Diane Whiteside: Author Interview & ARC Giveaway
Posted in Romance on February 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden
Update: The lucky winner of The Shadow Guard ARC is…Barb P! Congrats, Barb!
Today I’m thrilled to have author extraordinaire Diane Whiteside as my Deadly Valentine guest. I’m a huge fan of Diane’s work (and if you haven’t read her, you are totally missing out!). Diane was gracious enough to answer my interview questions AND to offer an ARC of THE SHADOW GUARD to one lucky commenter.
Hi, Diane! Thanks so much for participating in “My Deadly Valentine.” I’ve included some interview questions below, but if there is anything else you want to add, please do!
1. Do you have a favorite romance novel? If so, what is it and why is it your favorite?
If I could only pick one, it’d be TELL ME NO LIES by Elizabeth Lowell for fabulous characters and plot. I love the heroine’s growth, from competent but socially shy to ferocious, all while remaining very ladylike. The hero is one of my all-time favorites – he protects her at great cost from everything, even from himself. (Who wouldn’t want a guy like that?) Their love story is interwoven into an incredible story of antique Chinese bronzes, with dynasties and international spies competing with each other in high-style Washington, DC and San Francisco. Gorgeous!
2. You’ve written such an amazing variety of books – is there a particular sub-genre of romance that you enjoy writing the most?
I love writing historical fantasy, where I can find a magical reason for a true historical event. (Call it perverse of me but some occurrences were so weird that you’ve almost got to start suspecting magic. And no, I’m not talking about crop circles or building the pyramids!) . “Caught by the Tides” in BEYOND THE DARK is the only historical fantasy I’ve ever written.
I indulged myself by sneaking historical fantasy into THE SHADOW GUARD, since Astrid, my heroine, is a “government” sorceress who was born in the 1880’s.
3. In your upcoming release, THE SHADOW GUARD, you weave together both elements of suspense and the paranormal. What was the biggest challenge for you in writing this book and blending those two aspects?
THE SHADOW GUARD is a mystery, where the problem is to figure out who killed the lady washed up by the river? When you write a mystery, it’s like writing backwards and forwards at the same time: my hero and heroine move forward to solve the mystery, while I, the author, move backward to the mystery and figure out which clues to give them. All of those clues had to work in THE SHADOW GUARD’s paranormal universe – crystal magic, anyone? – and also had to be good suspense. Since this was my first mystery and paranormal with crystal magic, there were times when I thought I’d signed up to lose my mind.
4. Now, in contrast…what was your favorite part about writing THE SHADOW GUARD?
I love my hero Jake. He’s one of those characters whose voice an author can always hear and who can always throw in a plot twist. Sometimes writing scenes with him – never for him! LOL – felt like dancing the tango – hot, dark, and a surprise a minute.
5. Give me two words to describe your hero, Jake.
Protective workaholic. He puts a lot of energy into being protective, which leaves him no time for anything – except for a little video gaming. It’s played havoc with his private life.
6. Give me five words to describe your heroine, Astrid.
Widowed, brave, loyal, hot-tempered fashionista. Jake’s over-protective workaholic side pisses her off. He’s never been involved with a fashionista before – heck, he doesn’t really know how to date.
7. What can readers expect to find in the pages of THE SHADOW GUARD?
A rockin’ paranormal mystery with a hot romance.
Thanks so much for answering my questions, Diane! I’m looking forward to reading THE SHADOW GUARD. It certainly sounds like Jake will be one fantastic hero. And speaking of heroes…readers, what qualities do you enjoy in romance novel heroes? One commenter will win that awesome ARC!