Conference Season and Pitching

Posted in Romance on March 5th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

The writing conference season is upon us. In my part of the world, I’m gearing up for the Silken Sands Writing Conference. At this conference (and the others that are lined up across the country), writers have the opportunity to pitch their stories to editors and agents. I’ve recently posted an article I wrote on pitching (it’s in the writer’s section of my website). I thought this article might help a bit, as writers prepare for the big pitching moments.

And, by the way, here is some more information about the Silken Sands Conference:

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Sherrilyn Kenyon


APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE WITH EDITORS:  Deb Werkman- Sourcebooks, Margo  Lipschultz- Harlequin, and Megan Records- Kensington

APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE WITH AGENTS:  Caren Johnson – Caren Johnson Literary Agency, Vivian Beck – Vivian
Beck Agency, Barbara Collins Rosenberg – The Rosenberg Group.

Special Presentations: Free to the first 50 to register, a 2-hour
hands-on workshop Friday afternoon by Dianna Love Snell and Mary
Buckham: “Break Into Fiction – Power Openings and Power Pacing”TM .

Special guest speaker Roland Haas, author of “Enter the Past Tense: My Life as a CIA Assassin.”

* * *

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Come on, an ex-CIA Assassin?   Oh, yeah, I’ll be listening to his speech.

An assassin, sandy beaches, pitch sessions–if you’re in the Pensacola, FL, area, you should definitely check out this event.

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When are you gonna write another book?

Posted in Romance on March 4th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

My uncle asked me this question the other day. I actually get this question pretty often from friends or family members who don’t see me that much. My response is pretty much always the same, “I’m writing one now.”

Because I am. Generally, I’m either plotting a book, writing my ten pages a day, revising, doing copy edits, or, well, I think you get the idea. I don’t take months off in between projects (okay, well, if I’m not on a deadline, I do take a small break at Christmas). I usually take a few days off to let my mind cool–and to let other story ideas start to play out. Once those ideas take solid enough form, I’m back at the laptop.

When I was at my local RWA meeting, one of my chapter members was telling me about a lady she knew who wrote a book 30 years ago and hasn’t written another one since then. Writer’s block? I don’t know. If so, I’d say pretty severe writer’s block.

I’m not the type of writer who can go for 30 years in between stories. I need to write. It channels my energy, sharpens my focus, and, well, makes me happy.

But that’s just me.

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Pushing the envelope with “Dark” characters

Posted in Romance on March 1st, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I’m blogging over at The Bradford Bunch about this topic today. If you get a chance, stop by and let me know what you think.

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Posted in Romance on February 29th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Back in the day (I love beginning stories with those words), I was a pretty good softball pitcher. Sure, I didn’t have Olympic type skills or anything, but I could throw one fast ball. The tricky “curveballs”–well, those weren’t my specialty.

I’ve been thinking about curveballs today. Life throws those a lot, huh? Like…oh, when on Wednesday night, Life decided to be funny and toss me a ball–and make my refrigerator stop working in the middle of the night. Fun-ny. I’d just gone grocery shopping the day before, but, alas, the food in the fridge was not meant to be saved–because, of course, the repairman couldn’t come out yesterday. Oh, no. But at least he made it today, and after a trip to the grocery story–where I got to drive the “RED CAR!! (as my son likes to call the buggy designed to resemble a car) and I narrowly avoided side-swiping a good twenty other shoppers–the fridge is restocked and life is back on track.


In my writing, I like to add curveballs. Like to drop those unexpected (and not always pleasant) surprises onto my characters. I enjoy creating their reactions–then creating more conflict. Drama, baby.

Oh, yeah, I love curveballs in writing. In real-life? Not so much.

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Fresh Fiction

Posted in Romance on February 28th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I’m blogging over at Fresh Fiction today. My topic: Why write romance? If you’d like to add your reasons for writing or reading romance, drop by!

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