivated (key word: motivated), I average about five pages in an hour. Luckily, I’m a pretty fast typer ( 70 net words per minute according to this handy typing test), but I just don’t think I can pull off a whole book in a week.
After typing about 20 pages in a day, I tend to feel mentally wiped. Doing more than 20…I’m afraid that just might be too much. (Oh, yeah, I’m a big o’ coward!)
But the idea is so very tempting…
So, I think I’ll do a compromise. I won’t do a book in a week–I’ll do a novella in a week–a NIAW. Approximately 100-120 pages are needed for a novella. I can easily do my twenty pages a day and finish in a week…hopefully.
My plan is to start this new project on Monday. I’ll give it a go and post to let you know how my NIAW is going.
If anyone else wants to try (Ashley, Felecia–you ladies know you owe me novellas!), then join in! And post your progress with me.
Posted in Romance on March 1st, 2006 by Cynthia Eden
It’s March 1st. That can only mean one thing…time for me to check out my new horoscope at