Dale Mayer–And a Double Giveaway!

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of VAMPIRE IN DENIAL is…Hilleary Peterson. The winner of TUESDAY’S CHILD is…Michelle Bledsoe. And thank you very much to everyone who commented!

I first met Dale Mayer when I was assigned to be her mentor in the Brava Writing With the Stars Contest. I was totally impressed by Dale’s talent, and it was no time at all before I was hooked on her work. Dale, thank you for joining the party!! (And Dale is also one of my ENTANGLED anthology buddies!!)


A vamp like none other

By Dale Mayer

Thank you, Cynthia for the invitation to be here today. You’re release parties are always so much fun.  This one in particular!  ENTANGLED is a special project put together by a wonderful group of writers for a terrific cause!  I’m so proud to be a part of it!  For those of you who haven’t already guessed it, Cynthia’s short story is terrific.  No surprise there!

And my story?  Well, Sian’s Solution is the love story between Taz and Sian, two minor characters in one of my all time favorite books, Vampire in Denial.  As the creator of this world and all these characters, I’d like to think I could take a bow for this book…but in all honesty, Tessa, the heroine of Vampire in Denial, rode in on my muse and charged her way onto my page all her own.  Gawky, valiant, and with a do-or-die attitude, she stole my heart right from the beginning.  By the end of the first book, she’d made herself a permanent spot in my world. Now, I’m working to finish her series to share her story of love and war, and finding out what you’re really made of when all you love is lost, and all you’d thought lost, becomes found.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

To celebrate this release day, I am giving away one ecopy of Vampire in Denial and one ecopy of Tuesday’s Child – my romantic suspense novel – which was just picked as one of her Top 10 Reads of the Year by Neis at TheRomanceReview.com. To enter the giveaway, just leave me a question or tell me why you love vampires.


Tessa hunkered down low to the ground, hidden by the long line of poplars edging the property as Cody went in for a closer look. She’d protested being left behind until Cody pulled the mom card on her. That he’d never be able to explain to her mom why he’d let her accompany him. She couldn’t argue with that.

The longer she’d studied the house, the stronger her sense of knowing grew. Jared was here somewhere on the property. Looking around, she realized the easy answer was to check out the sheds and outbuilding first.

Silent, she slipped inside the first outbuilding. Empty. She circled it anyway and looked for stairs, hidden doors, or rooms. Then she moved onto the next building. This one appeared to be a storage unit. Boxes and containers filled every square inch, or so it appeared. She studied the level of dust and the jammed boxes. Everything appeared deserted and forgotten for decades. Empty. She couldn’t sense anything bigger than a mouse.

Back out in the night, the dogs still slept, and Cody had yet to return. What if he couldn’t?

No, Cody had some serious skills, at least according to David he did. It would take a lot for someone to get the drop on him.


He just didn’t have much class. Turning around, Tessa watched Cody land in front of her. “There’s no sign of anything unusual going on.”

“No, of course not. Why would there be? It’s not like they’re going to advertise that they’ve kidnapped humans.” She studied the huge stone mansion. “The captives are most likely to be downstairs.”

“You’re not going into the house. If you’re determined to take this further, we go back to our parents and let them take it to the council. They will determine the best course of action.”

Tessa stared at him in disbelief. Everything about the night had taken on a surreal appearance. She was here, where Jared was being held, with someone who could actually help her, and he wanted to go for their parents. No knight riding to the rescue here.

Then he’d been raised by the old belief that vampires don’t go against vampires – without just cause. She didn’t think she could come up with enough evidence to prove her case.

“We have to at least see if they are here.”

“No. No way.” He pulled away and turned prepared to leave.


“No, Tessa.” He shook his head, his vampire eyes glowing with terrible heat. “That’s enough. This isn’t a kid’s game. This is vampire business.”

“And who’s going to believe me? No one. I’m not like you. My word doesn’t mean anything to the others. If you don’t see that Jared’s been taken and kept as a captive yourself, you won’t be able to convince them, either.”

He shook his head.

Fine. She’d go in alone. Turning away, she headed to the back of the house. “Go back home. I don’t need you.”

“What the…” He raced behind her. “Tessa, stop. You can’t go inside there. You’re not allowed.”

“And they’re allowed to take humans?” She snorted. “I don’t think so.” The moon slid out from behind the clouds highlighting the lower level of the house. Off to the left, a set of stairs cut down to a narrow wooden door. Probably the cellar. Perfect. She picked up the pace, reaching for the knob in seconds. She bolted though the unlocked door before Cody could drag her back out. Down a narrow hallway, she fled through another door that led to a wide open space. Empty space. Damn it. Could the prisoners have been moved already? How?

