Let’s Talk Sexy

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: Thank you for all the great comments!! I randomly selected a winner for this giveaway, and that person is…The Warrior!! Congrats!

(And if this blog post title doesn’t get me a ton of weird spam responses, nothing will!)

But, let’s talk sexy for a few moments. You know what I think is sexy?  A hot werewolf (cough, cough, Alcide from TRUE BLOOD). A sexy vampire (ahem, Eric, please–again, TRUE BLOOD). Can you tell what I’ve been watching lately?  What can I say?  With the finale last night, I just have TRUE BLOOD on my mind.

So for the next giveaway, how about we do something sexy?  An Eric poster, for one lucky commenter.

And is it any wonder that I’ve got vampires & werewolves on my mind?

Now tell me…what’s on your mind?

.99 Paranormal eBook

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Author Interview: Rebecca Zanetti (With FATED Giveaway)

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  The FATED winners are:  May and Lateefa!!  I am sending your info to Rebecca so that she can contact you with prize details. Congrats!!

Now it’s time for me to interview one of my Brava author buddies.  This is one special lady–so special, that she receive the dedication in my upcoming book, ANGEL OF DARKNESS (okay, so I lost a bet and *had* to give her the dedication but she’s still awesome!) Rebecca Zanetti, thanks for coming by the blog–and thank you for generously offering to giveaway 2 signed copies of your sexy vampire romance, FATED!! (And the next book in Rebecca’s series, CLAIMED, will be out soon–can’t wait!)

Cynthia: Rebecca, thanks so much for joining us!  Can you begin by telling us…why vampires?  What made you want to create your awesome vampire heroes?

Rebecca: Hi Cynthia !  Thank you so much for having me during this hour, and CONGRATS on the release of ENTANGLED and BOUND IN DARKNESS!!  I can’t wait to read.   Also, I’m not sure if people know that Cynthia provided the cover quote for CLAIMED.  I was both humbled and thrilled!

So…about those vampire heroes.  I think the contrast in a vampire is intriguing.  I mean, on one hand, they’re very primal.  Dark, brutal, basic…but in a sexy way.  On the other hand, they’ve lived long enough that they have a leg up—they know how to act civilized.  Maybe even be civilized.  But the inner struggle between their animalistic nature and their centuries of living is fascinating to me.  And during a novel, when that mask of civilization slips…

Cynthia: What do you like most about Dage, the hero from CLAIMED?

Rebecca: Oh wow, that’s a good question.  Dage is the king of the supernatural world—the most powerful being in existence.  So that’s hot.  But he has tempered his power through diplomacy and design…because he’s the leader. He knows it’s better to negotiate than destroy.  What I liked most about him was that he not only let that mask slip when dealing with his mate, but that he was entirely comfortable doing so.

I also liked that he appreciated the heroine’s intelligence as much as her face and spirit.  Dage understands that smart girls are sexy.

Cynthia: Do you have a favorite scene from CLAIMED that you would like to share with us?

Rebecca: Hmmmm.  Well, I loved those scenes where Dage was yanked out of his ‘king’ role.  In fact, at one point, he told the heroine that she’d never met the king, it was the man who held her.  Also, there’s a scene toward the back of the book, during the black moment, when he thinks all is lost.  I love that scene.  But, it is the dark moment, so I’ll find another to share.  Here’s a quick blurb at the beginning of the book when Dage has been shot.

He shook his head without opening his eyes.  “No.  I don’t sense evil anywhere near us.  We’re probably safe for a couple of hours, then we should move again.”

A couple of hours?  Damn.  She needed him in fighting shape.  “Will drinking my blood help heal you?”

His lids flipped open, revealing those silver eyes that had haunted her dreams for fifteen years.  Hunger, raw and pure filled them.  “Yes.”

Emma gulped in air. The husky timber of his voice caressed nerves she didn’t want to own. “I won’t become a vampire?”

His dimples winked at her.  “No.  Vampires are born, not made.”

