ARCs are here!!! And it’s Dexter Day, too! Back to Blog

So, I’m in a really good mood today. I received my ARCs of MIDNIGHT SINS (yay!) and it’s Dexter Day.  🙂  Ah, Dexter.  You see, I don’t have HBO at my house, so I have to watch my favorite killer on DVD.  Season Two releases today and I’m definitely going to take a trip up to Best Buy to snag a copy.  Dexter will be my editing/revising reward. Every day, when I meet my page count goals, I’ll watch an episode (or two).

Sure, some may find it odd that I reward myself by watching a killer, but, um, I do love that show.  Talk about pushing a character.  A prime anti-hero.  I love figuring out his motivations and trying to predict his moves. So much fun.

Odd, maybe–but, that’s me!

(And a note about the ARCs…I’ve already got a big stack sitting next to me, all ready to ship to those who’ve won them through previous contests, etc. But, I will be holding some more contests for additional ARCs soon, so stay tuned!)

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4 responses to “ARCs are here!!! And it’s Dexter Day, too!”

  1. Edie says:

    Another good day for you, Cindy! It’s great when one good thing after another happens, and you see all the hard work paying off.

    I don’t get HBO either. I haven’t watched Dexter but I’ve heard it’s great.

  2. Brandy says:

    My hubs likes Dexter, but we don’t have HBO, either. I wish we did! True Blood starts next month!
    Yay on the ARC’s! Sounds as though you’re having a great day! *G*

  3. Zoe Winters says:

    Oh Gawd, you know if I watch Dexter I’m gonna have a crush on him. No self-preservation instinct, I’m telling you.

  4. Jane says:

    Hooray for the ARCs.