Naughty & Spice Back to Blog

Wow, Friday!  Yes!  🙂  I’m continuing my adventures in blogging today–I’m over at the Naughty & Spice blog (thanks to an invitation by the very talented Shelli Stevens–thank you, Shelli!).  My post topic over there is:  Monster in the Man.  I’m discussing how I like for my heroes to be a bit more than just men.  Come by and comment and you could receive an autographed copy of MIDNIGHT SINS!

The awesomely talented Lauren Dane is also giving away a copy of MIDNIGHT SINS on her blog–head over and check out her contest!

Today is the big premiere of Twlight. I have to admit (with some embarrassment) that I haven’t read the book yet. I will see the movie though, hopefully tonight, and reading the book is on my agenda.  Cause you know I do love me some vampires!

The ever kind Greta gave me an I LOVE YOUR BLOG Award. Thanks, Greta!  I love your blog, too!!

Now I get to recognize 7 blogs that I love for this award, too.  Really hard–b/c I love way more than seven. I visit so many blogs each day. I am often a crazy big lurker.  I probably have about twenty favorites, but I’ll try to limit to seven. Don’t want to be a rule breaker…

1. Edie Ramer. Edie, I’m pretty sure you’ve won this prize before, but you deserve it again.  Always positive, always fresh. Great topics!

2. And Greta–so do you.  🙂  I do so love your blog and I know I’m not the only one. You haven’t been in blogland long, but you’ve already made a huge impression on folks. Thanks for a great blog!

3. Bookmom–come on, you didn’t think I would overlook your place, did you? One of my favorite stops! I look forward to your book reviews. They help me decide what to purchase.  And that Santa toilet seat you’ve got up now…so made me smile. And, um, I think I want one!

4. The Eclectic Connoisseur.  Ashley’s blog is new, too, but the woman always has good cooking tips and for the kitchen impaired (that would be me), this is always bonus.

5. LaDonna Paulette.  Love your blog, LaDonna!  You know I do! Another positive place to hang out on the web.  With great writing topics.

6. Rhonda’s Ramblings. I always enjoy your ramblings, Rhonda.  And all your sweating with Sven is helping to keep me motivated!

7. Zoe Winters!  Zoe, I know you are crazy busy right now, but your blog always makes me think so I had to award this to you. And, yep, I know you’ve gotten this award before. Hey–it’s just more praise, lady!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

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7 responses to “Naughty & Spice”

  1. Zoe Winters says:

    Thanks, Cindy! I’ll try to list my favorites as soon as I release KEPT. Should be Monday or Tuesday as long as I stay on track.

    I’m almost done with layout, but still have to finish the promo website, which is a lot of fun! 😀

  2. Ashley says:

    Thanks, Cindy! I’m flattered my blog made the list. I love your blog too!

  3. Brandy says:

    Awww, I’m honored! You can find that seat at Lowe’s, btw! *G*

  4. Greta says:

    Congrats to the award and thanks for mine.

  5. Edie says:

    Congrats on the award, Cindy! I’m honored that you gave me one. I love reading yours too. 🙂

  6. Cynthia Eden says:

    Zoe, you know I’m looking forward to Kept! Good luck!

    Aw, Ashley, you know I visit all the time!

    See, Brandy, you might think I’m kidding about that seat, and my husband HOPES I’m kidding, but I just might have to buy it…

    Thank you, Greta!

    Edie, you’ve been one of my daily visits for a long time, woman!

  7. LaDonna says:

    Cindy, you adorable girl! I just love your place too! 🙂 I’ll post my seven sometime this weekend. And thanks so much for the honor. I’m off to check out the ones you listed!