*UPDATE: Casey’s name was pulled from the hat, so she’s the winner of a book in the Shardlake series by C.J. Sansom. Congratulations, Casey!*
Thank you so much to Cynthia for inviting me to guest blog on her fabulous site. We ‘met’ online a couple of years ago and she’s one amazing lady. I’m looking forward to meeting her in person at the RWA National conference next month.
I’m a writer who recently signed a contract with Simon & Schuster’s Gallery Books imprint for two manuscripts, for which I unfortunately don’t yet have covers. My debut historical thriller with strong romantic elements, ILLUMINATIONS, is due out in Spring 2011. The second novel with the same protagonists, BRILLIANCE, is due out that same Fall. While I was outlining my plot ideas for the third book in the series to my agent, she said something to the effect that if we think modern politics has a lot of intrigue, we have nothing on the Tudor court, where my books are set. It made me laugh, because that is precisely why writing these books is so much fun.
At the start, when I was choosing which real life characters to include, and which characters to make up, I was constantly amazed at the serendipity of my choices. I’d pick a specific courtier, then I’d suddenly find his wife was the perfect character for another role, with the side-benefit of strengthening the first story twist with her husband. These are all minor characters I’m talking about, but over and over again, there was an interconnectivity, a little ‘ah’ moment, where things click into place and you realize, oh, HER husband. Interesting.
Initially, I honestly wondered what the heck was going on. Perfect twist after perfect twist kept landing in my lap, until I realized, if you know the period well, and have a good memory (I fortunately do), then finding those connections is easy. Because they are everywhere. To survive, if you were at court, you made deals, stabbed backs and generally covered your behind, or you found yourself, literally and figuratively, out in the cold.
That’s why I love my main protagonists, John Parker and Susanna Horenbout. I have made them somehow able to step out of the pit to an extent. I have made Parker interesting and useful to King Henry, precisely because he WON’T kowtow and is deliberately not a yes man. That doesn’t mean he is exempt from punishment for treasonous acts or disloyalty, but it makes him a far stronger character than his peers. My heroine, Susanna, is an outsider (in fact, a foreigner), and is as such too late to the game. She simply isn’t part of the playing field, and this is part of her success. No one pays her enough attention, until it’s too late.
Keeping tension high, though, walks a tightrope between getting the reader to understand the issues without overwhelming them with too much information. This is entertainment, not a history lesson. At the same time, the stickler in me won’t permit me to deviate from the facts that stand. I make a lot of stuff up, that’s why my books will be shelved in the fiction section, but I won’t change the historical outcomes. So if someone died on day X, that’s when they’ll die in the book. No drawing out their life for the sake of plot.
I’ve kind of strayed from my original topic, that you’d have to be blind not to find plenty of intrigue in the Tudor court, and I’m not the only writer to use that. Philippa Gregory has obviously done extremely well with the period, and C.J. Sansom, with his fantastic Shardlake series, really brings the politics and sights and sounds of Tudor London to life, although both authors have chosen to set their books later into King Henry’s reign than I have. My work is all pre-Anne Boleyn and pre-Reformation.
There are plenty of other periods in history that are packed with juicy twists and turns, although for skullduggery and betrayal, I think you’d be hard pressed to beat the Renaissance period. Ancient Rome definitely had its fair share, and the Napoleonic Wars spring to mind, too.
But I’m interested, what historical period do you love reading about, especially when you’re reading an historical thriller, or is it a case of whatever period the writer uses, as long as you’re gripped, you’re happy?
Thanks again to Cynthia for inviting me! I’ll be giving away a copy of one of C.J. Sansom’s Shardlake series to one lucky commenter.
Michelle Diener