“There, are you satisfied now?”

She spun around at the sound of Cody’s voice. “No.” She walked the perimeter of the room. The room curved down and around. This place was huge. At the far end, her nostrils flared. Animal. Death. Fear. Pain.

This area had been used as housing for animals during the cold winter months. Horses, most likely. Ancient farm smells permeated the air. Hay. Manure. Blood.

“What’s the matter?” Cody whispered.

She looked at him. “Can’t you smell it?”

“Smell what?”

“Death. Pain. And an overwhelming fear.”

“I can’t sense any of that. What are you talking about?”

Tessa looked at him strangely. “Not even with your vampire senses?”

He turned and lifted his nose and smelled the air. After a moment, he shook his head and laughed. “You don’t have a clue, do you? There’s nothing there.” He dropped the smile. “The fun’s over. Let’s go home.”

Tessa turned her back on him. Moving closer to the one side, Tessa concentrated harder. There. Jared. Relief washed over her. He was alive. “Jared’s in there.”


But Cody was talking to empty space.


Tessa darted ahead of him. Half smooth walking, smooth talking vamp and half wholesome innocent human. He shook his head. What happened to David’s kid sister? He’d always been protective of her and Cody had naturally picked that up. She was different from the rest of them. Seth didn’t treat her with the same patience. And her Dad, well, he didn’t know what patience was. If it wasn’t for her mom, her life would have been much different.

On the outside she looked vampire. Hell, she looked hot. He hadn’t believed his eyes when he’d seen her tonight. He knew most of the gorgeous females in their area and she hadn’t been one of them. He’d followed her for that reason initially.

She’d smelled familiar. Then she’d turned and he caught a glimpse of Tessa in that wicked outfit. But she’d given him the rebuff. Confused, he’d withdrawn and kept a close watch. When she’d disappeared out back, he’d followed and couldn’t believe it when he’d seen her in the moonlight. He still wasn’t sure until she’d jumped. Jumped. Vampires did a lot of things, like flew, floated and even raced, but everything they did, they did with grace.

Not her. Awkward, disjointed movements, hard landings and gawky take offs. Little Tessie had somehow morphed into one hot Tessa.

His curiosity and doubt had turned to horror. She’d only ever been allowed at vampire meetings with a chaperone and sure as hell not in that ‘come hither and get laid’ outfit.

Christ, she’d looked good. And vampirish. Good enough to fool everyone there. But if her family found out, well that would be the end of life as she knew it.


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Marie Force is Going To the Chapel (And she’s taking prizes with her!)

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  Marie’s FATAL winner is…Lisa B. Congrats, Lisa! Thanks for sharing that horror story with us!

I know I’ve mentioned that I am a Marie Force fan girl. I am. She writes. I read.  And I so enjoy her stories.  Marie, thank you for joining us today!!! It is always a pleasure.

Going to the Chapel

Everyone loves a wedding, right? A fictional wedding is even better because you can attend from your home without getting dressed up or agonizing over a gift. The characters in my Fatal Series, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Lt. Sam Holland and U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano, tie the knot in book 3.5 in the series, Fatal Destiny. The novella was released this week and it’s free! (As of this writing, we were still working out some kinks with the freebie on Amazon, but I hope that will be all set by the time you read this!)

The series, which began with Fatal Affair last June, continued earlier this year with Fatal Justice and this summer with Fatal Consequences and Fatal Destiny. Up next is Fatal Flaw in February 2012. Here’s a little more about the free novella:

With the week of their wedding finally upon them, Washington, D.C., Police Lieutenant Sam Holland and her fiancé, Senator Nick Cappuano, are at odds. In the aftermath of a tragic loss, they struggle to reconnect as the big day draws near, but their work keeps pulling them apart. When a new clue into a cold case surfaces, Nick asks Sam not to take any foolish chances before the wedding and to leave it alone for the time being. Sam agrees, but she can’t let it go entirely and winds up trapped in an explosive situation. Then an unwelcome visitor from her past threatens her future happiness… With trouble at every turn, will Sam survive long enough to walk down the aisle?


Today, I’m giving away PDF copies of the first three books in the Fatal Series to the respondent who shares the best wedding horror story. Thanks for coming over to say hello and best of luck to my friend Cynthia Eden on her double release day!

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An Interview With Jennifer Haymore (and, of course, giveaways!)

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The three lucky commenters who will receive CONFESSIONS OF AN IMPROPER BRIDE are:  Michelle McMichael, Patty C, and LadyVampire.  Congratulations!

Have you read Jennifer Haymore‘s historicals?  They’re sexy, they’re emotional, they’re addictive.  Jennifer has a distinct voice that I adore, and I am very glad that she’s joined us for the release party.  In addition to facing her VERY busy life each day, Jennifer has been battling breast cancer. I am amazed by her strength each day. She’s truly a wonderful lady.

