Movie Moment

Posted in Romance on August 21st, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Just wanted to share this movie preview with everyone–it’s for the new Gerard Butler flick, LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. I think the film looks great (yeah, Gerard helps), even though it features one of my least favorite plot motivations for heroes.  The motivation technique I don’t like? Killing the hero’s wife and child to make him “tortured”–for a while there, it seemed like every action movie featured this particular motivation method.  Just not one I like.  🙂

Are there any particular plot types that rub you the wrong way, too?

Oh, and here’s the preview.  Because despite the bumpy start, it develops into a plot that I think will be dark and gripping:

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Posted in Romance on August 20th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Want to see my TBR pile?  It’s up at Dusted By Whimsy (Thanks to Michele!).   And let me just go ahead and confess–I am in love with Gena Showalter‘s stories now.  I have finished HEART OF THE DRAGON, and I can’t wait to read more of her work!

What does your TBR pile look like?  Which book is sitting at the top?

And, hey, while I”m talking about TBR, one of my Bradford sisters has a new release (you might want to add it to your pile):

Okay, yeah, I think that cover is hot!!  You can read all about this sexy title here. Congrats on your new release, Denise!!! I love those sexy firefighters!! Hot!

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Inspiration, anyone?

Posted in Romance on August 17th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Ever wonder where authors get their inspiration? Well, Beth Kery has a  great post on inspiration up at Romance Novel TV. Beth interviewed several authors (including me) to get the scoop on inspiration. If you get a chance, check out her post.

I may be a bit scarce today–a tropical storm snuck on shore last night, and we’re due for some heavy rains. With all my pine trees, heavy rains usually= no internet service, but I’ll hope for the best.  And, hey, maybe the rain bands won’t even come this way! See, that’s me thinking positive.

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Posted in Romance on August 14th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

I didn’t plan this. When I started my new story (this still un-named tale), I knew my hero was a demon, my heroine was an Ignitor (a human who can start fires), and I knew there’d be drama. And heat–lots of heat. But I didn’t expect the handcuffs.

Now the hero and heroine are stuck together and the cuffs are unbreakable (thanks to some paranormal issues), and I’m having a fun time with this story.  🙂

And speaking of fun…I wanted to announce on the old blog here that I am already planning for my Halloween party.  For the month of October, I’ll have a special treat for blog visitors–My Month of Monsters.  Every day, I’ll feature a different paranormal post. Lots of great guest authors. Lots of prizes. Lots of–yes, you know–monsters.  If you have any special requests for my Monster Month, just leave me a comment and I’ll sure try to accomodate you!

Have a fabulous weekend.  I’m off to write more about handcuffs.

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Horror Romance?

Posted in Romance on August 13th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Is it time for the horror romance? I know, I know–you might be thinking…horror isn’t sexy.  Well, I’m not necessarily talking “Saw”-type horror. Something softer, with, ah, less gore.

At one point, my husband told me that he thought I was writing horror romances. I was like, no, they’re paranormals.  Shifter romances. Vamp romances. He then told me, “People die, they get butchered, and you’ve got monsters.” Okay, yes, on the surface, that does *seem* like a horror tale, but, to me, my stories are more paranormal than horror.

But now I’m wondering…what is the difference between a paranormal romance and a horror romance? At my local RWA chapter meeting, one of the members asked if I knew any authors who wrote horror romances. I blanked.  I know many wonderful authors who write very, very dark paranormals…but at what point do those paranormals cross over into horror land?

Because I was curious about the true definition of horror, I hopped on the Internet and did a wee bit of research.  I found this definition from the Wikipedia site: “Horror fiction is a genre of fiction in any medium intended to scare, unsettle, or horrify the audience. Historically, the cause of the “horror” experience has often been the intrusion of a disturbing supernatural element into everyday human experience. Since the 1960s, any work of fiction with a morbid, gruesome, surreal, or exceptionally suspenseful or frightening theme has come to be called “horror”. Horror fiction often overlaps science fiction or fantasy, all three categories of which are sometimes placed under the umbrella classification speculative fiction.”

Hmmm…what do you think?  Do you believe some paranormal romances cross the line and slide into horror romance? Do you think horror romance is an entirely different sub-genre? And (last question!) have you ever read a book and thought it was a horror romance (instead of a paranormal romance)?

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