Fear and her damn curiosity blended until she could only whisper.  “Okay.”  She held out her wrist and shut her eyes.  And waited.  The breeze picked up outside the cave, rustling pine needles and leaves inside the small entrance, and she shivered.  Finally, she opened her eyes in exasperation.  “What?”

Reaching out with his good arm, he lifted her chin with one knuckle, waiting until her gaze met his.  “I want your neck.”


Cynthia: What’s the best part of being a writer? The worst part?

Rebecca: Well, one of the best parts is becoming friends with people like you, Cynthia.  Writers are a close group who are willing to help each other.  Plus, we all fully understand that it’s okay to have a bunch of voices bellowing in our heads—that’s normal to us.  🙂   The other thing I love is the blank page, before I’ve written a single word on a new book.  Anything goes at that point.

The worst part would probably have to be a brutal review.  Sure, we’re all going to get bad reviews.  In fact, the person who hates your book usually hates the same part that a person who loves your book really loves.  So, it’s a grain of salt situation.  But these days, anyone can put a harsh review up on Goodreads or amazon…and it’s out there.

Cynthia: What can readers expect next from you?  (Share, share!)

Rebecca: Awww, thanks for asking!  CLAIMED will be released on November 1st of this year.  Then TEMPTED, an e-novella that features Max (Janie’s bodyguard) will be released in April of 2012, and HUNTED will be released in May of 2012.  HUNTED features Connlan Kayrs and a witch he mated a century ago from Ireland.  He gave her a hundred years to train for her calling—time’s up.

Thanks again for having me!  You can find me on the web at:  http://rebeccazanetti.com/

Also, to celebrate Cynthia’s release day, I’d love to give away two signed copies of FATED, which is book 1 in the Dark Protector Series.  To enter, tell me which characteristics (physical, mental, or emotional) make for a sexy hero.  Thanks!!

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Edie Ramer–Anthology Mastermind, Cattitude & A Galaxy Giveaway!

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Thanks for the wonderful comments!!! The winner of CATTITUDE is…Stephanie (dragonstar).  The winner of GALAXY GIRLS is… Marley Delarose. Congrats!!

I was thrilled to be asked to participate in the ENTANGLED anthology. When I found out all of the proceeds were going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, I couldn’t wait to sign up!  But there is one author that I just have to thank for my involvement in ENTANGLED–Edie Ramer. She (and the great Misty Evans) worked tirelessly on this anthology.  Edie invited me to participate, she organized the donation material–she got all of the authors busy! So, Edie, thank you…and welcome to the blog party!


Characters with Attitude

by Edie Ramer

Thanks so much to Cynthia for inviting me to her release day party. I’m so happy that she’s part of the anthology. Her story rocks!

One of the best things about being an indie author is I get to write about what interests me – ghosts, aliens, dragons, cats, witches. All of them with attitude. My short story in ENTANGLED has two of these, and a hint of a new one. You can tell by the title that The Fat Cat has a cat in it. The heroine is a witch, and though a goddess is mentioned in a minor way, she helps do major goddess damage.

The witch heroine was a secondary character in CATTITUDE, my fist self-published book. Other characters from CATTITUDE appear in The Fat Cat. I still love that book. Though I’ve published four other books since, counting ENTANGLED, I thought it would be fun to post an excerpt from it. The heroine from The Fat Cat doesn’t appear, but she’s mentioned. Here goes:


Belle’s brain ached from talking. Meowing was so much easier. Humans made everything difficult, even communication. So few words, so many meanings.

“You want to tell me about yourself?” Max asked.

She put a hand on the bruise on her forehead, just like Annette in today’s TV show. “Amnesia.” She’d practiced saying it while watching the show, the mmm sound easier than the nnn. “I have amnesia.”

“Amnesia?” He looked at her with disbelief. “The only people I’ve heard of with amnesia are actors in bad TV shows. If you’re afraid of someone, tell me. I’ll protect you.” His gaze shifted to her ring. “No matter what. You have my promise.”

She nodded. Of course he’d protect her. She’d never thought anything different.

“Do you want to tell me?” He moved closer, bending, the same concentration in his blue eyes as when he was reading one of his travel books.

“Pretty eyes,” she said.