Jennifer, thank you for joining us!


Cynthia: First up…can you tell us a bit about CONFESSIONS OF AN IMPROPER BRIDE (for those folks who haven’t read it, but really, really should)?

Jennifer: Confessions is the first in my Donovan Series, a trilogy about the five Donovan sisters who grew up in poverty and then go to London to find “proper” husbands. This is the book I wrote when I was going through cancer treatment, and it was soooo hard. I’m so proud of it, though, because I did it–I actually wrote an entire book during the toughest time of my life. And I’m excited about the series–I loved the Donovans and had such a good time writing about them!

Here’s the blurb for Confessions of an Improper Bride:


Serena Donovan left London six years ago, her heart broken and her reputation ruined by devilishly handsome Jonathan Dane. Now, with her family’s future in peril, she reluctantly agrees to return to England and assume her late twin’s identity. The price? Marry a man she doesn’t love and spend the rest of her days living a lie.

Jonathan Dane, Earl of Stratford, has become an incorrigible rake, drinking, gambling-and trying to forget Serena Donovan. Yet the moment he’s introduced to the prim and proper “Meg”, he recognizes the sensual young woman who captured his heart. Haunted by his past mistakes, he refuses to lose Serena again. But convincing her to trust him is no easy task. Claiming his lost love means exposing the truth and destroying the life Serena has sacrificed everything to rebuild. With the future of all the Donovans at stake, and their undying passion capable of triggering yet another scandal, how much will Jonathan and Serena risk for a chance at true love?

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Get Lost With Caridad Pineiro (And help a great cause w/ your comments!)

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  The winner of THE LOST is…Mariee. Congrats!!

Time for another author spotlight!! This time, I’m featuring New York Times best-selling author Caridad Pineiro.  I was addicted to Caridad’s books long before I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady.  She writes hot paranormals with plenty of twists and turns–how could I not love her books?  Thanks for joining us, Caridad!


Cynthia: Caridad, you’ve got a great new book on the shelves—I absolutely loved THE LOST. Can you tell us…what inspired this story?

Caridad: There are so many cultures that believe that we all possess life energies that we can learn to tap and on more than on occasion I’ve experienced the power of people gathered together with a common focus.  I thought, “What if there was an ancient race of people that had learned to harness those life forces?  What if that gave them all kinds of unusual powers?”  With those questions and a love of nature, history and science, I started developing the mythology for the Light and Shadow Hunters in THE LOST.

Cynthia: Can you describe your hero, Adam, in five words?

Caridad: Brave.  Honorable.  Lonely.  Loving.  Sexy.

Cynthia: What was the hardest part about writing this story?

Caridad: The hardest part was developing the differences between the Light and Shadow Hunters and weaving their civil war into the romance between Adam and Bobbie.  I knew it was important to establish the mythology, but little by little so that people learned about the Hunters and how those powers affected Adam.  From there, it was a little easier to develop the scenes to highlight all the different powers that the Hunters have, like shape-shifting, shooting orbs of power, lightning-fast travel and controlling the forces of nature.

Cynthia: Do you have a favorite scene from THE LOST? Will you share it with us?

Caridad: My favorite scene is toward the end of the book after Bobbie and Adam have had a major fight.  Bobbie has asked Adam to meet her, but Adam is reluctant because he is not sure that he can trust Bobbie.  The scene happens on the Auditorium Grounds in Ocean Grove, New Jersey and very much speaks to the power that humans possess as well as having faith in each other.  I found it really moving and also, very revealing as to the kind of person Bobbie was.

Cynthia: And, finally…what is next for you and your Sin Hunters?

Caridad: Up in May 2012 is THE CLAIMED, the next book in the series.  I won’t spoil who is the hero, although you will get a hint of it at the very end of THE LOST.  In THE CLAIMED, the civil war between the Light and Shadow Hunters comes to the forefront, but there is also a war going on between different factions within the Shadow Hunters.  The story is action-packed, but also sexy in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way.


Want to win THE LOST? I’ve got a copy for a lucky commenter. I can send you a mass market copy from Amazon or deliver you a digital Kindle copy instantly. Winner’s choice.   To win, tell us five words that you think describe an ideal hero.

But wait…there’s more…

Because Caridad is so wonderfully awesome, she will donate $1 for every comment (up to 50 comments) to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thank you, Caridad!!

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Lisa Renee Jones is a Woman With Bite

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: Time to announce the winners! The 5 commenters who will get HOT VAMPIRE KISS are…Christie I, Stephanie M, Shadow, Carlyn McKechnie, and Sherie.

