Why Dragons Make Perfect Romance Heroes & a Contest!
Posted in Romance on June 27th, 2010 by guest
Update: Meagan’s winner is…CatsMeow! Congratulations!!
Hi! * waving at everyone* My name is Meagan Hatfield, and I will be the next victim…err, blogger chatting here with Cynthia! *grin* I want to thank her so much for having me and thank everyone who stops by!
Now, a quickie about me…I currently write dark paranormal romances for HQN & Silhouette Nocturne. My debut novel, SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE just came out this week! *eek* I’m so excited! DRAGON WARRIOR, a novella set in the same world, will be releasing July 1st from Harlequin Nocturne Bites. When I’m not hovered over my laptop (writing, not Tweeting or Facebooking of course *grins*) you can find me shakin’ it in my Zumba classes where I teach seven classes a week. Actually, I have to head to one in about 30 minutes, so we’d better get this party started!
Okay, so I have been getting asked the same question a lot lately…with all the yummy paranormal heroes out there – vampires, werewolves, demons, etc…why did I chose to write about dragons? What is my fascination with this species and why did I think they would make good romance heroes? I figured what better way to answer this than the good ol’ top ten list.
So, without further ado, here are my top ten reasons dragons make perfect romance heroes:
1. Dragons are cool. Or actually they’re quite hot (pun intended.) No really, in my stories, they are tall, muscular men with rippling biceps and thick corded thighs who put even the hottest of movie-star hotties to shame.
2. Number 2 sort of ties in with Number 1, but they are gorgeous. Okay there, I said it. I’m being shallow. But both the man and the beast are beautiful in their own way. Dragons are sleek and sexy, strong and yet lithe and elegant, all power yet vulnerable too. They have great wisdom that comes with age and immortality. Yet they possess the fiery hot ardor and *ahem* stamina of a young buck in his prime. 😉
3. Dragons are dangerous and let’s face it, we all love a little danger, don’t we ladies? *wink* Well, the kind of danger you can experience from the other side of the page at least. A dragon hero could char you to a crisp at one glance, or ignite a burning desire with one look into their jewel colored eyes. They make the woman in us want to tame the beast, have the mighty dragon purring in our palm and using ever reserve of his powerful strength to claim us.
4. I don’t know about you, but I love action and breath-catching fight scenes. Dragons are one of the best ass-kickers and name takers around. I mean, when a dragon show up at your party, you pretty much know sparks are going to fly and most likely in the most literal of senses. So, the moment our dragon hero shifts into the beast and steps on stage, you are guaranteed intense, high-stakes, life or death action. And let’s face it, if you’re the bad guy, a flippin’ dragon is last thing you want to see running at you on the battlefield, for it will most likely be the last thing you see.
5. Dragons are already equipped with every weapon they might require in a battle. So need for guns, swords, daggers, shields or the like. Their scales are hard as armor, talons sharp as daggers, their tails not only help balance in flight, but can be a skilled weapon (or a delectable extra hand for those other battle scenarios…but we’ll get to that later.) And let’s not forget the dragon’s most formidable weapon…dragonfire. White-hot and able to melt flesh from bone in 0-60, dragonfire will turn up the heat in any fight.
6. My dragon lord heroes are fiercely loyal, noble, altruistic and aren’t afraid to stand by their beliefs, even on pain of death. Whether you are the heroine or newfound friend, you have a friend for life when you make one with a dragon hero. He will stand beside you in battle, protect you if you fall, or rescue you if you get captured – and not for money or fame, but because it’s “the right thing to do.” Awww. 🙂
7. Next reason, dragon lords are irresistible heroes…they are not sexist. {{gasp, shock}} Crazy, I know. But they believe a woman is just as capable of charging into a battle, as she is a bedroom, which makes them a rare gem when it comes to any man. Even more remarkable, they manage to retain this equality trait while remaining strong and confident Alpha males.
8. Now, this could be a personal preference, but the purebred dragon lord heroes in my books have long strands of silken hair down to their hips. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a product of the 80’s or what, but there is just something about running your hands through long, soft hair on a big, rock hard man that does it for me.
9. The tail. Nuff said. *wicked grin*
10. Drumroll please…and the last reason that Dragons make the best heroes…while I may not have just described the dragon-shifting hero you wrote about, read about, saw in a movie or fantasize about, Declan Black, the hero of my dark paranormal debut, “SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE” has all of the characteristics listed above…and boy is he hot. *wriggling brows*
CONTEST TIME! I am running a contest for a signed copy of my July release, SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE! All you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favorite romance hero and why, to be entered to win!
Good luck!