He snapped back. “You don’t need to flirt with me. I already told you I’ll protect you.”

“You have pretty eyes,” she repeated. He also had a pretty face and body, but she decided not to say that.

What had she done wrong? Max told her all the time how pretty she was. “Pretty Belle.” “Beautiful Belle.” “Pretty kitty.” She always liked it. Didn’t humans like to be called nice things?

“Well, thanks.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and backed up. “I’ll order the pizza. You like garlic bread?”

She shook her head. She liked meat. Lots of meat.

“We’ll probably eat in about a half hour.” One corner of his mouth flicked up. “Don’t go anywhere.”

She shook her head. Where would she go? This was her home.

As soon as he left, she stretched, holding the position for a long moment. Then she rubbed her cheek against the pillow. It was soft and smelled of Max. Now her smells mingled with his, her cat body and her human body.

A knock rattled the door. A mewl came out of her mouth, the unfamiliar words forgotten for a second. The door opened before she remembered how to purse her lips and where to stick her tongue to tell whoever it was to come in. Unless it was Caroline. Her she would tell not to come in.

“You’re decent? Too bad.” Ted strolled inside, clothes draped over his arm. “Max said you’re eating with us tonight. I thought you’d like a change of clothes.” He tossed his armload of garments on the foot of the bed. “They’re my sister’s exercise clothes. They should stretch or shrink to fit you. Tory won’t mind if you wear them.”

Belle nodded. Tory liked her. Tory had wanted to take her to New York, but of course Belle couldn’t go. This was her home. Why would she want to live anywhere else?

“I’ll leave now.” Ted glanced at his watch. “You have enough time to take a quick bath or a shower and change.”

Watching him leave, Belle felt sick inside her stomach.

Bath? Shower?

No, no and no!

She wasn’t going to do it. She refused to do it.

But if she didn’t, they’d smell her. Cats groomed themselves all the time, but they didn’t wash away their scents. Any animal knew scents were good. Water was for drinking. Inside the body, not outside.

Her mouth set. She threw back the covers, rolled out of bed, marched into the bathroom, knelt by the bathtub and turned on the faucets the way she’d seen Max do so often. Anything a human could do, a cat could do—no matter how disgusting and unnatural.

But she’d better find Sorcha and get her body back. Fast.

How many more indignities could she stand?


I have two giveaways! Two commenters will win either an e-copy of CATTITUDE or my latest book, GALAXY GIRLS, which is my homage to the Gilmore Girls – if they came from another planet and used pheromones as weapons. To enter the giveaway, just answer this question:

If you can be an animal, what kind would you be?


Edie Ramer

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Joyce Lamb, E-Pubbing & Some TRUEly Good Prizes

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: Our TRUE winner is…Jane. Congrats, Jane!!! (Thanks for the comments!!)

Thanks so much for coming to the release party today. I hope you’ve had fun reading the posts and entering the giveaways. And there are more posts & giveaways to come!  Right now, we’ve got the spotlight on Joyce Lamb. She’s going to tell us about some great books she’s got, and she’s also offering up two fantastic romantic suspense novels as prizes.  Thank you, Joyce!!


Hi, everyone and congratulations to Cynthia on her new e-book releases! I can’t wait to read them.

Speaking of e-books, I’ve recently given e-book publishing a try (smooth transition, huh?). My three earliest romantic suspense titles were published by Five Star in the early 2000s and have long been out of print, so I was thrilled when e-pubbing became so easy – and inexpensive. When these three were first released, they were a whopping $27.95 each. Can you believe that? As e-books, they’re only 99 cents, so this time there’s no second mortgage required to check them out. Here’s the rundown:

CAUGHT IN THE ACT (a 2004 Rita and Daphne finalist): Jessie Rhoades moved to Florida to start a new, simple life. But things get very complicated when the newspaper where she is an editor publishes a huge story that turns out to be a hoax. On top of that, freelance reporter Clay Christopher is snooping around her professional and personal lives. When two of the bogus story’s main sources turn up dead, everything is on the line — hearts, lives and careers — as Jessie and Clay race to uncover the truth before anyone else dies. (Kindle; Nook; Smashwords)

