Write On! Wednesday: Alternate Endings

Posted in Romance on March 24th, 2010 by Cynthia Eden

Recently, I watched the movie Possession with Sarah Michelle Gellar (you may know her better as Buffy). I’d been wanting to watch this movies for ages, but the release date kept getting pushed back. (Why? Why did you torment me that way, Hollywood?)

But I finally watched the movie and was a bit…well, thrown off by the ending that played out.

Lucky for me, there was an alternate ending available.  So I thought–hey, what the heck? And I watched that alternate.  And I LOVED it.  (Note to all the Hollywood folks that I am totally sure are checking out this blog: You should have gone with the alternate ending!)

Now, of course, this alternate ending got me to thinking about different endings that could be available for books. When I start writing, I often create alternate beginnings. Usually, I’ll write at least 2 versions to start a book, then I’ll go with the one that flows the best for me.  But I have never written an alternate ending for a book.  The lives of the characters can change so easily–one scene flipped, one scene deleted, one new drama thrown in–and everything can change.

Hmmm…alternate endings.

I’ve watched plenty of  movies and thought–oh, I want a different ending! (Sandra Bullock’s Premonition comes to mind here.) But I haven’t read a book that I thought should end differently. At least, not a romance book. Romances guarantee us a happy ending, so perhaps the alternate ending isn’t needed as much with them.  Perhaps. What do you think?  Have you read any books that you felt truly needed an alternate ending?

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Posted in Romance on March 23rd, 2010 by Cynthia Eden

I had a great time at the Silken Sands Conference. I met so many wonderful folks, heard some fabulous speeches (Dianna Love and Karen Rose were amazing), and had the chance to sit in on some informative workshops.  And, since the conference was at the beach, I had an awesome view, too.  So thanks to all the GCC ladies for a great time! It was great to be able to reconnect with the writers I know–and to make some time for new networking.  Everyone I met was friendly and excited about writing.  How could I ask for more?  The agents and editors were all super knowledgeable about the industry and Barbara Vey (from Publishers Weekly) had me smiling every time she shared some of her industry info (Barbara knows those readers!).  Overall–a great event. Can’t wait for Silken Sands 2010!

So what’s next on my conference agenda?


My next conference is a virtual one! I won’t be able to attend the RT Convention this year, so I’m making plans to attend Lucy Monroe’s Reader At Home Conference.  And here are all the details for you…

“What do tons of authors, tons of prizes, tons of hotties and tons of readers have in common? They’re attending the first ever Readers at Home Conference! During the week of April 26-30, authors and readers will converge on Lucy Monroe’s blog to celebrate their favorite genre – romance!We are giving away Swag Bags to the first 50 readers who register for the conference. To register, all you have to do is send an email to Lucy Monroe with your name and mailing address (for the Swag Bag) stating your intention to attend the RAH Conference. The Swag Bags are for conference attendees only and we are trusting that you truly intend to attend the conference and interact with the authors and other readers on the blog. 🙂 Lucy is shipping the Swag Bags at her own expense, but many authors have donated loot for you all, and each Swag Bag will have a free book inside.

Yes, that’s right – the conference is FREE. How cool is that?

Every day there will be multiple authors visiting and guest blogging, with new posts going live every 3 hours between 6 AM and 6 PM. Lucy will post a hottie who is definitely hunky enough to be a cover model and there will be daily drawings for multiple prizes (more than 50 over the week!!!), including dozens of signed books, a B&N gift card, a t-shirt, 3 prize tote bags filled with books and goodies (from Sue G at BTRB and Becke Davis), free online subscriptions to Affaire de Couer magazine and 2 more Swag Bags given away each day. What could be better?

Hope to see YOU there!”

