Write On! Wednesday: Alternate Endings
Posted in Romance on March 24th, 2010 by Cynthia Eden
Recently, I watched the movie Possession with Sarah Michelle Gellar (you may know her better as Buffy). I’d been wanting to watch this movies for ages, but the release date kept getting pushed back. (Why? Why did you torment me that way, Hollywood?)
But I finally watched the movie and was a bit…well, thrown off by the ending that played out.
Lucky for me, there was an alternate ending available. So I thought–hey, what the heck? And I watched that alternate. And I LOVED it. (Note to all the Hollywood folks that I am totally sure are checking out this blog: You should have gone with the alternate ending!)
Now, of course, this alternate ending got me to thinking about different endings that could be available for books. When I start writing, I often create alternate beginnings. Usually, I’ll write at least 2 versions to start a book, then I’ll go with the one that flows the best for me. But I have never written an alternate ending for a book. The lives of the characters can change so easily–one scene flipped, one scene deleted, one new drama thrown in–and everything can change.
Hmmm…alternate endings.
I’ve watched plenty of movies and thought–oh, I want a different ending! (Sandra Bullock’s Premonition comes to mind here.) But I haven’t read a book that I thought should end differently. At least, not a romance book. Romances guarantee us a happy ending, so perhaps the alternate ending isn’t needed as much with them. Perhaps. What do you think? Have you read any books that you felt truly needed an alternate ending?