I don’t think it’s any surprise that I enjoy vampire romances.  What can I say? I think I’m a vampire addict. And when I found out that Lisa Renee Jones had a new vamp series? Yeah, I was pretty excited.  Here’s a tease of that new series for you…


The werewolf population is entrenched in a century long civil war, and now they are plagued by a virus that is turning wolves into killers. The Brooks brothers pursue one such rogue werewolf to Temple, Texas. It is in Temple that Evan encounters a beautiful nurse named Marissa who instantly melts the hundred years of ice running through his veins. When she is brutally attacked by the wolf, he breaks the rules of the Vampire Council and uses his blood to save her. Now, if he doesn’t kill the wolf by the next full moon, Marissa will become a killer wolf, and he will be sentenced to death.



Book 2, Aiden’s story — Hot Vampire Seduction — out September 12th!
Book 3, Troy’s story — Hot Vampire Touch — out in December of 2011

Want to read HOT VAMPIRE KISS?  Five lucky commenters will win digital copies of HOT VAMPIRE KISS.  Just tell Lisa why you enjoy vamps.  Good luck!



Three hours later, the bar was closed, but Evan had ensured that Marissa lingered in her seat, a drink in front of her. He wasn’t about to allow her to leave without him, and not just because of the wolf he was certain would have her in his sight. No – there was more to his desire to keep Marissa nearby. Plain and simple, he wanted her, and not just physically, though there was no question, she got him hot and hard. He was, after all, a male, a vampire male, with primal, sexual instincts that had him imagining all kinds of wicked ways to make her scream his name. But what really had him by the balls was not the desire she created in him, but the way she’d made him laugh when he’d have sworn it wasn’t possible. The way she’d made him smile when he was certain he had no reason. The way she’d made him realize how empty a century of hunting had made him and he wanted to know why, and how, a woman he barely knew could do such things. The time for discovery, both in and out of bed, was not now though.

He wiped down the counter, working toward closing up the bar, focused on getting Marissa out of here safely. To ensure the wolf didn’t target her, as he normally did the friends and acquaintances of his victims.

All but done with the façade of this night’s bartender duties, he cast a quick, seductive glance at Marissa, making no attempt to tame the primal heat in his stare. She wasn’t for him, he told himself silently. She was a forever kind of girl, and not the kind of forever he could give her. Nevertheless, when she smiled shyly at him, his groin tightened, cock thickening against his zipper, and he knew he wasn’t walking away without fucking her every which way she’d have him.

He tossed the rag down, and rounded the bar, eliminating the counter that had separated them all night, to stand beside her, his hand on the back of her stool. She turned to face him, the scent of her teasing his nostrils, his arm creating an intimate enclosure, trapping her between the counter and his body. She was his in that moment and the idea appealed to him far more than it should. One tilt of his head and his teeth could touch that delicate, pale neck. His lips her lips. His body her body.

She glanced up at him, her long, dark lashes fluttering with a combination of uncertainty and desire, her pupils dilated with the effects of the alcohol she’d consumed.

“You really are…tall,” she whispered.

“And you,” he said, brushing a finger over her chin, “really are beautiful.” And innocent. Too innocent and perfect for the likes of him.

She shivered. “Tall and a smooth talker, I think I should be afraid.” Her palm slid down the bar. “Ouch!” She drew her hand forward, red pooling on her index finger, a splinter of wood sticking out from the red center.

Instant lust fired through Evan as he took the opportunity presented and snatched the splinter away before he drew her finger to his lips. The sweet taste of her blood exploded on his taste buds, filling him with lust, desire — fueling the sexual side of his vampire nature, when he already wanted this woman to the point of white-hot demand. His gums tingled, his recessed cuspids threatening to extend.

His eyes met hers, the scent of her arousal, the taste of her blood, seeping through him with a demand that he claim her, claim satisfaction. Somewhere in the back of the bar a door slammed shut. The sound was a jolt of reality that shook Evan just enough to calm the beast inside him threatening to take control of him, of her.

Slowly his tongue swirled around her finger, and then he released it, inspecting the area where the splinter had been.

“All better,” he said.

A stunned look etched her features. “I was right,” she whispered.

His brows dipped, “Right?”

“When I said I should be afraid of you,” she explained. “Because there is no way that what you just did should not bother me but it…”

He leaned close, sliding his face against hers, his lips near her ear, his mouth far too close to the vein he hungered to puncture — for his own good – most certainly for her own good. And yet, he found himself asking, “Aroused you?”


And here’s the cover for the next great installment:

Don’t forget to comment for you chance to win HOT VAMPIRE KISS (five copies are up for grabs!)

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