What makes you howl? Back to Blog
Update: The Amazon gift card winner is…leann! Congrats!
In HOWL FOR IT, my hero, Gage, is a werewolf. A pack alpha. One tough guy who won’t let anyone or anything hurt the woman that he loves. And when Gage gets angry with those who threaten his lady, his inner beast sure does come out.
For the first prize of the day, I want to know…what makes you howl? Is there something that just makes you so angry that you feel the urge to howl at the moon? Come on, share! Venting can be good for you.
And that venting could help you to win a $25 Amazon.com gift card. I’ll pick one random winner to win the prize. (Winner announced after 12 PM tomorrow. Good luck!
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I get so mad when I’m talking to someone and then half way through they start talking to someone else or interrupt me to tell me something random.
A lack of manners makes me so mad. To say thank you and show your appreciation for something takes just a few moments of someone’s time and can really make a difference. It really annoys me when people don’t say please either, if you want someone to do something for you, surely the least you can do is say please.
Good manners and common courtesy cost nothing. 😉
When a person abuses his/her position above someone else.
Specifically: when a customer at a food franchise (not necessarily McDonalds’) abuses the staff, demanding things that are obviously outside their power to grant and then getting angry over not getting them. I see this at least once daily at my work, and it makes me very, very angry (probably more so because not only I can’t come down on the offenders like a ton of bricks but have to placate them after they’ve been abusive to my fellow, underpaid co-workers)
My daughter says ‘Hot Guys’ make her howl. lol 🙂 Leann leamei1981@yahoo.com
I’m another who hates rude people. What happened to common courtesy?
Lies!!! I feel at times that I have been lied to my whole life. The only lie I can go along with is little white ones so as not to hurt someones feelings. But if they really ask for my honest opinion, I will give it but nicely lol. Hurting others physically or mentally is the worst.
Cruelty to others, especially children and animals makes me want to howl.
I have to say the thing that makes me howl… Is someone not doing what they say the would do… Lately this has been my husband… I spent almost the whole summer up in WI helping my mom (recovering from surgery gone bad and cancer)out while my lazy brother did nothing and he lives with my parents(reason i had to help out). So getting home with just about 2 weeks before school starts you would think after helping my mom and having the two kids all summer… My husband would help with the kids and house… Nope he says he will help then doesn’t… It frustrates me to no end because my soon to be 9 year old doesn’t even help keep the 2 yearold happy and he is extreamly terrible 2 right now… I love my husband to death and my boys too but the last few weeks i want to just pop them upside the head and tell them to go do everything by themselves. I have daily lists that never get done because I trust that my husband will help with what he says he will do on his days off… Nope never gets done or if it does it is halfass… Talk about wanting to howl lately.
It makes me howl when people act like the rules don’t apply to them. Like at the hospital where it says to not use your cell phone, but people are talking away on their devices – what, just because it’s not your loved one hooked up to machines that may be affected by your cell phone use it doesn’t matter?
what gets me soo irked besides what all is mentioned ill tell you I hateee to be called a liar when the person in question clearly seen exactly what i said or did first hand. what also pisses me off beside sbook pirating is how people fele the need to taddle about my better half like he isnt agrown ass man able to make his own desisions relaly seriously if i had tor eally worry about the things ppl tell on him for id never of said yes to him its the whole sweep ur door step before you worry about mine mentality
I find it irritating to be talking to someone and they keep stopping to answer a text. If it is not a matter of life or death, I think it is rude. (There can be exceptions, you’re waiting on a transplant organ, a relative is in the hospital, etc.) It really annoys me.
ARrrrrggggghhhhh. When I tell my hubby we can’t afford that “whatever” and he buys it anyway. Ugh — no sense of financial responsibility. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Cruelty and rudeness both make me quote angry. Thanks for the giveaways and happy release day!!
When I’m grocery shopping and people are either talking on their phones and not paying attention to what their doing or stopping in the middle of the isle blocking the way. People can be so inconsiderate of others!
I get very angry when I read about people having babies and not taking care of the children they already have.
