Why do you read romance novels? Back to Blog

I know why I read them–I love the story-telling, the characters, and, in general, I’m addicted to happy endings.  🙂 I love picking up a book and knowing that when I get to the end of the story, the heroine won’t be killed off.  Instead, she’d get everything she wants out of life.  I love being able to read about vampires, demons, medieval knights, and futuristic super-soldiers.  Hey–they’re fun!  I love reading romantic comedies and dark suspenses. Yes, I love ’em all.

I’ve been addicted to romance novels for over 20 years now.  And I don’t see me giving up my addiction any time soon.

But tell me…why do you read romance novels?

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15 responses to “Why do you read romance novels?”

  1. Melissa says:

    I love the adventure, the struggle, the tugs on your heart as men and women try to find the balance, to find the one that makes it ‘work’ for them. The thought that love is real and CAN conquor all, lol. Love me a HEA better than anything. I can take gore, guts, mayhem, suspense, humor….whatever as long as at the end of the day my hero and heroine are working on their HEA.

  2. Morning Glow says:

    I think I read them for the happy ending too. I’ve yet to find my happy ending, and maybe romance novels are giving me unrealistic expectations of said happy ending.. but I don’t care! I have to get my fix somewhere. I especially love paranormal romance.. I love to read about vampires, werewolves, wizards and witches, etc. I love to read about a world where these things exist, where you could be interacting with one every day, and you’d never notice. And some days, you just want to escape into a book with characters that have that happy ending, and have to fight to achieve it. A great escape for someone who spends their time doing homework! Darn college stealing all my fun/reading time!

    Jeez, did I say enough?

  3. azteclady says:

    When the characters are well drawn, and the conflict between them is resolved in a believable manner… Well, is there a high comparable to that? 😀

  4. Edie says:

    Another one who loves the happy ending. And I love a romance in a story. The will-they/won’t-they and how-the-hell-will-the-writer-get-them-through-this moments. That’s what keeps me turning pages and keeps me buying and reading books in all the romance genres.

  5. Michele says:

    I love reading romance novels to take myself into another world, to be emotionally drawn in knowing no matter the hero and heroine are challenged with, it will all work out in the end.

    I’m a rose colored glasses kind of girl, love my happy endings 😀

  6. Fedora says:

    Definitely the HEA 🙂 And to enjoy the journey another couple takes to get there! Reading romance is such a renewal of hope! Love’s out there, and it’s going to find you!

  7. Liz Kreger says:

    Sounds like the consensus is the HEA. I’m in there. I used to read Stephen King and there’s a reason I don’t read him anymore. He kills off characters that I got attached to. Nope … much rather have a guaranteed ending that will satisfy me.

  8. Brandy says:

    I want a HEA, I’ve found my own, but still love to read of that first kiss, first blush of romance. The inner struggle or outer, of what is keeping them apart. The solution and the HEA. I love romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance. Most of all, I love the idea of the couple beating the odds.

  9. Jacqueline L. says:

    Sometimes I just need a guaranteed HEA. 🙂

  10. Diane Sadler says:

    I love the interaction between the hero and the heroine, the appeal, the conflicts and the sex. But most of all the love and happy ending through it all.

  11. I love the yummy hero, the heroine who makes the hero work for it (or vice versa), the way the two of them are stronger together then apart, and of course the HEA.

  12. I read them because I know that no matter what the journey they are on in the end they will find their HEA,

    Plus the yummy hero’s

  13. Cynthia Eden says:

    Thank you all for answering my romance question! It was nice to read all the answers and see why folks love romance. And it’s so nice to know other love the happy ending s(and those sexy heroes) as much as I do! Real life can often suck–romances give us those perfect endings we need.

  14. Karin says:

    Like you, the biggest reason I read romance novels is because I know what to expect at the end of the book. I want to know there will be a happy ending with most of the books I read. And, while I do enjoy other genres of books, romance is still the one I turn to most often because it can incorporate the other genres as well – suspense, thriller, sci-fi, paranormal. Anything and everything can be found in romance.

  15. Omer says:

    I read romance novels because I am lonely. I am handsome but I am different. Aloof and a bit shy. In real life girls don’t pay attention to me and often hangout with wierdos. This disturbs me and I feel inferior. To counter that I read romance novels and think my self to be that lonely aged vampire who can’t love any woman because of his exceptional case. He is also different and he also can’t mix up with the society. He is lonely. Cut from the social circle. He is just like me. Unable to express himself. Unable to make others understand him. Unable to tell others how beautiful he is from the inner side also. No one understands him. What he is going through. No one can comprehend his thinking and his arguments. No one respects his opinions about life. He is not accepted in the society. So that is why I read romance novels to escape from the pain and think my self as that vampire who by some means finds his love ultimately and converts her and makes just like him.