Let’s talk books!

Posted in Romance on September 18th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

I just finished reading a great book, Gena Showalter‘s THE DARKEST WHISPER.  I loved this book.  It was one of those stories that kept me up until 1 a.m. (Well, I don’t usually get a chance to read until 10 p.m. and once I started, I didn’t want to stop!).  I haven’t read the other Lords of the Underworld books yet, but you can bet that as soon as I meet my writing goals, I will.

Now this makes me wonder…what other great books have I missed out on?  Sometimes I get so into the writing that I miss some awesome books. Please let me know what I’ve been missing!

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The only pirate I like…

Posted in Romance on September 18th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

…is Jack Sparrow.

Okay, I’m having a bad morning, so I’m going to do something I don’t normally do on my blog–rant.  You see, I woke up today to find out that more folks were stealing from me. Yep, stealing.

You see, when you post an author’s book online illegally and allow 1400+ of your friends to all download their own copies of that book–you’re stealing.  That’s against the law.  Um, you know, the thing that if you break, you’re supposed to be punished for?

You are NOT helping me by posting illegal copies of my books.  You are NOT spreading the word about my stories in a positive way.  You’re hurting me.  And seriously, I don’t steal from you–please don’t steal from me.

End rant.

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A message to those who want to write…

Posted in Romance on September 17th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Do you think you want to write a book?  If so, then this post is for you.  If you don’t want to be a writer, feel free to ignore the words that follow.

If you are dipping your toes in the writing pool–just getting started on the path to your dream, I think there are a few things you should know:

1. You will get rejected.  VERY rarely do folks sell the first story they wrote to the first editor they submit said story to.  Instead, you’ll find this writing road is bumpy. No, not everyone will love your precious story–and it will suck when you find that out.  But if you love the story, if you love the dream, you’ll keep writing anyway.

2. Some people will quote writing “rules” to you (ex. the hero and heroine must meet in the first 5 pages, you can never use semi-colons in a story, red-headed heroes don’t sell…). Remember that rules are made to be broken. I’ve never once had an editor call me out on any of the so-called rules.

3. Some people will write faster than you. Some will write slower. Some will sell their stories faster. Some will sell slower. You know what? It doesn’t matter what those people do. Focus on yourself and you’ll be just fine.

4. Don’t think that all you have to do is write a great story.  Promotion will soon account for a vast portion of your time–whether you are mailing PR packets, chatting online, attending conferences…Writing is just the beginning.

5. You will meet some absolutely amazing people on your way to publication.  My writer friends are fantastic…and when it comes to readers…seriously, the emails I’ve gotten have made me so happy.  Writing can introduce you to some wonderful people–enjoy them.

6.  Never think that you know everything about the industry.  This industry changes. New trends emerge. Publishing houses shift their focus.  Be ready for anything.

7. Don’t be afraid to take chances.  Try to stretch yourself and try something new with your writing.  You never know where that new-ness will take you!

Anyone else have advice to offer?

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I Love Fall

Posted in Romance on September 16th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

I’m blogging over at the Bradford Bunch about why fall is my favorite season! If you get a chance, come on by and tell me your favorite time of the year.

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Posted in Romance on September 14th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Have you seen ’em yet?  The pumpkins. The flying witches. The vampire bats.  Every store I enter seems to have the Halloween decorations up already. I know–some folks think it’s too early for that. But, hey, I’m a paranormal writer. For me, it’s NEVER too early for that.  I’ve had my “Here lives the wicked witch and all her little monsters” sign up for weeks now.  I can’t help it, the Halloween decorations make me feel good.

And speaking of Halloween…here’s a friendly reminder that my Month of Monsters will be kicking off on October 1. I’ve got some fabulous authors lined up to guest post–and there are some great prizes waiting for commenters!  So be sure to come by for a month full of monster posts and fun.  🙂

I hit page 300 on my WIP.  Got a little behind schedule due to the page proofs, but I’m trucking in the right direction now.  A sneaky secondary character just appeared and he’s trying to steal my show. What is up with that? Now that I am in the final push on this story, the pages will start to come faster.  It will be harder and harder for the hubby to drag me away from the computer.  The story almost writes itself in those last 100-150 pages.

Over the weekend, I took my son to Six Flags.  He had a great time in Thomas Land (the boy loves trains) and my husband rode the roller coasters. Yes, I stayed safely on the ground.

And how was your weekend?

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