When the Monsters are the Good Guys… Back to Blog
Update: Thanks for all the wonderful comments!! I selected a random winner and the commenter who won is…Cybercliper! Congrats!!! And keeping checking out the daily posts for more chances to win great prizes!
Sometimes it takes a monster to catch a monster. 🙂 Okay, that was the general idea that inspired my upcoming paranormal bounty hunter series. I wanted to create a world in which some of the characters were so dark, so powerful, that, well, it would take heroes (and heroines) equally dark and powerful to catch them.
So Night Watch was born. Night Watch is a bounty hunting agency, a paranormal bounty hunting agency. The hunters there can be demons, shifters, vamps–they can be the character that probably should fall under the “Monster” heading, but in my series, these are the good guys (and gals).
The first book in my Night Watch series is ETERNAL HUNTER, and it will be released on December 29, 2009. But, hey, why wait until then to read the book? I have an Advanced Reader’s Copy that I’d love to give to a commenter this weekend! To enter this contest, just tell me what you think of monster heroes.
And if you want to read an excerpt from ETERNAL HUNTER, you can check one out here.
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I love monsters for Hero’s because most of the time I think it’s man that are the bad guys.
All beings, monsters included, have the potential for both good and eveil. I like the monster type because they have so much more to overcome emotionally, the way others see them, their inherent natures to possibly do otherwise, and often more dangerous with an edge.
I love monster heros the redemption of those heros make it worth while this book sounds awesome would love to read it
I think monster heros can be great but it kind of depends on how they are written. It usually works great when they are a bad with the potential of being good.
Monsters done well can make excellent heroes. I think they can be a challenge to write, but redeeming them can also make a story that much more interesting to read.
I love monster heroes…for me, I like my hero to have a bit of “bad” in him. I enjoy to read about a hero that has to overcome something to win the love of his heroine.
I am really looking forward to reading this.
Monsters are great heros and a lot of fun in books. Getting a chance to explain their view leads to interesting points.
Loved the excerpt. Colin and Niol could be considered monsters by some, but they are also great heroes. Even monsters possess heroic qualities. Can’t wait to read the rest of this book.
I love heroes who are supposedly monsters but in the end most of them turn out to have a good heart.