When small children are running around restaurants and their parents aren’t watching them
Rude people make me angry. I could howl when a person is rude or when I see someone treating someone bad.—Rachel
Hate to say it but my mother makes me want to howl more then anything. She knows just what buttons to push and how hard to press…and she’s my Mom so I can’t actually get mad her so I just steam quitely to myself, lol.
As a teacher nothing makes me more angry than parents who are in denial about their children! I hate when there are discipline issues but the parents swear the child never acts that way. UGH! As a parent, I’ll be the first to tell you all about my child and the things she can do!
What makes me angry… the loss of manners people seemed to have developed and do not teach their children.
Oh easy! My spouse and I don’t mean howl in a sexy way, lol.
my car breaking down, and being so freakin expensive to fix!
Teenagers arghhhhhhhhhhhh
People that can’t drive!!! Road Rage! lol!!
Hey Cynthia! 😀
I am truly alone and that suits me just fine.I don’t need anyone, never have and never will.Learn from your mistakes and change your future!
Realization of the truth makes me Howl which makes me glad I read a lot because they never leave me.
Rude people. Nobody has any manners anymore. I am in a wheelchair and was crossing the street and an old man cursed me out even though I had the walk sign. I was also called names by college students while waiting at the bus stop.
Anything or anyone who dares to hurt my kids, always brings out my inner beast.
Any time a child is mistreated makes me want to howl.
People who lie and don’t take responsibility for the things they’ve done.
Children and animals who are left unattended.
People who have children and don’t take care of them!Who are so selfish and are more concerened about themselves than their kids!
That’s easy my neighbors loud music with the Boom, boom, boom.
What makes me howl?
This may be petty, but I hate when someone calls me on the phone and they are obviously busy. E.G. Smacking on food or just holding the phone because they are watching tv drives me crazy.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
People who do little work but yet take full credit for it. Just bugs me.
Idiots, especially when they’re making decisions and policies that affect me (but not them usually). And, yes, I’m mostly talking about male politicians who feel they have the right to tell me what to do with my body. I almost did howl a couple of days ago when I heard about Aiken’s comment!
When someone in the family asks my advice on stuff they know I’m up on to do with financial and computer matters, then ignore and do instead what someone else tells them instead and is not the solution, then come back to me to fix up the mess. Aargh, why bother asking me if you don’t listen to begin with.
Various things make me howl…the people at an outdoor concert who spend the entire time talking over the music, my MIL who likes to make snide comments sometimes, the rude people I encounter daily…but fortunately, books allow me to regain my equanimity…unless they don’t give me the HEA I crave and then those make me howl as well, lol.
Hmmm….there has to be something. Other than PMSing, I really am a pretty happy go lucky person who tries not to let things get under my skin. But thanks for letting everyone else vent a little, sometimes you just need to =)
You know what? I think it’s good for us to all get a little venting time! Keep the vents coming! 😉
Clueless people at my job. I mean, I’m there to help them, but they have to want to help themselves and not expect me to do it all, and then they give me attitude on top of it? Not going to happen then.
Ppl who can’t seem to handle the most mundane of problems on their own and instead ask for help ALL THE TIME b/c they are lazy and just don;t want to deal with it.
Definately rude and ignorant people!!
I would have to say that bills and poor customer service definitely make me HOWL!!!! Oh wait, how about people on their cell phones who aren’t paying attention to where they are driving! I could go on, but I won’t. Congrats on you new release! I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Smelly people make me howl 🙁 Good hygience is so important.
Bad drivers but I am sure that everyone knows about it!
I think what makes me howl the most is people unkind to others. I always live by the motto to treat others how I would want to be treated.
A lack of manners! (especially at the table).
And the inability to spell/use proper grammar… if I’m foreign and I can use there/their/they’re (and its ilk) appropriately every time, so can you!
Rude people, and those without manners.
It makes me howl when everyone and their brother tries to tell you that they heard somewhere that your child’s disability was made up by drug companies and therefore they don’t need their medicine. Yet, without their meds, my children would not be able to function everyday of their lives and be successful. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!