Looking to name a character?

Posted in Romance on June 10th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

If so, then I’d suggest you check out this article.  Interesting discussion about names that are sexy—and names that aren’t.

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A Writer’s Voice

Posted in Romance on June 9th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

First, a bit about writing…

When I read a good book and I call my best friend to tell her about it, I usually begin the conversation by saying, “Oh, my God, you’ve got to read this book–the writer’s voice is so…”

Ah, the writer’s voice.  Such an important component in a book. I think a writer’s voice can really make or break a story.

When I first started writing seriously, I tried to write straight contemporary stories (think Silhouette Desire).  I figured this would be the best way for me to break into the publishing market.  (I’d read Desire for years–starting with Diana Palmer and Elizabeth Lowell.) So, when I wrote, I tried to fit into the mold that I thought would work for me.

Um, that didn’t work for me.

I wasn’t letting my real voice speak in those books. And, honestly, I feel like it took a while for me to find my voice (as it does many authors).  I wrote three more contemporary books before I decided–you know what?  It’s time for a change.  Then I started writing something completely different–and I let my characters do and say exactly what I wanted them to do.  My world–my voice.  🙂  I really found the joy in writing then, and I found my voice.

If you’re a writer, have you found yours?

* * *

And, this post is actually going to be a two parter…because I’ve been tagged by the lovely Lauren Dane.

So, on to part two:

The tagging…

The rules:

a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

My random facts:

1. I’m trying to lose ten pounds and absolutely sucking at the process–because, well, I really like food.  🙂

2. I’m addicted to Sci-Fi Saturday nights.

3. This morning, I played in the rain with my son.  Nothing like the feel of raindrops on a hot day.

4. I’m so not 29, haven’t been in a few years–but my birthday cake still said “Happy 29th Birthday!” because my husband has finally learned what I like.

5. My mailman stole my recent copy of the Romantic Times. Either the mailman or my neighbor–come on, give it back!

6. If I had to choose between Superman and Clark Kent, well, I’d chose Clark Kent any day of the week.

I won’t tag any specific folks with this (I’m a rule breaker!!!) but if you’d like to share 6 random facts in the comments, I’d sure love to read ’em!

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Paperbacks N’ Things

Posted in Romance on June 8th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

I had an absolutely wonderful time talking with the wonderful ladies from the bookclub at Michigan’s Paperbacks N’ Things on Saturday.  🙂  These lovely ladies had selected HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT as their bookclub selection for June.  We talked about Emily, Colin, bad boy Niol–and even some characters from WHEN HE WAS BAD (ah, Sullivan!).  Thank you, ladies, for giving me a great Saturday afternoon!

And if you happen to be in the Westland, MI, area, do stop by Paperbacks N’Things:

Paperbacks N’Things
Melissa Bliss, Owner
8044 N. Wayne Rd.
Westland, MI 48185

If I’m up that way in the future, you can bet I’ll be stopping by to visit Melissa and the ladies for a visit!

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Birthday Goodness

Posted in Romance on June 6th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Woo-hoo! It’s my birthday! 🙂 Ah, a day filled with cake, presents, and slot machines. What more could a girl want?

I’ve already gotten my first present: HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT has been selected as the “Fresh Pick” today over at Fresh Fiction. A seriously sweet present for me. The husband will have to work hard to top that one!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Be sure to check in next week–each day, I’m going to post a “writing craft” entry on the blog. I thought it was time I did some craft work.

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Newsletter Winners!!!

Posted in Romance on June 5th, 2008 by Cynthia Eden

Today is the day I get to announce the winners of my latest newsletter contest. (What?  You didn’t know there was a newsletter contest going on?  Well, be sure to sign up for my newsletterhint, hint–and you’ll be in the know next time!)

Now, on to the winners…

I was blown away by the response to this contest, so, instead of just giving away 2 autographed Advanced Reader Copies of EVERLASTING BAD BOYS, I’ve decided to give away 5.  And the winners are (in no particular order–and with thanks to my random winner generator AKA my son Jack):

Judie S.

Jennifer Y

Katie D.

April H.


If you’re a winner, you will be receiving an email from me very soon (so I can get mailing info from you).  Congrats to my five winners!  And thank you to everyone who entered this contest.  🙂

Don’t worry if you didn’t win, there will be more prizes coming soon.

Hey, speaking of prizes, I’m running a contest over at Fresh Fiction right now–I’m giving away autographed books (and another ARC!) and an Amazon gift certificate.  Be sure to enter for your chance to win!

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