30 Days of Demons, Day 26: The Demon Next Door
Posted in Romance on June 26th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden
Update: Thanks for all the comments!! Kate’s winners are…Beth and Elaine G! Congrats, ladies!
Our demon time is starting to wind to an end. Just a few more days of fun…but that’s okay. We can make the most of our time!
Today’s guest author is Kate Austin. Welcome, Kate! I’m so glad that you could us today. I’m eager to learn more about your books! 🙂
The Demon Next Door
I’ve just finished my first ever demon book and sent it off to my publisher, Cobblestone Press. Now I just have to wait and see if they enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If they do, it’s likely to be available in October.
Ali used to be the lord of all the demons and was as mean and nasty as a demon could be, when a little accident changed everything. Now he’s stuck living in a whole different world and doing something no demon has ever done—falling in love with the woman next door.
Ali’s surprised to find that being a human isn’t anywhere near as easy as it looked to his demon self. He has to look after his house and garden, not to mention making sure that Maryalice doesn’t get into trouble—or at least not any more than she’s already in.
Maryalice’s past is returning to haunt her. Her disastrous prom date has returned, after 20 years, to finish what he started. All she can hope for is that Ali, her sweet and shy neighbor, can muster up some nastiness to help her deal with her past.
My biggest challenge with the book was figuring out a way to turn Ali from an evil demon into a relatively good human being. My partner and I had gone away to the Sunshine Coast while I was thinking about this—and yes, it’s almost always sunny, which is odd seeing as it’s not more than 30 miles from Vancouver, where it’s almost always raining—and one afternoon we sat in a lovely waterfront pub and talked about it over a series of drinks. Yep, sometimes alcohol does help in the brainstorming process. He came up with an idea that I loved to solve this problem and Ali and his brother demons were born. This is the view from the pub—you can see why it was so inspiring.
I’ve also been working on a series of short stories for Cobblestone. They’re included in the line called The Pleasure Club and the first one, The Nymph, is available at the beginning of August.
Professor Geoffrey Jones, noted Marlowe scholar, knows everything about pleasuring a nymph but nothing about real women. So he asks The Pleasure Club to find him a nymph so he can test his fantasy skills before he takes them out into the real world. Calliope has wanted Geoffrey for years and when The Pleasure Club comes to the university looking for an expert in nymphs, they end up in her office. She’s going to do whatever it takes to make sure that Professor Geoffrey Jones never forgets their night together.
The second story, The Nun, should be (fingers crossed) available at the beginning of September. No demons in either of these stories, though I think the next Pleasure Club I write will include a demon. In fact, that’s what I’m going to call it. The Demon.
What else am I working on? As always, way too many things, but I’m doing revisions on the first book in The Losers Club series. That book will go out to agents in the next couple of weeks. I’m preparing to act as bookdoctor at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. I’m working on four stories to send to Spice Briefs—my first Brief, Dreamer, is available at eharlequin.com. Eleven other writers and I are working on short stories (I’m one of the editors) for our second annual e-anthology (you can still download the first one, The Twelve Days of Christmas, from my website). This year’s is set on New Year’s Eve and so far is tentatively called First Night.
Thanks, Cynthia, I really enjoyed being here and thanks for letting me tell you all about Ali. I’m looking forward to writing about all his brothers—have they got a surprise coming to them!
I’m going to give away a couple of signed copies of one of my books with a little added surprise included. The only book I can’t send you is Summer Fever because even I don’t have a copy! Go to my website – www.kateaustin.ca – and check out the books page. When you blog about this great month of demons, just mention which book you’d like me to send you. The winners will get picked by Cynthia at the end of the day.
Enjoy those demons!
Kate writes women’s fiction, magic realism, paranormal and erotica. She writes short fiction, poetry and novels. She’s had dozens of stories and poems published over the years, and her eighth book Seeing Is Believing—about a woman who sees death in photographs—was published in October 2007 and her novella Dreamer is online now from Spice Briefs. She has published nine books since 2005 and has had two stories (and possibly one novella) accepted for publication from Cobblestone Press. Kate blames her mother and her two grandmothers for her reading and writing obsession—all of them were avid readers, and they passed the books and the obsession on to her. You can contact her at her website at www.kateaustin.ca.