FOUND WANTING (a 2005 Daphne finalist): Detective Mitch Kane is hired by millionaire Layton Keller to find his son and the woman who took the boy fourteen years ago. But Mitch soon discovers that Alaina Chancellor isn’t anything like he expected. Before he knows it, the boy has been kidnapped and Mitch is protecting Alaina from hit men while trying to help her get Jonah back. But Alaina has been hurt before, and she doesn’t trust anyone easily, especially a detective hired by her son’s father. Unfortunately, she has no choice but to rely on Mitch, and as they race to save Jonah, they discover that both their lives have been found wanting. (Kindle; Nook; Smashwords)

RELATIVE STRANGERS: When Meg Grant moves to Florida, all she wants is a fresh start and to find the family she never knew. Ryan Kama wants justice for his murdered brother. And Margot Rhinehart wants to escape her life as a jewel thief. All three lives collide when Margot goes on the run, and Meg, who looks remarkably like her, ends up being stalked by a host of bad guys. Her only salvation is Ryan, who doesn’t know what to believe as the woman he thinks helped get his brother killed proclaims her innocence. Suspense and romance ensue. (Kindle; Nook; Smashwords)

Did I mention that all three are only 99 cents each? You can read excerpts of these and my Berkley paperbacks at JoyceWrites.com.

Speaking of my Berkley paperbacks (another smooth transition!): In honor of Cynthia’s releases, I’m giving a random commenter here the first two books in my True trilogy (as a set): TRUE VISION (a 2010 Daphne winner) and TRUE COLORS. The Trues follow three sisters who end up in deep trouble when their latent – and powerful – empathic psychic abilities are awakened. More info and excerpts at JoyceWrites.com. (Don’t forget to leave your e-mail address!)

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Michelle Diener Has 2 Great Prizes for You!

Posted in Romance on September 12th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

Update: The winner of IN A TREACHEROUS COURT is…Yadira. The winner of ENTANGLED is…Ren.  Congratulations!!

It’s a new hour, so that means it’s time to introduce another great author–and Michelle Diener is that fab author! Michelle is also in the ENTANGLED anthology with me (cause how could I have a release day party without some of my anthology mates dropping by to help celebrate), and she has a wonderful single title out, IN A TREACHEROUS COURT. Welcome, Michelle!

Thank you to Cynthia for inviting me back as a guest here today! I’m so thrilled to be a contributor to the ENTANGLED anthology. The problem was, when Edie Ramer first approached me to take part, I was scared. I hadn’t written a paranormal contemporary novel before, let alone written a short story. I write historical fiction, and my debut historical novel, IN A TREACHEROUS COURT,  was just released last month with Simon & Schuster Gallery Books. This was way out of my comfort zone.

But I really, really wanted to do it.

So I thought about the type of paranormal stories I most enjoyed, and the paranormal things I most wonder about in real life, and came up with the story in ENTANGLED, Breaking Out. The historical author in me couldn’t get over how little research I had to do. It was like a holiday, and working for a good cause, all at once. How could it get any better?

Ever since I first read Rupert Sheldrake’s The Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, I’ve been even more fascinated with the concept of the extended mind than I was before. The extended mind is when you reach out beyond your brain, to touch someone else, either in the form of telepathy or just a psychic touch, which the person you are touching experiences as an almost physical touch. Like when you can ‘feel’ eyes on you, or know someone behind you is watching you. I went on to read more of Sheldrake’s work, which I found scientific and reasonable, and very, very interesting.

So my story has a telekinetic, a mind reader, and a man who can heal himself and others with the power of his mind. Plus a whole host of bad guys, with equally unusual talents. It was such fun imagining a world where all this was possible.

I’d love to hear what your favorite paranormal talent or gift is – what sounds the most interesting to you? I’ve got a copy of my historical thriller, set in the court of Henry VIII, IN A TREACHEROUS COURT, and a copy of ENTANGLED to give away. Winners’ choice of Kindle or papberback version of IN A TREACHEROUS COURT.

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