Readers at Home Conference Sponsors
~ Guest Blogging Authors ~
Elizabeth Amber
Jules Bennett
Jenna Bayley-Burke
Leigh D’Ansey
Jami Davenport
Kate Davies
HelenKay Dimon
Diana Duncan
Cynthia Eden
Kimberly Fisk
Barbara Freethy
Tricia Jones
Nicola Marsh
Kaylin McFarren
Susan Meier
Lucy Monroe
Elisabeth Naughton
Erin Nicholas
Lorie O’Clare
Rick Reed
Maggie Robinson
Patti Shenberger
Gabi Stevens
Kay Stockham
Helen Scott Taylor
Karen Van der Zee
Other Readers at Home Conference Sponsors
(donated prizes, items for the Swag Bags, etc.)
Affaire de Coeur
Borders True Romance Blog
Monica Burns
Christie Craig
Lori Foster
Donna Grant
Faye Hughes
Margaret Mallory
Becke Martin
Alexis Morgan
Laurie Ryan
J.L. Wilson

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Belong to the Night

Posted in Latest News on March 22nd, 2010 by Cynthia Eden

Fun news! BELONG TO THE NIGHT received an honorable mention in the PEARL Awards (category: anthology). How very cool! Thanks so much to everyone who voted for the anthology! And congratulations to all the winners!

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Silken Sands Writers’ Conference

Posted in Romance on March 18th, 2010 by Cynthia Eden

Come see me at the beach!  🙂

This weekend, I’ll be attending the Silken Sands Writers’ Conference in beautiful Pensacola Beach.  On Saturday, I’ll participate in a huge multi-author signing that is open to the public. So if you happen to be in the Pensacola Beach area and you’d love to get some autographed books, come on by!

Here’s the address:

The Hampton Inn–Silken Sands Room

2 Via De Luna

Pensacola Beach, FL

See you at the beach!

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Write On! Wednesday

Posted in Romance on March 17th, 2010 by Cynthia Eden

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! Since I’m feeling semi-Irish…

May you be in
Heaven a half hour before the
Devil knows you’re dead!


And may you find a pot of gold today! (Then share that pot of gold with me!)

For my Write On! segment today, I thought I’d share 10 ways to become a successful writer:

1. Write. Yeah, I know, this does seem obvious, but I had to put it on my list. A lot of people talk about being a writer, but they don’t actually write. You have to sit your butt down in the chair and *write* to be a writer.

2. Read. Another obvious one.  If you want to be a good writer, then you need to read–a lot. And you particularly need to read in your genre. See what’s selling. See what’s hitting all the lists. See how other authors handle tension and pacing and character development. Just read.

3. Set realistic goals. Don’t decide to jump into this writing business with the immediate goal of completing a book in a month and then making the NYT list within a year.  Sure, it could happen. But why not put a little less pressure on yourself and set goals that are a little smaller? Like…write a chapter a week.

4. Learn everything you can about the industry. The Internet is a wonderful tool.  You can follow agents and editors on Twitter–you can see what they are hoping to acquire.  You can go to conferences and attend publisher spotlights.  You can join writers’ groups. Knowledge is power, don’t ever forget that.

5. Don’t compare yourself to other writers.  Jealousy can be an ugly thing.  Just focus on your story and write the best tale you can.  Don’t worry about what your buddy is doing or the deals she is getting.  Be selfish and focus on yourself!

6. Always know that you’re not perfect.  Or, rather, your writing isn’t. We can always learn more. We can always improve our craft.  The goal is to keep improving. Always–improve.

7. Celebrate your successes. You need to stay positive in this business. So celebrate!

8. Know when to step away from the keyboard. If the scene isn’t coming, maybe you need a break. If you’re really writing crap, go take a walk.  Don’t keep pounding away until you’ve had a chance to clear your head.

9. Don’t dwell on the negative. Did you get a rejection?  Ok, that sucks. No doubt. But keep writing. Keep going forward.  Cry a little if you’d like. Then go forth and make a better, stronger story.

10.  Don’t give up. Ever. If you stop, then how will you sell?

If you’ve got more advice to offer, please do! And enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day!!

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